Ever heard the “Bypass Prayer”? You probably have, but didn’t recognize it because it’s a short prayer within a prayer. I’ll explain what it is in this article.
In the metro Atlanta area, Interstate 285 is the bypass that loops around the city, giving you the option of taking the bypass rather than driving through the congested downtown area.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a bypass around some troubles in life?
I believe that such a way exists.

Many years ago, I said to God in prayer, “Lord, I do not mind going through troubles that I cannot avoid. But if there is any way I can bypass those I do not have to go through, I want that!”
In the following article, I will show you what I call ”the bypass prayer,” which is within the Model Prayer that Jesus taught.
The Bypass Prayer Strategy
In Luke 11:1-4, one of Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. Many of us are familiar with the prayer that follows:
So He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Our Father in heaven,
– Luke 11:1-4
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.”
Did you catch the ”bypass” in the last two lines (verse 4)?
In other words, Jesus models asking God the Father to deliver us from the enemy’s snares of temptation!
Giving in to our weaknesses brings a world of trouble. We can avoid that type of trouble by taking the bypass around it.
Avoiding Temptation’s Snares
James 1:12-15 gives us wisdom about the source of temptation:
Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
Within these scriptures, we see the following principles:
- A crown of life awaits those who endure the temptation to abandon their faith. Pause and imagine yourself wearing that crown. Feels good, doesn’t it?
- God does not tempt us
- Temptations arise from our own desire
- The enemy uses our desires to entice us and draw us away from God
The word ”entice” means to “attract artfully or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.”
So temptations are based on the enemy’s promise of pleasure or advantage, which he delivers with skill!
We give in to temptations when we believe the enemy’s promises!
Consider these synonyms for the word ”entice” so that you get a full picture of the enemy’s strategy:
- Lure
- Bait
- Decoy
- Betray
- Solicit
Doesn’t that conjure up an image of fishing or a predator hunting? You are the prey!
Each of us must examine our hearts to ensure that we nurture only Godly desires.
If we do not, the enemy will use ungodly desires as bait to trap us.
Using the Bypass Strategy
Consider the following Biblical principle:
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
– Luke 16:10
I believe handling daily temptations is basic training for handling weightier matters of faith, such as challenges to your faith in Jesus.
The apostle Paul exhorts us through his words in 2 Timothy:
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
– 2 Timothy 2:3-4
Always keep the big picture in mind in your daily decisions.
Never forget that you have a crown of life waiting on you! Do everything possible to ensure that you finish life well.
You have God’s word as your wisdom and His Spirit within you for power to do it.
Removing any snare that would hinder your race helps to eliminate troubles that you do not need to face.
In your daily prayers, I recommend including Luke 11:4:
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.”
Within this prayer is a request to the Lord to reveal the enemy’s enticements in your life, such as:
- Reasons why it is okay to continue in destructive habits
- Beliefs that you will die or be unable to face life without the habit
- Provisions to make it easy and convenient to practice destructive habits
- Companions who join you in practicing destructive habits
Concerning trouble, I want to take the bypass as much as I can. I want to save my energy for troubles that I must face with the Lord on my side, not waste energy on troubles that I could have avoided.
Does that make sense? When it comes to troubles in life, ask the Lord: ”Is this trouble I must go through, or is there a way to take the bypass?”
Listen as He speaks to you and take the bypass as He reveals it!
Here is my prayer for you:
Gracious Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ mighty name. Lord, I thank you for your Son Jesus, who has set us free from sin’s dominion. By His grace, we reign in life! We do not want to remain ignorant of the enemy’s devices. Reveal any enticements that he has in operation in our life. Show us the escape route from the snare and give us the strength to remove it for good.
Show us any companions who have joined us in destructive habits and give us the courage to break agreement with them in this matter. We humble ourselves under Your mighty hand in confidence that you will lift us up. We thank You that you have given us Your Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Friend.
We give you praise for your delivering power. Be glorified in our lives. Thank You for revealing the bypass!
In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
I always thought I had to go through every temptation, now I know I can bypass them. Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful information from Kimberly!!!!!
Exactly, Gladys! In addition to the prayer, be sure to keep your temptations far away from you because there is no point in setting up “food fights” you don’t need to fight. It just makes life harder than it has to be when there are so many other foods to eat that don’t cause problems 🙂
How long does it take to get over sugar withdrawal symptoms?
Hi Judy – Good question. It depends on the individual, how long and severely sugar has hijacked their brains. I found that sugar withdrawal symptoms are a lot less if you stay hydrated and replace sugar through foods rich in soluble fiber, such as pears, apples, oranges, berries, sweet potatoes, etc which will help to keep your blood sugar stable without the blood sugar highs and crashes from sugar-rich processed foods.
Thank you Kimberly!
This article was such a blessing! Your words! of wisdom from Yaweh! hit home!
Wonderful, Mary Joy! God is good 🙂
Thank you for those words. I always thought I had to go through temptations but now I know I can ask the Lord to help me bypass them
Exactly Susan – and take the escape route that He provides (see 1 Corinthians 10:13)!
These are wonderful verses and enlightening thoughts. Thanks for cheering us on and supporting us in our journeys!! Blessings and joy to you as you follow Him.
Thank you, Juli – I appreciate your feedback!
Thanks so much for this reminder. I need it very much today. Be blessed!
You are welcome, Kealy – stay blessed!
Thank you for your beautiful words , wisdom that comes from above. Thank you for consistently serving us. Thank you for the words of the Lord that feeds our soul and keeps the word burning in our heart so that we grow strong in the Lord . May the Lord bless you and keep you may his face continue to shine upon you as well as your family and ministry. Very GRATEFUL for you edifying as well as teaching me the word of GOD!!!!
We to Endure hardships as a good solider! Amen
Orange County, CA
Thank you SO much for your kind words, Terri – that made me smile and so very thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to share what He has given to me.
I think also forgiveness releases us from others as when Jesus released us from our past. We were forgiven and as He forgave us we are to forgive others. When we hold on to our past hurts we stay put in the same place. When we were released we got to go on our merry way with Holy Spirit guiding us!! It’s like being stuck in a roundabout not knowing what exit to take. I want to bypass via Jesus. He always knows the best route to take ❤
Amen, Denise! I love that the Lord releases us from the past so that we can move forward in newness of life in Him!