What if there were a hidden health villain stalking your family? This silent enemy could

Is Your Family on the Insulin Resistance Hit List?

As someone who once struggled with emotional eating and obesity, I discovered a powerful truth:

Strengthening your Mental Fortitude for Christian Weight Loss

In this power-packed poem, guest author and Take Back Your Temple member Jennifer Haagenson shares

Jesus: My Defender (A Poem)

In this eye-opening audio interview, guest author Barb Raveling shares how to maintain balance in

Overcoming the Skinny Idol – Interview with Barb Raveling

My sister in Christ, Janelle Keith, lost 132 pounds through God’s power. She wrote the

Grace for your Waist (A Transformation Story)

You may not know the lady, but you surely know her legacy: Jean Nidetch, the

Jean Nidetch Death: What her Legacy Means to Me

Have you ever started doing well with a weight loss program, but then “something” happens

The Trap that Kills Weight Loss Progress

“Wellness is a daily choice…” echoed in my Spirit this morning after reading a wonderful

“Wellness is a DAILY choice…”

When strength to continue your weight loss program fades, you need supernatural help! With The Weight

The Weight Loss Prayers Book

Losing focus with your weight loss program? With the The Weight Loss Scriptures daily devotional, you’ll gain the motivation you

The Weight Loss Scriptures Book