The other day, my husband Mike, who is also a certified Christian Life Coach, was writing a prayer to a man who asked for prayer for binge eating.
In Mike’s prayer, he asked that the Lord open the man’s eyes to the underlying factors behind his behavior.
Suddenly, a thought zoomed into Mike’s mind:
Underlying factors are Factors under Lies.“
He shared this thought with me and I thought ”Whoa!” I knew it was Holy Spirit sent.
Here is why: We all have reasons for doing what we do. With a destructive behavior like binge or emotional eating, those reasons are often based on lies.
Fill in this statement: ”I emotionally eat because_______________”
The lie is the belief that eating is the ONLY way for you to cope with your ”Because.”
Let’s say your ”Because” is stress. Do other ways to handle stress exist besides eating it away? Yes!
The real issue is, ”Are you willing to trade in your old way of coping to one that is more helpful to you?
What God invites you to do is to come to Him with whatever your ”Because” is.
He can give you wisdom, strength, comfort…whatever you need to handle your ”Because.”
Yes, you can handle it with God’s help!
It is a challenge to replace lies with the truth, but that is the path to freedom that Jesus laid out for us.
Jesus said to those who believe Him:
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
– John 8:31-32
We tell new Take Back Your Temple (TBYT) members that the mental work you do with TBYT is harder than any physical work you will do.
TBYT challenges you to get to the root of any beliefs that keep you bound.
And if you believe that you have let the enemy control you in this area, then TBYT challenges you to live out the truth that God’s grace gives you power over any of the enemy’s influence over you.
Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world.”
-1 John 4:4
On the following page, you’ll see exactly why all those diets you’ve tried haven’t worked in getting to the root of what’s holding you back and what makes Take Back Your Temple different.
Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to get to the end of your life, only to find you spent it living out of lies and missed out on the blessings God had for you?
Let the Holy Spirit lead you. He will never steer you wrong because He is the Spirit of Truth!
Be blessed in health, healing and wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Certified Christian Life Coach and Author of the Take Back Your Temple program