Oh Heavenly Father you are truly great! Please forgive us of our sins and help us to no longer sin against you. You are magnificent in our eyes!  Even now O’ Lord as we face our opposition, we know that you face them with us and before us. See now Lord, how we will not waiver in the face of what we don’t understand.  However, we do understand that you are still in control of all matter and all things true. We must admit before your glorious nature that we don’t understand what is befalling us at times and it is a bit painful that we don’t see any relief even though we know of a surety that relief is here; help us to endure dear Father. If I could ease the pain of my brothers and sisters, I would but I can’t.  I can ask you to ease their pain and I do but then you already know the pain each of us experience and you also know of our desire to be released of it. The enemy has and is attacking hard on all fronts as you know.  Please guide us as to what we should do O’ Lord.  We do this and realize we should have done that.  We do that and realize we should have done this.  We have come to realize that we just don’t know what to do Father; won’t you help us? My mortal and ignorantly finite mind has asked that question but my spirit man truly knows that all things before us are working toward our good to help and strengthen us to persevere. I’ve looked at the word persevere and separated it to per severe and discover that one of the meaning to the word “per” is –thoroughly- while “severe” meant -much or extreme discomfort-.  According to that description Father, We will persevere as we may go through extreme discomfort but it will certainly be no more than what You have gone through for each one of us. Help us to endure Father and strengthen our family spiritually so that they will become a help and not a hindrance to us who long to please you in every way of our lives. Open up our family understanding completely that they might be an aid to us in this present world. Strengthen the men completely so that we might continue to assume the proper role of the head of our household. Strengthen the  shoulders of your men so that we will be able to bear the burden and load that we and our family must carry for Your sake; not our sake but for Your sake. We remember how our children cried when the doctor puncture their skin with the needle of vaccination.  We remember how the tears flooded the eye wells and poured down their face.  We remember how their small eyes became big eyes of anxiety as they looked up at us for protection that they felt they were in need of and how they had a look of despair as if to say “I don’t understand why You are letting this strange person hurt me this way!” Nonetheless, we knew what was needed for our little children as painful as it was and we also knew that the pain would soon go away after it accomplished what it was meant to do. The vaccination was preventive medicine.  If what we and our family are experiencing is a type of vaccination to prevent some spiritual disease or infection that is trying to destroy what you have planned for us (family included) then so be it for we trust You O’ Lord and You alone. So even now Father we are comforted in knowing that because we know that You care for us in a much greater way than any mortal parent can; and for that we thank you and honor You.  It is indeed our distinct pleasure to honor You this day and every day. Meanwhile, we will continue to sing praises unto You.  Our voice may crack and the melody may be off key due to the soreness of the spiritual vaccination but know this for sure dear Father, that our song and praise is sincere now and forever. Amen _____
About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.