The Eve Bible story in Genesis 3:1-13 is a great warning about how not to respond to eating temptations.
Since having a strong appetite for food is my natural tendency, I’ve discovered that I need supernatural help for self-control.
Before, I tried to control myself through my natural willpower. But there was only one problem:
My natural self did not want to do the right thing!
As soon as I saw a food I desired, resistance was futile.
I ate it.
The desire to eat the wrong thing was birthed in Eve, the first woman ever created.
In spite of God's direction to Adam not to eat of a single tree, she tempted him to disobey God's instruction:
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. (Genesis 3:1-6)."
Let's examine Eve’s descent so we can learn from what happened to her.
1. Consider Carefully
In Proverbs 23:1-3, the scripture tells you that it is wise to 'Consider carefully what is before you' when it comes to food.
Even though Eve considered carefully, she did not need to consider that particular tree for food at all!
God has already told Adam not to eat from it. Why did Eve even consider it?
To do so would cause her to be a stumbling block to Adam - the very one God created her to help.
With a clear focus on helping her husband, she should have just focused on the other trees they could eat from freely.
In our case, we are advised:
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any (1 Corinthians 6:12)."
So it is clear that while we can eat anything, we shouldn't eat everything.
These scriptures tell me that in my careful consideration of food, I should consider whether the food I intend to eat is:
- Helpful to me
- Would not hurt me nor hijack my brain
- Whether that food would improve my body or health in some way
We human beings tend to take the path of least resistance (do what is easiest and convenient).
With this truth in mind, it is wise to keep the foods that are helpful to us, close to us.
In that way, we make it easy and convenient for us to do the right thing.
On the flip side, it is wise to keep the foods that are harmful to us, far away from us!
In that way, we structure our environment to support us, rather than hinder us.
2. Beware of Lies
Eve concluded that the tree was good for food, even though God said that it was not.
That shows she did not believe God. Adam must have told her God said that they would die if they ate from it.
Imagine that! Eve was willing to risk death to eat from that tree.
Eve clearly had a strong appetite if food could tempt her in that way.
And it wasn't just mere hunger either.
Eve had many trees she could eat from at any time to satisfy her hunger.
Instead, Eve had a fatal attraction; she fixated on the one tree God kept from her - all because He did not want her to die.
God knew that disobedience would usher sin into the world. The wages of sin is death.
God wanted to do Eve and Adam good and keep them safe from harm.
Unfortunately, Eve chose the path of disobedience.
Since she couldn't remove the tree, then she should have removed herself!
But Eve decided that the tree could give her what she wanted, which was wisdom.
What has always puzzled me is this: If Eve wanted wisdom, why didn't she just ask God for it?
God is the Source of all wisdom. She had free access to Him.
James 1:5 says,
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
I am confident that if Eve had gone to God to ask Him for wisdom, He would have given it to her freely.
I am also sure that He would have answered if she had asked Him: "What is evil?" Because up until that point, Eve had only known good.
But instead Eve “leaned on her own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).”
Her actions showed that she did not trust the Lord. You may wonder why.
I am thinking it is because she did not know Him. She was in His presence, yes, but she couldn't have known His character nor His ways.
3. Heed the Right Voice
Why would Eve obey a stranger’s voice (the serpent) above a loving, all-wise God?
Let's say my husband had asked me to do something, but a stranger came along and told me that my husband lied to me.
Instead, according to the stranger, I should do the exact opposite.
Would I do what that stranger said?
I would not do that because I love my husband. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves me.
I trust my husband and believe that he has my best interest at heart.
Even if the thing my husband asked me to do was difficult, I would still do it because I love and trust Him.
Plus, I know my husband's character as a Godly man. My husband would not ask me to disobey God's word.
I think Eve's Bible story highlights the importance for us to know God. We need to know His character and His ways so that we can better recognize His voice.
In the Bible, Jesus compares us to sheep:
“And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers
- John 10:4-5
Jesus also said later:
"But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
- John 10:26-27
I LOVE this video on YouTube that illustrates this point vividly.
In summary, what Eve believed is a great warning for us. We need to be sure that we are listening to and following the right voice!
We can only know the truth through studying God’s word.
Then once we hear God’s voice, we must be diligent to obey it and no longer follow a stranger’s voice – especially when that stranger is our enemy who lies and seeks to steal, kill and destroy!
But Jesus died so that we might have abundant life. We must learn to treasure the words of God's mouth that bring life above our necessary food.
Want to learn more about avoiding making wrong decisions about food?
Then check out my followup article: What Esau Believed.