If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or know someone who has, you might wonder, “Is type 2 diabetes reversible?” 

In this encouraging testimony, you’ll learn how Maire Crowley used God’s wisdom and power to reverse this devastating disease.

Even if you don’t have it, share this with someone you know who does or use this testimony to encourage yourself that with God, all things are possible!


Is type 2 diabetes reversible

It’s funny how God designed our bodies to give us signs when things are not functioning the way they should.

We tend to ignore something as simple as abnormal lab results or signs and symptoms…until one day, they will no longer be ignored!

Then we cry out to God to work a miracle.

That’s what happened to me.

I was around 42 years-old when my lab values started to show signs of prediabetes. I worked a full time job in an office setting, never getting up to move except to go to the cafeteria or snack bar. I also was the mother of five and the wife of a Pastor.

My husband was Type 2 diabetic who was overweight and non-compliant with his medications. So I knew how serious diabetes was. When my doctor mentioned it to me, the first thing I said was, “I’m not claiming that!”

However, saying ‘I’m not claiming it’ but not doing anything about it is the same as ‘claiming it!’

My doctor assured me that since this was caught early, she would allow me to work with a nutritionist to establish a diet plan and exercise schedule before putting me on medications.  She would revisit this plan in six months.

Well I did just enough to get by, especially as the time drew near to my appointment with her. Yo-Yo dieting, exercising here and there. Nothing consistent. I was only cheating myself.

I didn’t have a good support system at home, work or church. The congregation was always cooking or baking something fattening or taking us out to dinner.

My husband loved eating out and had no problem taking the family out to dinner, especially on nights after revivals.

My husband’s health gradually began to fail, many hospitalizations, amputations, diminishing sight to name a few. In 2007, he passed away at the age of 47 of a massive heart attack, leaving me with five children to raise alone.

It was then I started thinking about my own health and my children’s health. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 25 pounds. I truly felt good about myself.

I later joined online groups like Spark People and Take Back Your Temple. I still found myself back and forth, not being true to myself. I saw my doctor again and she was not happy.

My fasting glucose was high, my A1C, and of course other lab values were too. She said that I was no longer prediabetic, but I was now a Type 2 diabetic. That stung me like a bee.

I begged her to give me one more chance and this time I would get it right. I’m not sure why she did, but I was thankful to God for a second chance.

I prayed and asked God to show me how to do it. One day on Take Back Your Temple, someone stated that to reach your goal you must have a WHY. Why are you doing this? What is your motivation?

My “Why” was, ‘I want to live. I’d love to see my grandson, who was 5, graduate from college.’ I let that be my focus. I got serious about exercise. I was thankful that I had sisters on the Take Back Your Temple group’s SWAT team to hold me accountable.

My job had health coaches to come in and work one-on-one with us. My family, church members, and co-workers began to encourage me along the way. The weight began to come off, people began to notice, my energy had increased. I felt better than I had in a long time.

In the previous year’s time, I had lost 32 lbs and my blood pressure was so improved that my doctor took me off of one medication. My visit with my doctor in October of 2015 proved that diabetes can be reversed. She said that my A1C was excellent. She said, “You are no longer diabetic; I will not have to see you every six months, only yearly.”

That was music to my ears!

I am a long way from being done. I still need to get more weight off but there is NO doubt in my mind that it won’t be accomplished. Healthy living is not a sprint, it is a marathon.

I must continue to work at this until my day is done. Of course, I fall with my eating and exercise at times since I reached that milestone and so will you. But thank God you don’t have to stay down.

We are more than conquerors!

Maire Crowley


Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor
Author of the ‘Take Back Your Temple’ program

P.S. Are you ready to grow stronger Spiritually and heal emotionally as you achieve your ideal weight? Let the Take Back Your Temple program be your plan. God’s way is change from the inside out and once you are changed His way, you are never the same!

Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program

About the Author

  • Congratulations and thank You so much for sharing your testimony! !!

  • Congratulations, Maire! Thank you for sharing your success with us. It’s a blessing to know that this can be done by knowing your ” why” and going from there.
    We can all “take back our temples” so that not only may we look and feel better, but thst we can better serve the Lord!

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