Oh Heavenly Father you are truly great!

Please forgive us of our sins and help us to no longer sin against you.

You are magnificent in our eyes!  Even now O’ Lord as we face our opposition, we know that you face them with us and before us.

See now Lord, how we will not waiver in the face of what we don’t understand.  However, we do understand that you are still in control of all matter and all things true.

We must admit before your glorious nature that we don’t understand what is befalling us at times and it is a bit painful that we don’t see any relief even though we know of a surety that relief is here; help us to endure dear Father.

If I could ease the pain of my brothers and sisters, I would but I can’t.  I can ask you to ease their pain and I do but then you already know the pain each of us experience and you also know of our desire to be released of it.

The enemy has and is attacking hard on all fronts as you know.  Please guide us as to what we should do O’ Lord.  We do this and realize we should have done that.  We do that and realize we should have done this.  We have come to realize that we just don’t know what to do Father; won’t you help us?

My mortal and ignorantly finite mind has asked that question but my spirit man truly knows that all things before us are working toward our good to help and strengthen us to persevere.

I’ve looked at the word persevere and separated it to per severe and discover that one of the meaning to the word “per” is –thoroughly- while “severe” meant -much or extreme discomfort-.  According to that description Father, We will persevere as we may go through extreme discomfort but it will certainly be no more than what You have gone through for each one of us.

Help us to endure Father and strengthen our family spiritually so that they will become a help and not a hindrance to us who long to please you in every way of our lives.

Open up our family understanding completely that they might be an aid to us in this present world.

Strengthen the men completely so that we might continue to assume the proper role of the head of our household. Strengthen the  shoulders of your men so that we will be able to bear the burden and load that we and our family must carry for Your sake; not our sake but for Your sake.

We remember how our children cried when the doctor puncture their skin with the needle of vaccination.  We remember how the tears flooded the eye wells and poured down their face.  We remember how their small eyes became big eyes of anxiety as they looked up at us for protection that they felt they were in need of and how they had a look of despair as if to say “I don’t understand why You are letting this strange person hurt me this way!”

Nonetheless, we knew what was needed for our little children as painful as it was and we also knew that the pain would soon go away after it accomplished what it was meant to do.

The vaccination was preventive medicine.  If what we and our family are experiencing is a type of vaccination to prevent some spiritual disease or infection that is trying to destroy what you have planned for us (family included) then so be it for we trust You O’ Lord and You alone.

So even now Father we are comforted in knowing that because we know that You care for us in a much greater way than any mortal parent can; and for that we thank you and honor You.  It is indeed our distinct pleasure to honor You this day and every day.

Meanwhile, we will continue to sing praises unto You.  Our voice may crack and the melody may be off key due to the soreness of the spiritual vaccination but know this for sure dear Father, that our song and praise is sincere now and forever.


About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • I am so thankful that I found that article in Charisma magazine. This is my frist time posting .I thank God for the prayers and all I have read. I thank God for the both of you.

  • Jennifer S. says:

    thanks for allowing God to use you so powerfully

  • Joanne Harte says:

    Thank you Mike, for the beautiful prayer. It brought a tear to my eye, thinking about how much we love and want to protect our children, and that that is how much God loves us, even though we may be tried or tested in painful ways.
    I have been so blessed by Kim and yourself. I read and reread my emails at work, whenever things get stressful – I’m a high school teacher, so that’s pretty often – and I am filled with hope and peace.

    Joanne Harte
    Ontario, Canada

    • Praise God and thank you Joanne,

      Your words are humbling as we give all Glory and Praise to our Father in heaven in the name of Jesus.

      (haha) Kim and I reread the prayers as well for those stressful times. That is one of the benefits to putting your prayers in type or digital form; especially if they are inspired by God’s Holy Spirit because you can go back later to read them and be refreshed.

      Just recently Kim emailed me a prayer I submitted a few years ago to God on behalf of a sister in Christ; it blessed me so when I reread it as it helped me with a situation I was going through. I had to ask Kim if I was the one who sent the prayer but knew I did as it had a totally different feel and deliverance.

      To God Be The Glory!!!!

  • Cathy Gamble says:

    Thank you for your prayer. God is building up His people in these last days. I know the things I am going through are to prepare me to uplift and help His people. I know it is not me but He who is doing the work through me. I see and feel a new day coming and through God’s strength will rise up and do the works He has prepared for me. Only through Him are we able to live the life He has set out for us. Thank you for your prayer. It has encouraged me and lifted my spirits. Thank you for your work. God bless you!

