Health & Healing

Healthy Weight Loss God's Way

3 Modules 7 Chapters 15 Lessons

About this course

The goal of this course is to show you the healthy lifestyle principles needed to lose weight and keep it off, while keeping God first.

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Course Structure

Members Exclusive
1 Chapter

Your Body, God's Temple

Jesus told us that you can't put new wine into old wineskins (see Matthew 9:17). Similarly, you can't bring an old, self-defeating mindset into your new life as a fit, healthy person. This module gives you guidance on the mindset needed to maintain your weight loss for life.

Getting Started 3 Lessons

Welcome to the Course

In this lesson, you'll learn the principles to keep in mind to maximize your benefits from the course.

Getting Ready to Change

This lesson help you assess your mindset about change and ensure it is set for success.

The 5 Core Habits of Weight Loss Success

In this lesson, you'll learn about 5 core habits I recommend you practice every day to lose weight and maintain your weight loss for good.

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Habit 1: Anchor yourself in God 1 Lesson

How to Anchor yourself in God

In this lesson, you'll learn about connecting with your source, God and receive the wisdom, strength and endurance you need for the journey. 

Habit 2: Renew your Mind 2 Lessons

How to Renew your Mind

This lesson covers how to renew your mind so that you can think like a weight loss success regarding healthy habits.

Giving yourself Grace for Mistakes

Do you have the mindset you need to succeed? Make this critical shift so with faith and patience, you will obtain God's promises.

Habit 3: Invest in Slimming Foods that Satisfy You 6 Lessons

How to Invest in Slimming Foods that Satisfy You

In this lesson, you'll discover how to create meals and snacks from real foods that help you slim down without hijacking your brain. 

-> Replacing Brain-hijacking Foods

Are there foods that you have problems exercising self-control when you eat them? If so, your brain is getting hijacked. Here is how to assess the issue in your life.

-> Unlock your Fat Cells

In this lesson, you will learn exactly what is needed to unlock your fat cells, reversing the trend. It's time to get rid of the ''fat magnet!''

-> The Protein Advantage for Fat Loss

If fat loss is your goal, this lesson shows you how you can use the LoseIt app to track the protein you are eating to give yourself a little-known' advantage.

-> Eating the Right Amounts for Your Body

In this lesson, you'll learn how to use an app to help you ensure you are eating the right amount for your goals.

-> Beat the Body Bloaters

Discover 1 little known blocker to weight loss and learn how you can handle this ''body bloater.''

Habit 4: Slim, Stretch and Strengthen your Body 1 Lesson

How to Slim, Stretch, and Strengthen your Body

This lesson reviews activities that can help your body burn fat more efficiently, give you more flexibility and increase mobility in your daily life.

Habit 5: Expect Tests and Be Prepared 1 Lesson

How to Expect Tests and Be Prepared

Whenever you try to make a change in your life, you will be tested. Here are some common obstacles to weight loss and what to do about them.

Members Exclusive
1 Chapter

Enjoying your Life

When challenges come, what do you do? Do you give up and quit...or do you re-commit? This module gives you the mindset needed to obtain your goal and keep moving forward.

Remaining Steadfast 1 Lesson

Focus on your Progress

In this final lesson, you'll learn the best ways to measure progress to stay encouraged on the journey. 
