Having once suffered from sugar addiction, I now think of sugar as like an allergy; if I eat a lot of it, it causes negative effects in me, which I do not like.
It makes me irritable, low in energy, and brain-fogged.
Because I choose to go through life energetic, mentally sharp, and emotionally balanced, I do not bring sugary foods home anymore.
What's scary about sugar is that manufacturers put it in just about all processed foods in one form or another.
Check out the labels of some of the items in your cabinet. You would be shocked!
For me, my limit is nothing above 10 grams of sugar per serving.
When you look at these brain scans of people below, you see the clear effects of addiction.
Certain parts of your brain get dampened or turned off in addiction: "Little" parts of your brain like your ability to reason, exercise self-control, and your ability to experience joy and real pleasures.
That is not what the Lord wants for you. He wants you operating with all parts of your brain functioning the way He designed originally.
Two scriptures tell the story of God's will for me in this area:
1 Corinthians 6:12:
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any."
To me, this means I can eat anything, but I shouldn't eat everything.
Once I discern that a food is not helpful to me, I should seek the Lord's wisdom and strength get that food out of my life so that I can take my brain back.
The second scripture is 1 Peter 5:8:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
If I am brain fogged, confused, and listless then how can I be alert to the enemy's schemes?
When you are in a war, you need all of your brain faculties to plan and execute your strategy to overcome the enemy.
Otherwise, you are an easy target for him.
He may start out exploiting your food weakness but once he gets that foothold, he may target your family or finances next!
This can happen when your mind is not alert enough to practice the Spiritual warfare necessary to protect all that is dear to you.
I know some people may say, "Kim, you are exaggerating this. One little bite won't hurt."
I counter that with, "Yes, it will hurt if it leads you into an addictive cycle that will keep you in bondage to sugar addiction and obesity for 30 years!"
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made (Genesis 3:1)."
The word "cunning" means, "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion."
That sounds like a being who can think, plan, or create strategies, doesn't it?
No wonder the enemy wants Christians to lose their ability to think!
That makes you more vulnerable to his lies.
Easy prey.
Oh and by the way, that belief that you will always be in bondage to sugar addiction and you'll never get free? Another of the enemy's lies!
How long will you believe the lie above God's truth?
Jesus came to set the captives free.
So to me, the choice is simple: It's your sugar or your brain.
Choose wisely!