“When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you; And put a knife to your throat If you are a man given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, For they are deceptive food.”Many modern processed foods impair your body’s natural hunger/fullness signals, which can lead to out-of-control cravings and overeating. Remember the potato chip slogan, “Bet you can’t eat just one”? It is true! That statement applies to many junk foods and the manufacturers like it that way. The more you eat, the more money they make. My advice is to learn about the foods you eat regularly and the effect they have on your body. For example, if you eat a Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger regularly and find that it makes you bloated, drains your energy, or causes you to have a skin rash, then you may choose to avoid that food by personal decision. That's the difference. When you forbid something based on what someone else says, your natural instinct is to rebel against that authority: "You can't make me!" But when you've experienced the negative effects for yourself and decide that you don't want them, then you are much more likely to stick with your decision. You own it. The fact is, having a Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger once a year (or any other unhealthy food rarely) probably won't hurt you - unless you are allergic. It's the foods that you eat over and over again every day that can. Your wisest move is to establish a baseline of healthy eating. I advise that you eat healthy at least 80-90% of the time. That way, you can save the 10-20% for less healthy eating at birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions. It's a win/win situation: You can stay healthy and enjoy the taste of some of the unhealthy stuff...just once in a while. Be blessed with health, healing, and wholeness, Kimberly Taylor Author/Christian Life Coach of the 'Take Back Your Temple' Program P.S. If you are tired of trying diet after diet, losing the weight, but gaining it all back then the Take Back Your Temple program is your solution. You grow stronger Spiritually and heal emotionally as you are losing weight. Diets can give you information about how to eat but they can't give you the wisdom nor power to destroy the mental strongholds that are holding you back. Click the link below to learn more: Take Back Your Temple program
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