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Thank you Cathy,

      To God Be The Glory!

      Do be encouraged and continue to allow God to work in you and through you. 🙂

  • Thank you brother Taylor, this prayer was so much needed. I thank you and your wonderful wife
    Kimberly Taylor. Please never stop writing what the lord place inside your heart. we need all the encouragement. I thank God for your sincere and total commitment to the work of the Lord. We need to become more kingdom minded and less earthly minded. God bless you Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. May the Lord Jesus Christ richly continue to bless you and your entire household in Jesus Name. Cant wait for the next Message.

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Thank you Miriam for your words of encouragement. We are indeed helpers one to another and we have been blessed by your words.

      We can hardly wait for the next message as well because what we hear from God is what we will type. If we don’t hear it, we shall not type it.

      TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!!!! 🙂

  • Such an awesome prayer that truly spoke to me, personally. Such a blessing! Thank you 🙂

    • Mike Taylor says:

      That’s wonderful Lisa! To God be the Glory 🙂

  • Thankful for the prayer I really was blessed by the prayer for men to be held up in their rightful place, to give the, strength.

  • Thank you sooooo much! I am going through a very dark place spiritually because of another Christian bullying me at work. I am asking the Lord for guidance and find that I deal with this same battle over and over. I want to be obedient in my response, but unfortunately I am like Paul….doing what I don’t want to while knowing what He wants me to do. I do reach out to this other person and ask for forgiveness for how I react to her being mean but get nowhere. I love your blog and will read more of the encouragement of His Word that you so eloquently put into words.
    Be blessed knowing you are a faithful servant of our Great God!!!!

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Hi Trudy,

      The Bible tell us to pray for those who spitefully uses us. Therefore do just that and be sure to season your own words with love and kindness. Trust God to see the situation and know that he will act accordingly.

      Be blessed 🙂

  • Beautiful prayer. thank you two for being transparent. I needed to hear that prayer.

  • Marlene W. Watkins says:

    First of all, all Glory Be Unto God who is in full control of life and it’s entirety. Second thanks for that beautiful and strengthen prayer. And third it’s good to know we are not alone in these spiritual battles. We have Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ making intercession for us, and we have each other’s strengthen prayer. Keep the Faith and meditate on Romans 8:28 at all times and we will win all the time.

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Amen Marlene,

      I have been truly empowered when I confess my own faults to my brothers and sisters in Christ (CAUTION: know who your brothers and sisters in Christ are before confessing -haha-)

      We are indeed helpers one to another! 🙂

  • Jeanette J says:

    Oh my, how this came at the right time. I found out yesterday that my oldest sister has cancer. Whew!! I have been weakened deeply in how to pray for her. Knowing God will handle in His way, I just want to pray that she will be healed. You touched my heart when you mentioned family. Pray for my sister (Rowena) and pray that I can be lifted up to be a strong prayer warrior. God Bless

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Hi Jeanette,

      That prayer has been released sometime in June of 2010 for such a time as this for you.

      That’s just one of the great things about prayer; one they work and two they do not go stale or become weak & watered down. They are just as powerful and potent from the first day they are released and will indeed find its many marks.

      If you want to be a strong prayer warrior just “pray” and make that part of your daily routine. Speak from your heart. Your prayers don’t have to be long or short. God will know your heart and answer your prayers. (That’s it Mighty Prayer Warrior!!!!!)

      Heavenly Father in the Mighty name of Jesus,

      We come before you asking for forgiveness of our sins and help us to not sin against you as we want to be found in right standing with you.

      We ask for this cleansing of ourselves first so that you will hear our prayer on behalf of our dear sister and your loving daughter Rowena.

      Jeanette said and I quote ” I found out yesterday that my oldest sister has cancer.” WHO TOLD HER THAT FATHER? My Lord, if you didn’t say it then we petition you to loose this cancerous demon from our sister Rowena and heal her body completely as only you can.

      Help her to be at peace with whatever state she may be in. Help her to abound in whatever path you elect for her to travel.

      Give her family members and friends comfort in knowing that you are indeed still in control. Help them to see with spiritual eyes that Rowena has a chance to minister about you as you minister through her in this present condition and in the future no matter what state she is in.

