You have everything you need to live a victorious life – if you have Jesus as your personal Savior.

The reason I say this is that once you became born again, you received not only eternal life, but you received two gifts that contain everything you need to conquer any problem you face in this world:

1. You have the mind of Christ. Jesus is the living word of God.

1 Corinthians 2:16
For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

2. You have the Spirit of God who empowers you and instructs you on the things of God – God’s wisdom and truth.

John 16:13-15
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

In order for these gifts to transform your life, you must accept them. You can accept them by recognizing their truth.  You have the mind of Christ. You have the Spirit of God.

If you are not living a victorious life, then ask yourself…am I renewing my mind according to God’s word daily? In the Take Back Your Temple Christian weight loss process, the very first step is to anchor yourself in God.

One of the works of the Spirit of God is to help you understand the Word. Otherwise, it is impossible since the natural mind cannot understand the things of God.

I think of the mind of Christ as like the operating system of a computer. This new operating system was installed when you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. The Holy Spirit has come along to empower you to operate your life according to this new system. It is up to you to install the software of God’s word because it is the only software that is compatible with your new operating system.

Once you are born again, trying to continue to do things your old way (the world’s way) is like trying to use software designed for a Mac on a Windows system. It just won’t work.

So you must be diligent in studying God’s word so that you can come to know his character and apply his wisdom to your life.

What can prevent you from allowing the Spirit of God to teach you through the mind of Christ? It is the condition of your heart. You must set your heart on yielding to the Spirit’s leading and direction. If you are having difficulty in this area, then pray that God give you a new heart that is compatible with your new mind.

You know that you are yielded to the Spirit because the Spirit’s fruit will be cultivated in you. Are you growing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? This is not an overnight process, so you must be patient.

If you allow patience to have her perfect work, then the bible says that you will be complete and lack nothing.

Then someday others can taste your fruit and see that the Lord is good!

Ha, ha! Okay, I mixed up my analogies but don’t these gifts excite you? Jesus made it possible for us to have his mind and the spirit of God so that we can live victorious lives.

Wow. What incredible gifts. The things of this world, you can put a price tag on.

But the mind of Christ and the Spirit of God? Priceless.

Meditate on this word today. You have the mind of Christ. You have the Spirit of God inside of you!

If you need to know how to renew your mind concerning your health and weight, then review my Take Back Your Temple program. You will have both the plan to reach your best weight and the power to carry it out.

Be blessed with health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple program

P.S. When it comes to weight loss, do you often know what you should do but have a hard time doing it?

I struggled with this issue on my own weight loss journey, but I discovered that “Nothing is different until you think differently.”

The value of the Take Back Your Temple program is that you will learn how to think differently through using Biblical keys to overcome obstacles. You’ll discover how to win the Spiritual and mental battle that often causes us to become inconsistent and get off-track on our weight loss journey.

Join a community of like-minded Christians losing weight and keep it off.

Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

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