Hi TBYT Member

As you may already know, we DO NOT receive recurring paid monthly membership dues and rely on donations and new memberships to offset the monthly expenses to maintain the Take Back Your Temple Ministry.

With that being said, if you know someone (family and/or friends) who you think would benefit from the TBYT program, we would encourage you to invite them to join.  If they should join, we will pay you 15% of the program type they join (“One Month Only” or “Lifetime”).

HOWEVER! You must have a PayPal account for us to pay your commissions, which are paid 30 days after the new member has joined.

You may create an affiliate account at these addresses:

For promotion of our Lifetime Program

For promotion of our One-Month Program

You may also elect to donate “ONE-TIME” or on a Monthly basis for as little as $4.25.

You may make a donation using this link.

Meanwhile, it is our endeavor to continue to bring healthy content to the program both spiritually, physically and mentally as inspired by God in the name of Jesus.

Thank you family for what you bring to the program.

To God Be The Glory!

Mike Taylor
Virtual Assistant
Membership Coordinator

