Find Freedom from Binge Eating God's Way

Cheryl - green leather jacket

Cheryl Nolan "I used to feel like a prisoner to binge eating. But Kim's online course helped me identify my triggers, manage my emotions, and finally break free. Now, I enjoy food and feel confident in my body." 


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'How to Stop Binge Eating' Online Course, Lifetime Access - $37

Are you ready to break free from binge eating today? Don't wait. Take the first step towards lasting freedom. Gain the knowledge and support you need to maintain your healing for an abundant life.


Break Free from Binge Eating, Detox from Sugar, and Find Peace in your Body and Soul

Are binge eating and sugar addiction stealing your joy and peace? You are not alone. Millions struggle with this battle, as I once did.

As a child of God, I knew He loved me and wanted more for me than the pain of shame and guilt from binge eating. 

I felt hopeless, like a prisoner to my emotions and cravings. I felt like I was destroying myself with a knife and a fork.

But over 20 years ago, the Lord revealed the truth behind binge eating to me. He showed me how to regain my peace and self-control with food. I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to a size 8.

Imagine how your life would change with these benefits:

  • Silence the negative voices that trigger binges and discover the peace God desires for you.
  • Manage stress, anxiety, and depression with proven tools, so you don't turn to food for comfort.
  • Identify and replace your trigger foods with nourishing choices that fuel your body and spirit.
  • Break the cycle of binge eating and develop a healthy, God-honoring relationship with food.

Join me, Kim Taylor, on this transformative journey of getting free from binge eating God's way! 

About Kimberly Taylor

  • As a former 240-pound binge eater, I understand your pain and the power of God's healing.
  • Featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine, and CBN's 'The 700 Club,' my methods have helped countless others find freedom.
  • Let's walk this healing journey together, based on experience from believers who understand the  struggle.

Introducing...The 'How to Stop Binge Eating' Online Course

Are you ready to break free from binge eating today? Don't wait; take the first step towards lasting freedom. Gain the knowledge and support you need to maintain your healing for an abundant life.

Star Ratings 5 Stars

Andrea Edgehill

"Kim's online course is a lifesaver..."

"..."Kim's online course helped me examine my thinking and behaviors without condemning myself, learn healthy coping skills, and finally find peace with God, food, and myself.""

How this Online Course will Help You Break Free of Binge Eating


Module 1: Preparing to Change

  • Discover your unique journey through inspiring stories and self-reflection exercises.
  • Learn about the 5 stages of change and identify where you stand in your transformation.

Module 2: Awareness

  • Uncover the emotional states and sugar cravings that trigger your binges and learn to recognize them before they take hold. Explore the link between sugar addiction and emotional eating to gain deeper insights into your habits.
  • Master the difference between physical and emotional hunger, so you choose food wisely.
  • Track your patterns and identify the foods that tempt you most, giving you the power to make informed choices.

Module 3: Action

  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety, anger, and boredom, replacing emotional eating and sugar cravings with God's peace. Learn how to manage sugar withdrawal symptoms and detox your body from sugar's grip.
  • Learn powerful techniques to manage physical and mental tension, creating a calm and grounded space within.
  • Begin to heal from deeper emotional wounds that may be fueling your binges, experience true forgiveness, and move forward in your purpose.

Module 4: Life Beyond Binge Eating

  • Celebrate your progress and learn to embrace small steps as stepping stones to lasting change.
  • Create a balanced life that nourishes your spirit, body, and relationships, fulfilling your potential in God's grace.

Plus, enjoy valuable bonuses!


Get started and receive these unique bonuses within the course

  • Stress assessments and emotion flowcharts to gain deeper self-awareness and personalize your approach to managing emotional triggers.
  • Inspiring scripture verses and prayers to find strength and guidance throughout your journey with faith-based wisdom.
  • Lifetime access to revisit the course and resources anytime, ensuring continued support and growth.

My Personal Note 

I believe that God led you here for a reason. You can end the anguish of binge eating and step into the new life He desires for you. Let's walk this healing journey together, one prayer, one bite, one victory at a time.

Don't wait another day. Claim your freedom from binge eating and discover the joy of food as God intended.

Remember, you're not alone. Get support and encouragement from someone who understands the struggle and ready to assist on your journey to wholeness.

Get started and get free of binge eating - starting today.


  • Return to the course to review as often as you like at your comfort and convenience
  • Get concise, impactful video lessons that deliver the core strategies for overcoming binge eating
  • Access additional materials like stress assessments, scripture verses, and prayers to deepen your understanding and personalize your journey
  • Learn from anywhere, anytime. Watch videos on your phone, tablet, or TV for maximum flexibility
  • Track your progress and celebrate your achievement with a personalized certificate upon completion
Star Ratings 5 Stars

Karen Quinn

"This is an excellent well delivered and presented course which will provide the tools for anyone wishing to defeat binge eating. There is an excellent mix of video and written content with several extra materials for students that enhance the course. Kimberly provides excellent support and encouragement throughout, her enthusiasm and knowledge provides a strong motivator to complete the course. The course is about the right length and is an excellent value for the money."

'How to Stop Binge Eating' Online Course, Lifetime Access

Are you ready to break free from binge eating today? Don't wait; take the first step towards lasting freedom. Gain the knowledge and support you need to maintain healing for an abundant life.

