The Esau in the Bible story in Genesis 25:29-34 is another great warning about how not to

Esau’s Sobering Belief (Esau in the Bible Warning)

Many people wonder, “Why do I have no self-control with food?” However, for believers in

Eating Self Control God’s Way

The Eve Bible story in Genesis 3:1-13 is a great warning about how not to

What Eve Believed (Eve Bible Story Warning)

A TBYT reader wrote me once about how her mind just goes blank when she

Supernatural Danger of Binge Eating ( Binge Eating Help )

Have you ever felt sick as a dog? I woke up a few years ago

The Sweetest Poison

Recently, I was reading a nutritional article when I came across this photo of a

Trashing God’s Property?

“How we see ourselves determines how we treat ourselves.” – Kimberly Taylor One practice Overeaters

My Problem with Overeaters Anonymous