      Be her Joy, Be her Peace, Be her doctor and Be her God in the mighty name of Jesus!

      In the meantime, we shall continually give you all of the praise, honor and glory in that matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.


  • Thank you for this prayer! How great is our God!

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Amen and absolutely Keisha 🙂

  • Thank you for the prayer. Please keep praying for me as I fight this battle to lose this weight. I have a lot to lose and just want to do it for the Glory of God

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Hi Rebekah,

      You will lose the weight, just don’t “LOSE” heart!!! 🙂

      Keep in mind that weight comes in many forms and not just fatty tissues of the body.

      Father I pray right now that you help our dear sister and your daughter to lose the many facets of weighty issues that affect many of us whether they appear in the form of:
      Access weight in fat tissues,
      Weight of depression
      Weight of unforgiveness
      Weight of fear
      Weight of lust
      Weight of jealousy
      Weight of covetousness
      …and dare I say the weight of slothfulness.

      Whether my dear sister Rebekah is dealing with one on this list or more, we know that you will indeed lead and guide her onto her path of release as she hear your Word and “do so” accordingly.

      In the Mighty name of Jesus we pray,


  • Sherryn Smith says:

    Thank you for the beautiful message. Words are very encouraging. Coincided with what I gave attention to for myself early this morning. A desire to be in Christ consciousness and repeating to myself all is good, God is good. And even though I am going through a lot physically, I am desirous of living, giving, sharing and loving. This message helped a lot.

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Be encouraged Sherryn your breakthrough is at “your feet”.

      I love the way you spell your name. When I first looked at it, I read it as “SHE REIGNS” and reign you shall!!!!!

  • I thank you for this prayer. It is beautiful. God bless you.

    • Mike Taylor says:

      To God be the Glory China 🙂

  • Kennifer Coleman says:

    Thank you Mike and Kim. I truly needed this prayer. The enemy is attacking my family to cause division but I am holding onto Jesus no matter what or who! May God bless your bless your family!

  • Thank you for letting us share this prayer… it meant alot this morning especially….as a caregiver for my Mom, perseverance is hard sometimes. You hate to see them in pain and deteriorating physically & emotionally & mentally….Praise the Lord though, she is one day closer to Him…..

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Amen Norma,

      I often say “the older I get the closer I get to seeing God!”

      Continue to love on mom and do what you can for her. God see your labor of love and feels your pain. He will massage your hearts and ease the pain both of you ladies may be experiencing currently knowing that it will all turn into eternal joy!

  • I so needed this prayer today. Facing a monumental struggle in our marriage. Thank you

    • Mike Taylor says:

      My dear brother Steve,

      I pray for you and your loving wife. Please give me the grace to say that no struggle is truly monumental to the point that our Lord and Savior Jesus can’t handle.

      Just listen to God and trust God to move on your behalf.

      What God has put together is pure. Tend and nurture your marriage. Do not be afraid or too proud to say “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong” or “Please forgive me” if any should apply.

      Be ready to extend the courtesy you expect and who said we cannot go back to the beginning and start over with a new slate.

      Practice and resurrect those things that brought the two of you together which were Holy.

      If finances are a concern, then while you are waiting for that money boat to find its way back to the shore, downsize in the area of your life where you can.

      Go to basic cable, Get rid of the newspaper and read online. Eat out less. Take more walks in the park if you can. Unplug from the Internet and listen more then talk little. Do the laundry, Clean the kitchen. Discuss the finances with the kids if they are teenagers and ask for understanding if you can’t afford the latest and greatest. Go to a goodwill many miles away to purchase your clothing if you are afraid some of your local friends and neighbors will see you (sometime it takes time to rid ourselves of pride.)

      Above all continue to pray, pray, pray and ask God for his help. He loves to hear your voice.


  • Hi Mike,
    I saw how long ago you wrote that prayer. I am so happy to know that the two of you are now married and happily being each other’s helpmates.
    I just went through a month of severe illness and was becoming very discouraged. I couldn’t exercise ( something that I had finally learned to enjoy again with doing Kim’s program, couldn’t eat the way I wanted to and finally relapsed back into sugar.
    I had let my devotional time start getting shorter and shorter. I received good news, Praise God, yesterday about one of my health issues and was finally starting to feel stronger from the virus that just would not let go of me. Then today I was committed to starting at day 1 again and found this in my mail box. What timing. Special encouragement to keep me going at the level I am able to do. It will be a month before I will be able to do anything but walk in the house, but I am willing to do it to music to keep me going.
    A couple of old habits has also come sneaking back in and I am putting am end to them today cause of what I read in your prayer.
    I thank you for the encouragement you have been to Kim and to me.
    Bless you Mike,

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Thank Sue and to God be the Glory!!!!

