When I started this weight-loss journey, I had no idea how much energy I would have. The thought of exercising before I lost the weight wasn’t even on my radar. But the extra energy came after I had shed the pounds. It was a natural progression to start doing something active. I started out by just walking a lot. And then adding on a little jogging, and then pushing myself to run 1 mile as fast as I could here and there.
Something broke off of me that day,… I don’t know, but it changed me. It was glorious.
- Leah Carolan

“Kim, you and I have corresponded by email previously before I taught your study at my church. I want to thank you for such an awesome study and for your obedience. The only gentleman in my class (see photo) had a Hgb A1C of 11.5 and was insulin dependent when we began the study. His most recent A1C is 6.5 and no longer requires insulin!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!!
There are many other success stories I could share from this study. The only complaint we have is it didn’t last long enough and we are sad there isn’t another study after this one!!!!!! I also wanted to thank you for the email and prayer on Restoration of the body. I NEEDED that this morning.

Since my husband and my journey began in October last year, I have lost a total of 42 pounds and only 13 away from my goal weight. We are the healthiest we have ever been during our 33 year marriage.

Our church is doing very well and we had two adults accept The Lord and receive salvation last Sunday. Please pray for me and my husband. Again thank you so much for your ministry!!!!!!!!!
PS. I saw where you were an RN. I too work in the medical field. I’m a Nurse Practitioner and work in Oncology!!!!!!!By the way, where can we get T-shirts with your logo like the one you are wearing???????
- God Bless, Yvette S.
King, NC
“I bless God for leading me here and for the shed pounds along the way. I’m proud to say that I am down 49 lbs…My visit with my doctor in October of 2015 proved that diabetes can be reversed. She said, ‘Your A1C was excellent. You are NO LONGER DIABETIC, I will have to see you every six months only.’ That was music to my ears.”

- Frankie Crowley

Take Back Your Temple has helped change my life forever.
In the course of a year, I have lost 30 plus pounds and though I still have a ways to go to get to my goal weight, I feel empowered, peaceful, determined, and I have absolute faith that I will get there.
I thank God every day for Kimberly Taylor and the fantastic, awesome encouragement and support that I receive on a daily basis from the Take Back Your Temple Community.
- Christine McGruder
I wanted to let you know that your ministry has been a HUGE blessing to me! I thank God for you and your inspiring journey!
Your ministry became my way of actively putting God into my journey. It was the ONLY way I could think to align my mind, body, and spirit and bring them all into harmony, balance and into submission to God.

