Mindset eBooks & Audio Downloads

Click to download your eBooks to your device:

[mpdl-file-link file_id=50185]
[mpdl-file-link file_id=50192]
[mpdl-file-link file_id=50225]

Optional: Download the audio to your device to listen:

[mpdl-file-link file_id=50230]
[mpdl-file-link file_id=50229]
[mpdl-file-link file_id=50228]

Note: If you are attempting to listen to the audio on an iPhone or iPad with iOs 6 or greater, Apple has a known issue with playing MP3 audio files. In those cases, you will need to listen on another device or computer. Here is an article about the issue.

Questions ? Please contact me at kimt@takebackyourtemple.ue1.rapydapps.cloud. Thanks again for joining!

Take Back Your Temple, LLC

PO Box 1011
Fairburn, GA 30213