      I have responded to a few of the comments from the bottom up. When I got to yours, I saw that what I have written to other certainly apply to you. There is absolutely no reason you can’t start over; definitely do so!

      This prayer is just as powerful, potent and efficient as the day it was released unto God. It has been re-release for such a time as this for you.

      One prayer can and has reach many hearts and situations in many ways. I have found myself going “hmmm” and “wow Lord!” to many of the comments.

      Our God is just Great!!!!

      He know just what you need Sue and he will be your provider!


  • Thank you so much for this. I so needed this prayer today.. God bless you

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Thank you Roshanda and to God Be The Glory!!!! 🙂

  • Love this prayer. Sent it to my two daughters to read and then posted it on my Face Book page to give bless others. Thanks so much for sharing:)

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Thank you Jane!

      To God Be ALL the Glory sweetie 🙂

  • Angelia Copeland says:

    Thank you! That was very much needed for me and my situation today.

    • Mike Taylor says:

      You are very welcomed Angelia! Not watch your situation change for the better for you and those around you!


  • I am feeling convicted to begin this journey. I am 5’4 260lbs. I hate being trapped in this body. My problem is that I love food. We have a spiritual and physical bond. I want to begin this journey but am afraid of the hard work. I know I can do all things through Christ but Im losing the battle that rages inside me. The Lord spoke to me the other day and told me to give myself positive affirmations. Look in the mirror and say them out loud but I have yet to do it. Heart disease, diabetes hypertension all run in my family. I am scared of the hard work, of failing and of succeeding. I have been the girl that loved and lived to eat all my life. Who would I be after the idol is gone?

    • Mike Taylor says:

      Hi Danel,

      You have been spiritually and wonderfully made! You are God’s beloved and you can believe that!

      I have a confession to make. Mike Taylor is trapped in his body and will not be released until the day of Christ. However, he beats his body daily. Sometime it is a hard fought struggle but ultimately he wins by the time the week ends because he may lose a battle or two along the way.

      Mike Taylor also loves food. He eats it for nourishment and for the joy of it’s taste. It is easy to over indulge in food while we (not necessarily you) hide from other problems in our life. Once we isolate those problems and deal with them outright, then it will become easier to deal with the eating.

      Loving food is NOT a problem! Being trapped in your body is NOT a problem as long as your spirit-man take control and take over the neighborhood.

      If God gave you clear instructions to do something then he has given you power to do it and take control.

      Fear comes from our enemy who don’t want you to succeed in what God has laid out for you.

      Now if you believe that fear comes from the enemy, then if you continue to be afraid to do as God has instructed you to do so, then you will give the enemy even more power over you to keep you bonded to him.

      Release yourself RIGHT NOW! by doing the things you know to do because you have placed them in type for the entire world to read. Your typed words will not go away.

      Make the enemy rue the day he dare tangled with Danel!

      We are rooting for you and know you can and will do it even if it’s just one step at a time.

      I shall await to read your praise report. 🙂

  • Mary Taylor says:

    Satan is a defeated foe and he can only do what we Christians allow.
    God,the greater one lives in us.
    We must renew our mind, read the bible, to this fact.
    He loves us so much that he put all of our sins and illnesses on Jesus on the cross. Therefore we are forgiven.and healed If not, why did Jesus die?
    We are more than conquerors.
    We win.

    • Praise God,I’m not big on writing I, couldn’t keep quite..Thank you Jesus,for taking my place on the cross..Thank you for taking the beatings that I deserved, the wounds that was meant for me..I thank God,for all my brothers and sisters, In Christ, all over the world..I pray that our God, will keep blessing and keeping you, from all harm. In Jesus,Name Amen!

      • Mike Taylor says:

        Praise God indeed my sister Elaine.

        We both know that was God’s Holy Spirit within you to type your comment boldly. I agree with you sister and will not keep quiet about the wonderful things that God has done and is doing in all of our lives in the name of Jesus!


    • Mike Taylor says:

      AMEN Mary – ….and again I say AMEN!!!! 🙂

  • Wow!

