What if there were a hidden health villain stalking your family? This silent enemy could

Is Your Family on the Insulin Resistance Hit List?

Stress eating is a challenge that many people face, like I once did. So you

How to Stop Stress Eating God’s Way (5 Steps)

Have you ever driven to work – and then arrived with no memory of the

How to Interrupt Overeating ( Stop Overeating )

What is the difference between the Kingdom of God mindset versus the addiction mindset? This

The Kingdom of God vs The Addiction Mindset

I woke up one morning with a weird word on my mind: “barometer.” Although I’ve

How to Overcome Emotional Storms

I studied the story of the woman with the Alabaster box recently (Luke 7:36-50) and

How Faith Saves You

When you feel stressed or anxious, have you ever paid attention to where those emotions

Escaping the ”Bermuda Triangle of Stress”