Before someone joins our Christian Education ministry as teachers at our church, we want to be sure that they are Jesus’ disciple in their private lives.
After all, only a disciple can create a disciple; creations only reproduce after their own kind!
What is a disciple?
My definition of a disciple is one who follows a daily path of instruction.
Disciple and discipline come from the same root word.
A Christian is one who is a disciple of Jesus Christ.
We learn of Him and follow His ways. We may make mistakes in the process, but we set our hearts on following Him all the days of our lives.
How can you tell if you are a Jesus’ disciple in your daily practice and maximizing your Spiritual growth?
Simply use D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S. to assess yourself (Adapted from the book ‘Disciplemaking Teachers‘ by Josh Hunt and Larry Mays).
As you read what each letter means, think about two life-changing questions:
- What are the benefits of following God in this area?
- What are the consequences if I don’t?
Assessing your Discipleship
Here is how to take inventory of your discipleship, using the D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S. acronym:
D – Disciplined in daily life.
On a normal day, you spend time with God, praying, worshiping Him, meditating upon His word and serving others. That is your path of instruction, following Jesus.
I – Intimate friendships
You have a close relationship with God, but you also have a close relationship with other Believers.
S – Self-image
You want to see yourself as God sees you: Saints, soldiers, the beloved, the branches of the vine, and so forth.
C – Corporate worship
You love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and communicate that love in worship, whatever the location or method.
I – Intimate family life
Your family is your first ministry.
Sometimes the most Spiritual thing you can do is to throw a ball in the backyard with your child or take your spouse out on a date night.
You live God’s word before them because they are more likely to follow your example than your advice.
P – Passion for God
You not only believe right and behave right (according to God’s word), but you feel right – you feel passion for God.
With that passion, you can turn the world upside down!
L – Lay Ministry
You know your Spiritual Gift and are ministering in the area of your giftedness to help build up the body of Christ.
E – Evangelistic Interest
Regardless of style, you pray for, care about, think about, and minister to the lost.
The closer we get to God, the more we find a God who is focused in on the lost sheep.
In a practical way, you share how you came to faith in Jesus, share what He’s done for you, invite others to church, and plant seeds of salvation in others wherever you can.
S – Sacrificial Giving
Generosity is core to your development as a follower of Jesus Christ. You regularly sow into the work of ministry, help feed the hungry, and take care of others, just as Jesus did.
How do you think you are doing as Jesus’ disciple – which areas are you strong in? Which ones do you need to work on?
Seek God in prayer as to what you can do to become stronger in your discipleship and yield to the Holy Spirit as He guides you each day.
Remember, only a disciple can create a disciple!
Kimberly Taylor
Author of the Take Back Your Temple program
P.S. Are you struggling with the challenges of emotional eating? Many people with eating issues know what to do but have a hard time doing it. That is where you need a community that supports each other!
In the Take Back Your Temple program, you will get all the support you need to overcome the Spiritual and emotional battles of weight loss, connected in our Guardians community.
Click here to confirm the Take Back Your Temple program is right for you.
I recognize this in my life. I am rebellious and prideful because when it comes to “simple things” (i.e. not eating late at NIGHT, “coming to Jesus” as He said or finding my satisfaction in Him, instead of FOOD).
Hi Kimberly – I appreciate your post. We are going to talk about this on the Zoom today, however here is a sneak preview: “I AM” are the most powerful words in the universe. God declared His name to Moses as ‘I AM.’ Therefore, be careful that the names you call yourself after “I am…” are names to which you want to answer!
How we see ourselves helps determine our actions because we human beings desire consistency. For example, if a person calls themselves, “I am a liar” then naturally they will want to lie to remain consistent with the person they believe they are! Think about it 🙂
Yes serving is my passion, I do enjoy helping others. My family and friends. My nephew was stabbed to death and my heart was hurting because his mom my sister was one who died from covid. But God give me the strength to not hold any bitterness toward her. I had to renew my mind and look up from where my help comes from. My puppy died two weeks later, but I’d said I’m going to still praise You Lord. God is good to me.
Hi Renee – I am praying for the Lord to continue to strengthen, help, and uphold you as you move forward through these losses.
I sometimes don’t feel equipped in helping others. I need more strength and boldness in being a disciple for Christ. I become frustrated because in my everyday life, I don’t have family or friends to pray with. I just left a position at my church that kept me planted. I just need to keep focusing on Jesus and his Will in my life. Thank you.
Hi Michele – You came to the right conclusion here: “I just need to keep focusing on Jesus and his Will in my life.”
Be encouraged because you don’t face this struggle alone. In fact, Jesus knew we would have struggles in our Earthly bodies because He walked in one! That is why He left us the Holy Spirit to live in us and be in us: “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you (John 14:16-17).”
In addition, the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf so when we pray in agreement with God’s word, then we know we have a partner to pray with in the Holy Spirit: “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).”
We always want to ensure we are walking in God’s will and the Spiritual gifts that He has given to us to benefit the body of Christ. So keep walking with Jesus, yoked with Him and you will find rest for your soul according to His promise: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Here is what a Yoke is: “A wooden bar placed over the neck of a pair of animals so they can pull together; what unites two people to move together as one.”
This means:
True rest is found in walking with Jesus:
* We are yoked to Him.
* We listen to His voice.
* We believe Him
* We walk where He walks
* We find rest for our souls
I hope this makes sense!
Yes I can say I’m doing ok. Yesterday I’d had the opportunity to talk about Jesus to one of the neighbors. Today she shared with me, and it felt good to cry, laugh. She also share how God stop her from doing something. She say I’m glad I didn’t go.
Wonderful that the Lord was able to use you to minister to your neighbor, Renee!
Great post. I was baptized 24 years ago this October 28th. I remember I was asked me all that you have basically written down. It helped because it gave me a foundation for Christian Life.
Thanks Kim, makes you really think.
Joyce W
Kim, this is an awesome acrostic! Our women are just finishing a study in 1 Thessalonians, where Paul models an excellent discipler and the Thessalonians are model disciplees. I’m looking forward to sharing your article with them!
Thank you Kim,
This was dynomatic. Thank you for really making me think.
Love, Sue
Thank you!!! I enjoy your daily messages so much! I told my sister and now she gets them also! God bless your work!