I told God that if this was His will for me, I concluded that since He knit me together in my mother’s womb, then I had faith that He would increase my metabolism, increase my strength, increase the efficiency of my body’s atoms, cells, and organs, decrease my appetite, increase my faith and belief, and keep me focused on my goals. I told him that I would give him the glory during my journey and ultimately, when I stepped on stage after losing 36 pounds, that’s what I did!
I’m currently training for my next show. I recently had to have a hysterectomy, so I’ve had to reset. I know now that God is faithful in weight loss and He is with me on this journey and I cling to his promises! I know that He WANTS to be in the mix of ALL of our plans…and with the right heart, they will succeed in Him!
Stepping on stage in a bikini isn’t about being ON display, it’s about being A display of what God can do and will do!
- Jamila W.
Kim, since I first ” accidentally” ran across TBYT the end of December 2014, I felt like you were my best friend (silly to say, I know but sometimes God just places people in your path to whom you ” knit hearts with”. I appreciate your ministry and how you are affecting so many lives for the kingdom of God. You love people with a God kind of love and people recieve that…just where they are spiritually. Love changes us. Love opens our eyes, love NEVER FAILS as 1 Corinthians 13 tells us. If we would read that today and apply it to our lives good things will happen…from the inside out!
I recently began to pray for a Baptism of Love and while spending time in prayer I saw two candles one tall thin one and one short chubby one. I said” lord, I want to burn brightly the rest of my life ( I saw myself as the tall thin candle) then I was picked up by my wick by The Father then He dipped me in His liquid love, and suddenly I began to cry out ” dip me again Father, dip me again! Over and over the layers of liquid love attached to my candle making me a nice fat candle able to burn brightly and not burn out.
All this to say that the TBYT program has encouraged me to be more diligent in reading / studying my bible and prayer time with The Father. And yes, a few months ago I weighed 219 lbs. Today I weighed 191.5 lbs. My food choices are better. I recently went to Mexico on a mini mission trip and we walked door to door evangelism in very primitive conditions and I felt strong, I’m 66! I have a new love for my hour a day on the Elliptical machine, every day and That is supernatural! I have never done anything even close to that, ever and I love it, wow God is good! My goal in s still another 50 pounds or so but I’m not worried about that as I grow larger Spiritually I’m growing smaller physically! It is no stress, honestly it is just ” happening” my love and appreciation to you and mike, may God continually bless the efforts you both put forth.
- Heart hugs, Sherry
As always Kim, you are right on the money with your advice. I had a candy bar last week for the first time in 4 months. Pretty great for me.
We were on vacation and I ate bad, I thought, but the extra activity helped. I am back home and had lost weight. I am the smallest in probably 25 years. I do overeat at times but it is not the pattern of my life now.
As of today , I have lost 19 lbs…I would love to thank you in person, but this is the next best thing, God bless you and keep up the God Work.
Your sister in Christ,
- Sue E., Virginia
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks so much for your awesome encouragement! I have been doing the right thing as of lately and my body is losing fat. I have totally changed my lifestyle eating habits, and for the first time ever even bought organic chicken breasts and made meals for myself to freeze so I will have all ready.
God has worked with and in me for many years and I always fell back in the trap of self-abuse with overeating for every excuse, but NO MORE. This time is different as God has helped me from within. My body has 125 lbs. of fat to release and it will happen in Jesus name as day by day I am making right choices now. so far, my body has lost 28lbs. with daily re-dedication and not eating when not hungry.
I feel God’s peace again and more joy and spiritually lighter as I have repented much.
Thank you and God Bless you over and above all that you can ask or think of for all the encouragement God is giving you to share.
- Helena R.
- London, Ontario
Thank you so very much! Just a note to let you know that the Lord delivered me from gluttony on May 12th. I had gone to the search engine on my internet and typed in “Christian help for the glutton” and found your website. After reading your story and the Scriptures and affirmations contained in your eBook, I broke down in tears. The Lord heard me and I haven’t been the same since. Thanks to your obedience to put what you learned out on the net for others to read, I am no longer in chains to an unruly appetite:) I’m down 9 pounds and have a ways to go but I KNOW i’ll get there this time and stay there. Great is our God!!!
A big ((((HUG)))) to you for your help in finding the narrow path. Your E-Book was a beacon lighting my way:)
In Him,
- Jane Hauck
I was reading my daily devotional online and I saw the words “Take Back Your Temple.” I immediately became interested because I am always looking for ways to improve the treasure that the Lord has given me. I reviewed the site and became captivated by the biblical approach to self improvement and weight loss.
After purchasing the curriculum, I began the 90 Day challenge. By day three, I began to be very sensitive about “my Temple” and I was repentant for the way that I had mistreated it. No, I have never drunk alcohol or smoked, but I had denied my Temple the rest it needed after laboring in kingdom pursuits. I had also disregarded the signals that it sent to let me know that, physically, I was out of balance. Consequently, I had more than weight loss to attend to. You see, when the “Temple” has been neglected we operate at half of our capacity.
To address this second issue, I had to slow down and give much attention to my body. Once I began to get the proper rest and nutrition, I was able to effectively achieve assignments for the Kingdom of God.

It was evident, to my co-workers that I was losing weight, but they could not understand what they called my “Spiritual Glow.” I was finally in touch with my spirit man. My weight loss was slow but steady. The pace at which I lost weight reminded me that not every assignment in life needed to be completed in an instant. In 90 days I developed more patience in dealing with others and myself. The 90 Day Challenge enabled me to put many important things into perspective.
Do not be surprised if while you shed pounds you develop the ability to take a better introspective look at yourself. I want you to know that I did not reach my weight goal, in exactly 90 days but I did not become despondent. I held on and in ten days I experienced total success. I have become a better equipped vessel for the Lord.
I am Judith E. Smith and I will celebrate my 61st birthday soon. I am a Prison Chaplain at a medium security private prison. Some days being the Shepherd for 2,500 male inmates is challenging but I no longer rely on food to get me through the rough times. My Temple is fortified and I gain the strength that I need from the Lord.
- Judith Smith
I have lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for over 1 year with Take Back Your Temple. My mother suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease. Watching her battle these illnesses was a wake-up call. I knew I needed to make a change because I didn’t want to go through that. Also, two of my brothers have diabetes and another is borderline diabetic. I didn’t want to follow that path and when a friend told me about Take Back Your Temple weight loss, I jumped on it. When I saw Kim’s ‘Before’ picture, I said to myself “If she can do it, I can do it.” And I have!
- Laverne H.
Thanks so much for agreeing to coach me and assist me in getting jump started on healthy weight loss. You and your book are FANTASTIC. I am doing well in regards to my health. I’m almost at the 30 pound weight loss mark and I’m feeling GREAT!!
- Donna Warfield
Dear Kim,
Thank you for all of your help. A few months ago, my life was a mess. I felt as if there was no end to the tangled web that I wove for myself. I was being pulled in all directions and my health was paying the price of me over extending myself.
With your guidance, goal settings, and life coaching skills, I was able to take back control of my life. I literally felt like I pulled one foot out of my grave and took 100 steps toward my future. Words can’t express how thankful I am. I will continue to practice the skills that you have instilled in me. I will definitely recommend your services to other people.
Keep up the good work and thank you for reminding me that I am important too and I deserve to give myself just as much attention as I give others.
- Sondra