Fear of failure is the biggest fear people have when it comes to change. The root of fear entangles them.
Many think, "What if it doesn't work?"
When your decisions are rooted in fear, fear keeps you stuck where you are.
The key to overcoming fear is to recognize what feeds its roots.
Just like a weed, you can't just break it off at the surface to eliminate it; you must pull it up by the roots!
In the following article, we will cover the following topics:
- What is the Spiritual Root of Fear?
- Fear Redefined
- Controlling your Imagination
- 2 Steps to Pull up Fear's Root
What is the Spiritual Root of Fear?
Many years ago, I faced a situation that exposed fears' roots in my life.
The Spiritual root of fear is rooted in the fear of death according to Hebrews 2:14-15. Jesus came to "...release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."
The following is an example I experienced and how I overcame fear. If you grab hold of this 1 principle and practice it, it could change your life too.
One Saturday many years ago, I decided to drive to the other side of town to check out a new health food store. When I started my journey, the sky was blue with only a few clouds in the sky.
But as I drove along, the sky became darker and darker. The wind picked up. I soon drove right into a thunderstorm.
The rain was coming down so hard that I couldn't see anything. I tried to look for a place to pull off of the road, but cars on both sides of me locked me into my lane.
Then it began to hail, quarter-sized pieces falling from the sky. The noise was deafening as it beat against the windshield.
Horrific images saturated my mind.
I imagined a piece of hail shattering the glass. I saw the window breaking with glass pieces cutting me to shreds. Then I saw my car skidding into one of the other cars, causing a massive wreck with many fatalities - including myself.
After what seemed like forever, I came to a stoplight. I sat there for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. It hurt to breathe. The light turned green. I turned the corner left and...
I drove right out of the storm.
It was not raining around that corner. There was no hail, no wind. It was dry and although there were a few clouds, the sun was shining!
It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.
I looked back over my shoulder to the place I had been. The storm was still raging back there and cars were still stuck in it.
There was probably someone like me in that storm, scared out of her mind, with similar horrific imaginations tormenting her.
As I continued on to my destination, I thought "I wish I could give her peace. Her change is coming up. It is just around the corner."
What can you do to conquer fear when you are in the midst of it?
You've probably never heard this definition of fear before, but if you grab hold of it, it can change your life.
Fear Redefined
This definition comes from Dax Moy, a personal trainer and author. He defines F.E.A.R. as this:
Forever Expecting Awful Results
The operative word here is "expecting."
I was imagining disaster and death in the midst of my storm. This is what usually happens when a person faces the unknown.
Because they don't know what is going to happen, they make up some stinking story to keep themselves stuck. Somehow, they think doing so will keep them safe.
They secretly think "I might be miserable where I am, but at least that is misery I know! I am comfortable here."
So they keep expecting awful results, pain, deprivation, death, rejection, whatever it takes to keep themselves rooted where they are.
Here is what the Bible says about fear in 1 John 4:18:
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
In this scripture, you learn about fear's enemy as well as its friend.
Fear's enemy is love. Fear and love cannot abide one another. They cannot even stand to be in the same room!
On the other hand, fear and torment are best friends. Torment always goes where fear goes.
Torment means "severe mental or physical suffering." Our expectations manifest through our imagination first.
When you fail to control your imagination through expecting the worst, then you choose to put yourself through mental suffering!
But the Bible tells us what we ought to do regarding our imagination.
Controlling your Imagination
Here is how the Lord says we should control our imaginination.
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5);"
I believe God gave us our imaginations to affirm our faith in Him. He wants us to know Him intimately.
For that reason, when your imagination creates mental pictures that are contrary to what God's word says, we do not let that picture stand. We replace that picture with one of faith.
I love how author David Ireland defines F.A.I.T.H:
Full Assurance in the Heart
While fear usually has us looking at our past, at ourselves, or at our circumstances, faith has us looking to our future, to God, and to His promises.
Faith in God usually means moving forward!
What does this mean for us in conquering fear? Let's find out.
2 Steps to Pull up Fear's Roots
Here are 2 simple steps to pull up fear's roots:
1. Allow God's promises to capture your imagination. If you are holding on to a promise from God, then you know something good will happen in the end, even if you have to endure some rain, wind, and hail on the way to getting there!
I could have imagined myself coming out of the storm under clear skies, even as the storm raged around me. Me coming out of the storm was the truth; the destruction and death in my imagination was the lie.
Here are some scriptures that would have brought me peace:
What is the Spiritual Root of Fear? | |
Scripture Reference | Scripture Text |
Isaiah 41:10 | "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand" |
Jeremiah 33:6 | "Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth" |
Wouldn't you have greater peace if you used your imagination for the purpose for which it was designed?
2. Use God's love to cast out fear. I often use this short prayer when I am afraid: "Lord, perfect me in Your love." I love Jehoshaphat's prayer in 2 Chronicles 20:12 too because it helps me humble myself so that I know where my Help comes from:
For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”
Don't think that fear won't try to come at you again! It will keep trying to control you, but with the above steps you can keep that from happening. Be patient as you train your mind to think differently.
Today, I hope you decide to pull up the fear root in your life. Some roots grow deep and are hard to pull up.
But with the Lord on your side, you know its only a matter of time before you succeed. So give the process the time it needs to finish.
The only way you fail is to stop pulling. It's okay to rest for a moment to catch your breath, but do not quit. Ever. Your future is worth it.
Know where your power comes from and trust that God will get you to your destination in due season!