I love water wheels! In ancient times, water wheels were built for useful work, like

Your Health as a Water Wheel

Self-control with eating is hard sometimes, isn’t it? Not only must you handle outward circumstances,

1 Tip to Make Life Easier

Our grocery stores are filled with deceptive foods – processed foods that appear nourishing to

5 Ways to Recognize a Deceptive Food (Bible Warning)

Have you ever feared replacing a particular food in your eating? The resistance is likely

Exposed: Emotional Attachment to Food

Do you know what Sodom’s sins were? You probably just thought about a particular sexual

Confronting the Spirit of Gluttony (Prayer)

Once I was driving home after a long day at a Ministry Leadership conference. Although I’d

Sugar: an Emotional Pain Killer?

I read a sobering article a few weeks ago that stated gluttony, or habitual excess

Freedom From the Spirit of Gluttony

The Esau in the Bible story in Genesis 25:29-34 is another great warning about how not to

Esau’s Sobering Belief (Esau in the Bible Warning)

Many people wonder, “Why do I have no self-control with food?” However, for believers in

Eating Self Control God’s Way

The Eve Bible story in Genesis 3:1-13 is a great warning about how not to

What Eve Believed (Eve Bible Story Warning)