    That’s a very interesting post!

    Well ladies,

    My Sunday School debut went very well and I believe I captured and maintain the class interest with my dramatics.

    I do thank you for your prayers because my message at the retirement home went well also and I know I had their undivided attention as I am “LOUD!” and I certainly kept them awake.

    It was funny because I don’t think they were quite ready for me and my antics but I could tell they really enjoyed it as did I. I have a passion for the elderly as I love being around them but I don’t do hospitals very well.

    I was ready to speak during the youth service but another minister was selected to speak. I felt bad for him because he wasn’t quite ready and he mentioned it to the Pastor but nonetheless he was selected to go forth.

    We know God’s Word went forth, found its mark and did not return void or empty-handed.

    He had a look of despair on his face because he didn’t have that feeling of completeness that ministers love to feel.

    Now on another note, I’m afraid this venue will be the only area I will respond to your posts if needed.

    I realized that some of you would have to check to see if a reply has been made. Until we can find a plugin that will notify you a comment have been added by subscription, I would suggest bookmarking the site.

    Thank you very much for your prayers and may Father continue to bless you all.

  • Rev. Renee, ReadyWriter says:

    First, let me go back to how I ended up on this site. I had subscribed to Kim’s emails over a year ago (under Rena…don’t know why!) I began getting so many emails from various sources, and began categorizing them into folders. Well, honestly I don’t get around to the folders often; however, I began praying for emotional healing…seems my FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT was becoming more like ROTTEN FRUIT!
    So, June 9th’s email re: Prayer for Emotional Healing popped up – not in the folder. Then, June 11th’s *Stinking Thinking* I’m like, OK Father, there’s something there for me. And here we are…WHAT A BLESSING! And, I thought I was the only one who compared the Father to earthly parents who have their children vaccinated while they cry and wonder why mom or dad doesn’t save them from this abuse?! Also, Kim’ s video really spoke to my spirit! Then I placed both in their KIM folder, only to see from January FRUIT 4 FOOD. Exactly 3 weeks I began experiencing some severe digestive problems after eating at a FRENEMY’s event. (Whole NOTHER story!) Since that time, I don’t let a day go by without eating several servings of fruits and vegetables – even taking 2 supplements: 1 FRUIT 4 LIFE and the other VEGGIES 4 LIFE.
    As for the *Prophetess* thing – well, it’s mostly been relegated to confirming persons who have already been experiencing that *still small voice* that tug in their spirit that God is calling them out. I email WORD UP 4 THIS WEEKEND each week, which gives a passage of scripture in King James Veersion then in The Message Translation. Last week was entitled RUNNING FROM GOD from Jonah Ch. 1. This week’s was CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? GOOD!

    P.S. Hope you’re reading this AFTER Sunday School, since you’re needing to study, meditate and pray before going forth!

  • Ha-Ha-Ha (LOL)! Bless your heart Ms. Renee.

    Yes, MyQween and I have spoken those very words and we do know that we have a destiny with the providence of God. I would like to say that you are very intuitive but I know that God has inspired your words because they are a confirmation to what we have known all along.

    I know this is a prayer corner but you went there so indulge me this time.

    The two of us are indeed humble people (that’s kind of funny) and because of it Father will use one of us from time to time in a mighty way and when that happens the other will rejoice and say “Now remember to stay humble sweetie so Father will continue to use you that way.”

    It’s easy to get the big head when Father uses any of us but we must all remember “THAT GREATNESS COMES WITH A PRICE”.

    We often say we want to be used by God, but do we really, especially if it means pain and discomfort?

    That’s why it MEANS SOMETHING to be called a “GREEN BERET”, a “NAVY SEAL” or some other highly trained individual of warfare. Yeah, you can join the Army of Navy but to be a part of the above group you will go through something and when a covet operation from Father should arise, then he will call upon you without reservation because he know you will handle it as you have went through the fire and didn’t get burned.

    You may have yelled along the way because the fire was hot and it didn’t feel good but you were a soldier. You groaned while sweating, gritting your teeth and shooting snot out of your nose but you carried on.

    So yes, Father will welcome us all into his open arms if we will come to him. However, if we want to be used by him mightily then again I say (vaccination time).

    That’s why Paul counted it all joy while he was being afflicted because he knew the prize was greater than the price!

