Adding Feet to your FAITH

I read a great story from author Laurie Beth Jones that Pumpkin_family_halloween_decor_table_13applies to walking by faith. A grandmother gave her two grandchildren pumpkins to carve. She set out a few knives for the task.

The older grandson got access to all of the knives and he carved a fancy pumpkin, even putting feet on it.

In contrast, the younger granddaughter was given access to only one knife. The girl wasn’t happy about it.

She protested, “But Grandma, I don’t want to carve a pumpkin that doesn’t go anywhere. I want my pumpkin to have feet!”

Have you added feet to your faith?

2 Corinthians 5:7 says that as disciples of Christ, we walk by faith and not by sight.

To me, that means that even though you may not see results yet with your natural eyes, you see them with your Spiritual “eyes” and keep walking toward it until you reach your destination!

Your feet were made for walking…even running!

When I wanted to reach my ideal weight, I dreamed of running the Peachtree Road Race, a 10K race in Atlanta .

It was on my imaginary “Bucket List” – you know, the list of things you want to do before you die.

When I was 240 pounds, I felt that my dream was impossible. After all, I could barely walk to the mailbox!

But I thought, “Hey, I’ve got to start somewhere!”

So I created a path to walk for myself. At the time, I was living in an apartment complex and the mailboxes were a couple of blocks away.

Before, I used to drive up to the mailbox after getting home from work, pick up the mail, and then drive on to my apartment.

One day, I decided to drive past the mailboxes. I drove to the apartment building and parked. Then I walked back to the mailboxes, picked up the mail, and walked back.

Boy, was I huffing and puffing! My leg muscles felt like they were filled with concrete.

But I’ll never forget that feeling of accomplishment!

I had started walking toward my dream of better health.

I decided then that I wasn’t going to wait until I reached my ideal weight to enjoy my life. I was going to enjoy the process all the way down.

Why should I put my life on hold? Tomorrow wasn’t promised to me.

So I kept on walking to the mailbox until that became easy.

Then I started walking to the entrance to the apartment complex until that became easy.

Next, I walked down the street until that became easy.

Eventually, my walks became runs!

I entered the Peachtree Road Race. The first year, I half-walked, half-ranKim-at-Peachtree_Medium_v2.

The next year, I entered again.

That time, I ran the entire 6.2 miles. And I  have the photo to prove it!

What is your dream?

Let’s say your dream is to run a marathon.

Would you go out tomorrow and try to run all 26 miles when you haven’t even walked around the block yet?

Of course not!

Yet, many people refuse to even start with the block.

To them, they’d rather let year after year pass sitting on the couch, dreaming about the marathon they’ll run. Someday.

Somehow, conquering the block seems insignificant.

But I say, get out there and conquer that block. Or the mailbox. Whatever the challenge is right in front of you. A quote by the late President Theodore Roosevelt applies here:

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Are you maximizing the resources God has given you?

If not, then it’s time to get going. Take a positive step in the right direction today.

…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10)”

Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple program

P.S. If you are excited about your future and know that your health habits are supplying you with energy to maximize your present and future, then you don’t need the Take Back Your Temple program.

You are already on a good road.

However, if you are sensing that your current habits are standing in the way of your better future, then that is where I can help. I can help you uncover those roadblocks that are standing in the way of reaching your best  weight.

Come join me on the journey to better health in the Take Back Your Temple program, starting today. Let’s go farther – together.

About the author 

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Renee Pitts says:

    I’m a very energetic person, I do believe I have a high motablizing. For years I’d stay at 120 until I’d had the twins. I’m a active person, my husband is not in the best of health. So I’ve feel like the wife and the husband. Maybe sometimes I’d eat to hide the pain?

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Renee – I pray for continued health for you and healing for your husband. As you know, many people use food to numb themselves to emotional pain. I pray the Lord comfort you according to His promise and walk with you through every challenge!

  • Mayerli sanabria says:

    Hi Kim! I love the way God is using your life and testimony to impact others. All the wisdom, knowledge and understanding He is giving you to bring The Light on those who are in darkness.

    I lived in the USA for two years, where being away from home made me vulnerable to depression and eating desorders, some how I ended up reading ur blog and I subscribed to received your mails, it helped me to connect with God again and to rise up from my poor condition. Now that Im back in Colombia, I’m still receiving your mails, and i thought , it would me great if people in my country could read ur blog and get encouraged by it, so, have u thought about translating blog and articles like an option on ur website to change the language so more people can have access to it?… Let me know if it is on your mind, and let me know if u need any help.

    Thanks… Mayerli sanabria. Colombia.

  • Odessa Robinson says:

    I love this article because I have started walking to the stop sign at the end of my street and each time I hit it as if I’m ringing a bell of success because at one time in my life I couldn’t do it. Adding Feet to your Faith is such an inspiration for me right now and I really feel bless to be a part of this group. Thank you Kim!

    • You are welcome, Odessa! Keep on “ringing the bell of success!” I’ll bet you feel so much better 🙂

  • Michele Bunnion says:

    I’m reading your e-mail sitting at my desk at 240 lbs even after having bariatric surgery 8 years ago. Whatever I try to do, It’s not working. Thank you for your caring of others.

    • You are welcome, Michele! I had a TBYT reader who once say of her weight loss surgery: “It fixed my stomach, but it didn’t fix my head.” To me, it’s important to seek the Lord for insight into what’s going on in your heart and mind that is leading to the weight loss issue. He can give you the strength to do what needs to be done. In that way, you pull up the issue from the roots. Stay determined to live well, Michele. Your life is worth it 🙂

  • Thank you so much Kim. I am so glad you reached your goal :-). It hit me on the comment – “Are you maximizing the resources God has given you?” I don’t think I am. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually. I have been meditating on this thought hoping to learn what more I can do for King Jesus but I love the Roosevelt quote in the fact that while I am on that road of searching, I must do what I can now and enjoy it :-).

  • I thank God for you Kimberly! After reading one of your articles years ago I signed up to receive your emails. At that time in my life I was on the path to becoming free from am unhealthy relationship with food. Well something happened along the way and I ended up further in the pit than I started. Long story short in believing God for some Devine strength to accomplish my weight lose goals and gain my health back. Thank you for allowing God to use you to positively affect the lives of others.

    • Hi Sherica – I understand completely! I’ve had times when I’ve lost focus because “life” gets in the way. Well, I found that life challenges are always going to be there. The question is, what are you going to do with them when they come? Are you going to use them as an excuse to stop? That’s the 100% way to failure, by the way. Or are you going to use them to grow stronger, wiser, better? Each day, you get to decide how you want that day of your life to go. That power of choice can be a blessing or a curse. What small step will you take to get back on track?

      • You are so right!!! My biggest challenge has been my “all or nothing” mentality. Basically I want a complete drastic change to occur in my eating immediately and when I fall short of this new regimen I feel like a failure and quit. I’ve never been satisfied with small changes but after reading your article my perspective changed. So this week I made small changes in my eating habits that have already caused me to feel better. I thank you so much for replying. I just cried because you are so right! God bless you!

  • Janet Charles says:

    Thank you for the encouragement. I started to walk to my mailbox about two week ago and I am determined to do better. Thank you for sharing this article.

    • You are welcome, Janet. I am glad that you are starting where you are. Those small steps in the right direction add up!

  • Taylor Catrice Downing says:

    Excellent article Kim, yesterday, I took suggestions from your getting started guide, I started drinking a glass of water in the morning and I even started stretching. I felt great.

  • Thank you, Km, for another great article filled with faith, encouragement and wisdom!

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