Do you know how sometimes you will read or hear about a scripture dozens of times, but one day see things that you never saw before?
That happened to me last night.
Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89)
The word that made my heart sing was “settled.” Settled. Settled. Settled.
- That means that God’s word is not doubted in Heaven.
- No dispute exists about God’s word in Heaven.
- No wavering occurs in God’s word in Heaven.
- That is the end of it in Heaven.
- God said it. Because He said it, His word is always believed in Heaven.
Doesn’t that make you shout?
The reason it makes me want to shout is because whenever I start to doubt God’s Word on this Earth, then I can lift up my thoughts to Heaven.
I want my thoughts to agree with Heaven. I can meditate on the fact that it is already settled there. The word is steady, secure, and immovable there.
In Matthew 6:10, Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”
So if you want to live by God’s will, you must live by God’s Word as it is in Heaven. Praise Him for giving us His written Word to live by – the Bible!
For those of you who are participating in the free 40-day challenge for deliverance from negative thinking I issued forth yesterday, you may start to doubt that God’s word will come to pass. You may even be tempted to quit sometime as the 40 days pass.
However, pray this prayer for strength to finish all 40 days:
 “Oh, Lord! I rejoice that your Word is already settled in Heaven. I need your help to settle my heart according to your Word. I need your Word to settle my mind so that I endure to the end. Help me to stay faithful each of the 40 days.
I present my body to You as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, and pleasing to you. Cleanse me, restore me, revive me according to your Word.
I repent of believing my own vain imaginations and other peoples’ opinions above your Word. Let your will be done on this Earth, in this earthen vessel, as it is in Heaven. I desire that the excellence of your Power may be of you and not of me. Thank you, Lord.
Be glorified as I undertake this challenge. I want the thoughts that I think and the words that I speak to agree with what You have said. And because it is your Word, it will not return to You Void, but it will prosper in the thing for which You sent it. I praise You for the change of heart and mind that Your Word will bring about over the next 40 days. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Expect a radical change in your thinking to occur after the challenge is complete – and stay in prayer.Â
Click the link for details about the free 40-day challenge below on the all new website:
Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Take Back Your Temple
Did I miss the 40 day challenge? When I click on the link, only 1 page is shown and it does not have each day mapped out for 40 days. It only talks about what negative thoughts does (day 1 possibly?) If I could be emailed access to the full 40 day challenge so I can take it, I would much appreciate it. And I am thankful for this post too. God bless you Kim!
Hi Alexis – Yes, the 40 day challenge was completed. Participants were self-accountable for completing it. So it is still a challenge you could perform on your own. God bless you!