The Take Back Your Temple (TBYT) Small Group Study gives you the confidence, knowledge, and skills you need to reach your best weight and maintain it for life.
It is not about size, but about stewardship – maximizing the awesome body God has given you to manage. Remember, he owns everything, including your body!
In the 8-week program, you will discover how to access the power of the Holy Spirit within you to live a life rich in health and wholeness. You will be able to fulfill your God-given purpose with vitality, freedom, and energy.
Start a TBYT group at your local church, library, or community center. All you need is a positive attitude, a love for God, and a desire to learn what his word says about health – and to follow its wisdom.
In the course, you will learn to:
- Renew your mind to transform your body and life
- Eat to build a strong, slimmer, and healthier body
- Create a body that is energetic and vibrant
- Plan for obstacles to your health goals and gain the confidence needed to overcome them
- Practice good health habits for a lifetime so you can more easily maintain your new size
- Strengthen your relationship with God
Member Essentials
Take Back Your Temple Member Guide

The member guide is your reference guide for the 8-week program. It gives you what you need to reach your ideal weight and maintain it for life. Includes delicious recipes and a survival plan for handling common weight loss barriers like emotional eating, bottomless food pits, and more.
Take Back Your Temple Healthy Habits Journal

-Your daily actions create your results in life. So writing down your daily health habits will give you the insight you need to change them for the better. This journal provides inspirational scriptures and plenty of space to record your successes and lessons learned to help you reach your goal faster than ever before!
Leader Essentials
Each leader should have her own copy of the Take Back Your Temple Member Guide and Take Back Your Temple Healthy Habits Journal as above to see the material from the members perspective. Each should also have her copy of the Leader Notes below.
It is recommended that each TBYT group have 2 leaders to share responsibilities and to serve as a backup in case of emergencies to avoid potential meeting cancellations.
Take Back Your Temple Leader Guide

The Leader Notes are essential guidance to help you start and maintain a successful TBYT group. It gives you a suggested agenda for each class, activities to make them fun and engaging, and advice on understanding group dynamics so that you can lead with confidence.