    I have struggled for two years fearing to step out. However, I have received great support from MyQween and family which has made it easier to do but I was already leaning forward to take the step. I had finally realized that “The Prize” was indeed “Greater than the Price!”

    I know your words are true and came from God because of just one thing you said in your post that you would never guess what it was. MyQween should know and after she reads this post I will see if she recognized it as well. I will be somewhat disappointed if she doesn’t. Perhaps, at a later time I will share with you what it was or maybe she will in one of her emailings.

    I do receive your words and for that I thank Father for giving them to you for us.

    As for our wedding date, we haven’t set one but I suspect it will be later this year or early next year.

    We have been careful to not get caught up with “Sarah Syndrome” and have allowed Father to move on our behalf. The above prayer was to me first as I don’t always understand what Father is doing with me or to me but I have learned (sometimes the hard way) to just “TRUST GOD” no matter what. Because it may not always be as I see! (I’ve said it that way because it rhymed).

    Thank you once more dear sister for we shall indeed play it Father’s way and not that of the world as we have discussed that topic as well.

    Your servant in Christ
    Mike T.

    • OK Ms. Renee, here’s how I know your words were from God.

      Several years ago when I decided that it was time to seek out a mate, I went to Father and asked him to give me a wife. So that I would know she was from him, I’ve mentioned to him to have her call me Michael as I allow immediate family only to address me as Michael while every one else should call me Mike.

      When I first met Kim, I introduced myself as Mike and on our second meeting, Kim said something like “I know your name is Mike but I have this desire to call you Michael!”

      Well let me tell you, I felt sort of indignant inside and was thinking to myself “Who told you to address me as Michael, that is reserved for my immediate family”.

      As I was about to correct her, God’s Holy Spirit reminded me of my request and spoke to my mind and said “Remember what you’ve asked me to do concerning your wife”. I gasped from within and said to myself “This is she!”

      I nor MyQween have introduce me as Michael on this or any other board/blog. So when you addressed me as Michael, I was taken aback as Father knew I would be because he knew I would be surprised and yet would receive it as coming from him (family) and it was easy to receive and will allow me to move boldly from this point on.

      Thanx again my dear SISTER! 🙂 for being obedient to God whether you knew it or not!

      I know that Father will use any of us at anytime and sometimes he will use us just one time in any given situation that’s not our functioning gift.

      I know because he used you as our confirmation doesn’t necessarily make you a prophetess but still I am wondering, is that your gift? Are you a prophetess?

      Your servant and brother in Christ

      Mike Taylor

      FTR, MyQween does call me Michael from time to time.

  • Well, Minister Michael, (yes, now it’s said!) You might as well GET READY , GET READY, GET READY! The gates are wide open because you dared to step across the threshold! Of course you will do well as you minister unto the Lord. Just remember this. REMAIN HUMBLE as the Lord takes you to Greater Heights…because it’s GONNA HAPPEN!
    I thank God for your fiancée, Minister Kim as well. I see the both of you becoming a DYNAMIC DUO in Kingdom Ministry AFTER you get married. You do have a date with destiny if you play it GOD’S way, and not the world‘s. So, you do have a date set, right?

  • Mike, Thank you so much for sharing this awesome prayer! I did forward this prayer on to my women celebrate recovery group! And will post a follow-up link to this website! This is truly a divine appointed prayer for our ladies during their “quiet”time in this group. Thankful we correspond outside the group so I can openly discuss and refer to TBYT. Will continue to pray for the Lord’s leading in your lives! Blessings! Your Sister In Christ, Sandi

  • Wow Ladies!

    Your words were very encouraging and they have given me confidence that Father will move on my behalf Sunday June 13, 2010 because I will teach my first Sunday school lesson in a combine class of intermediates & seniors. Although I have studied the lesson, I’m still not sure how I will start the lesson or where I will go.

    Then at Bible study Wednesday night (6-9-10) I was asked to speak briefly to the elderly at a local nursing home on the same Sunday to which I’ve accepted but I have nothing as of this writing.

    To top it off I may have to speak again at our evening youth service that same Sunday but I merely have a few incomplete messages.

    So you can understand my nervousness but I am confident that Father will come through for me on all points because he has said that whatsoever you ask in his name that he would do it and I am asking for a word for each instance and fluent words of instructions during the Sunday school class.

    So coupled with your prayers in your secret place, MyQween’s prayer and that of my own; how can Father ignore me (jokingly as I am smiling).

