How many times have you gotten frustrated with yourself because you knew you should do the right thing, but couldn't make yourself do it?
It's a common story for those who strive to practice better health habits. However, I've got three guidelines that can help you change for the better.
Let's say that you have issues with emotional eating. You know that it's not a healthy behavior to practice but you find yourself doing it anyway.
You beat yourself up every time you do it.
When you condemn yourself for weaknesses, all you do is set yourself for more stress, frustration and depression.
That makes it likely that you will fall back on your weaknesses even more!
But what if you take a different approach?
1. Choose restoration, not condemnation.
Try this: The next time you finding yourself acting in a way you don't want to, extend some grace to yourself.
The second you recognize your error say to yourself immediately: "See, that's why I need a Savior."
Call it getting some WINS: "Why I Need a Savior"
None of us are perfect in our flesh.
But when you are humble in admitting you need the grace of a Savior to help you in your time of need, you use your imperfections as an opportunity to draw closer to God.
You invite God into your situation rather than insisting that you can do it alone and don't need any help.
Now, WINS aren't an excuse to keep making the same mistakes. Once you admit the WIN, just simply say to God: "Help me in this area. Show me how to replace my weakness with your strength."
And then apply the wisdom he gives you day by day.
Commit to the learning process.
2. Strive for progress, not perfection.
The second guideline is strive for progress, not perfection.
Every time you are faced with the choice to practice a negative habit, make it a game to exert just a little more self control than you did the last time.
Believe in faith through the power of God's Spirit.
For example, you always eat a candy bar or chips as an afternoon snack. Rather than stopping it altogether (although that's terrific if you can do that), then drink a glass of water first and cut the snack amount in half.
That is progress, so you win!
You are still going to the same destination, a healthier you, but you are just choosing to take a slower route to get there.
Another progress step could be making preparations for your afternoon hunger. You take a high fiber fruit such as an apple, pear, orange, or melon with you so that you turn to it instead of the vending machine.
Again, think progress not perfection.
As you make those "progress" efforts with small choices, your confidence will grow and you will be ready to make bigger, better choices.
3. Choose accountability.
Finally, get some accountability. It is very easy to practice negative habits in secret.
But with accountability, you brings these habits into the light so they can be overcome.
When you commit to changing for the better, a trusted friend or coach can help you keep your promise to yourself.
Keep this critical principle in mind:
If you don't handle bad habits, eventually those bad habits will handle you!
Ask yourself right now: Are you handling your habits or are they handling you?.
If the answer is the second one, you can turn things around today by getting some WINS under your belt.
Then get ready because your life will change! Guaranteed.
Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author, the Take Back Your Temple program