Heal Emotional Eating for a Healthy Weight

Many believers in Jesus try to lose excess weight with diets. However, the pounds often come back. Why? Because diets can never overcome using food to escape negative emotions or a painful past. But God can! 

"Take Back Your Temple (TBYT)" is a weight loss community, founded on overcoming emotional eating and restoring our bodies as God's temple from the inside out.

prayers for losing weight

"No longer am I fighting myself and addiction to food..."

I want to thank you for your Take Back Your Temple membership.  It has turned my attitude around.  No longer am I fighting myself and my addiction to food.  I have asked God to take back his temple and rid me of poor eating habits.  This is not a gimmick; it is founded in respecting our bodies as God's temple."

Diana W.  

remonia ellis weight loss prayers

"I wish I could shout to the mountaintop about Take Back Your Temple."

People in the body of Christ need to know about this community because it has been a blessing to me... just to hear my doctor say, "Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it."
I mean, to see my A1C, it was coming down anyway, because I was trying. But to see it come down from 7.9 to 6.3 and at one point, it was an 11...
the doctor gave me a high five!

I'd never seen my doctor so excited as he looked at my blood work. He said to me, "What are you doing?"

I said, "I'm involved with this Christian-based weight loss program,
Take Back Your Temple and being transformed and changed." My doctor and staff were like, "We can see it!"

Remonia E.

Prayers for Losing Weight Articles

prayers for losing weight

Supernatural Weight Loss Prayer

Is there a prayer that will help you lose weight without you having to change anything with your eating or exercise? Here was my answer to one reader.

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prayers for losing weight

Body Restoration Prayer

To change your life, you must change the way you look at things. The word of the Lord that is coming to me now is “Restoration.” The following is a prayer for restoration I wrote for you.

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Prayer for Weight Loss

Prayer for Weight Loss: Combat Discouraging Thoughts

If you are struggling with sabotaging beliefs that oppose weight loss, you are not alone. Here is a weight loss prayer to help.

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How do I ask God to help me lose weight?

Because God's way to change is inside-out, here is a sample weight loss prayer that focuses the heart and mind:

"Oh, Lord! I rejoice that your Word is forever settled in Heaven. I need your Word to settle my heart and mind so that I persevere on my weight loss journey until the end. I present my body to You as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, and pleasing to you. Cleanse, restore, and revive me on this journey according to your Word. 

Let your will be done on this Earth, in this Earthen vessel, so that the excellence of your Power may be of you and not of me. Be glorified as I undertake this challenge. I want the thoughts that I think and the words that I speak to agree with what You said. And because it is your Word, it will not return to You Void, but it will prosper in the thing for which You sent it. I praise You for the changes in my mind and body to come. In Jesus' name, Amen."