    Thanx again and may Father continue to bless you all!

    Oh, to Paula; you be encouraged as well because as it has be said all over the Internet in one way or another that if God should close the door on your job, he will surely open up other doors for you. Just be patient and don’t get “Sarah Syndrome” and try to make things happen.

    However, at the same time do look for opportunities from Father as he will surely present them before you just stay in communion with him so that he will speak to you and be sure to yourself available to hear him.

    Your servant in Christ,

    Mike T

    • Thank you, Brother, Mike T, for this very bless and touching prayer…Sitting at my dinning room table not feeling 100% today this is just what the Doctor ordered a strong Godly, dose of meds that I needed today… Praise God…In Jesus Name. Amen!
      Your Sister In Christ Mrs Upshaw..

  • “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” 2 Corinthians 2:14
    May His love for you continue to overflow.
    What a comfort to know that one’s brothers and sisters, whom you have never met, love you so much that they want to bring you before the throne of grace.
    Bless you, bless you, bless you 🙂

  • Thank you for this prayer. I have to remind myself and others of this thought every day: “,,,you already know the pain each of us experience and you also know of our desire to be released of it.” As I heal from a bad fall and look forward to walking again I pray daily for myself and others who are experiencing pain.

  • Thank you for that prayer. With everything thing going on in my daily life right now I identified with our children getting vaccinations. Even though I knew I was doing the right thing for my child I cried as much as he did. I am getting my vaccinations right now…and HOLY SPIRIT I trust you.

  • Patrece Dean says:

    To God be the Glory, this prayer was just what I needed this morning. it was truly awesome. it was like you wrote out all of pains and trials that I’m going through at this very moment. God I thank you, I know it was all God.

    May God continue to bless you and shower you with His Holy Spirit.To all who have prayed this pray be encourage, for the battle is the Lord’s have faith. Be encourage to wait on God He is always on time. Rememember that He is always with you don’t give up. Wait on the Lord.

  • This is such a blessing to my soul. This prayer (I’m crying)..is true..it is wonderful..it is FELT. Thank you for sharing this. I needed it so much. The Lord is truly GREAT and in control.

    May his blessings continue to rain down on you TBYT!

  • Thank you. God has really used you. I recently was told that my job is over as of 6/30/10. The company is closing. I don’t know what my future holds, but I pray that God will use me in a big way for His glory. My husband is a wonderful man but has not wanted to take the position as head of the house. I’m praying for God to move on him mightily!

    Thank you for your faithfulness. God bless you and pour out His Spirit on you even more and for His glory.


  • Heavenly Father, I agree with the prayers here. Let us, as we were told in Your Word (Hebrews 12:1-2 KJV), keep our eyes fixed on the prize:

    1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,

    let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

    2Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;

    who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

    We are more than conquerors. Your precious Son has fought the battle — and won! The work is finished, and He sits beside you at your glorious right hand. Hallelujah.

    Maranatha — Come Lord Jesus. Our hearts long for you.

  • Thank You ……thank you……that was wonderful. It was heartfelt and I was able to pray it easily as I read it out loud to our Lord Jesus Christ. We all have to realize that we already have all things we need, ie. provision, spiritual warfare, physical and emotional healings, etc. through Christ Jesus our Lord! If we stand in agreement we will send the enemy fleeing! Lets keep praying for one another. Thanks Again for the uplifting prayer.

  • Diane Frank says:

    Thank you for this awesome prayer. I felt “divine chills” and it was heartfelt. May God hear this prayer and bless each one of us bringing our words to pass.

  • To Father be the glory Robin.

    Sometimes MyQween (Kim) and I sense that the prayers I send to Father for myself and others might bless our TBYT family.

    The simple fact that others may be going through the same stuff we are can be very encouraging when we see how they handle it or how they are delivered.

  • Thanks I really need this prayer. It was like you were talking for me.

    • Dorothy L Cale says:

      Thank you for your on time Prayer! I needed this right now! We, my daughter and I are still standing in the gap interceeding for my grandson. Couple days ago in my Spirit I could feel God speaking that there is a Shifting Breakthrough coming for my grandson! I am Trusting God for this Awesome Move of God! Amen! Hallelujah!

    • Thank you so much Brother Mike for this prayer I so needed it . I am at a low today and just don’t know the words to say to God about what I am feeling. But your prayer somehow summed it up.


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