
Have you ever heard someone make a statement and think to yourself, “Wow, I could have said that myself!” I had a similar experience while reviewing Why Diets Don’t Work: Food is Not the Problem by Joyce Tilney recently. So many times while reading the book, I thought, “Wow, I could have written that myself!”

In her anointed book, Tilney (the founder of Women of God Ministries) uses God’s word to expose the deceptions that keep so many Christians in bondage to food addiction. Her ultimate goal? She wants you to experience freedom in spirit, soul and body – not using the book as a diet plan, but as a battle plan for total life transformation.

Tilney details her own struggle with weight and food addiction in the book. However, reading five words changed everything for her:

“The devil wants you fat!”

Isn’t that a shocking statement? She writes in the book, “The devil used my fat against me all the time in making me feel guilty and ashamed lead to discouragement and depression.” I could relate to those feelings well from my past and I’m sure many of you can too.

The book explains how the author gained strength from the Lord to start making necessary changes for her health. She obtained new appreciation for her body, affirming that she was created in God’s image. She reminds readers:

“You are unique; there is nobody like you. God thought a lot about you. Every detail of your body, every cell and organ, are the results of God’s thoughts about you. Your personality is His handiwork. God has made an investment in you, giving you gifts and talents to be used for His glory. He has great joy in His heart as He watches over you.”

This book is rich with scriptures that will renew your mind and encourage you as you seek God’s viewpoint on health and healing. By the time you finish the book, you will have renewed hope that you can win the battle with food addiction – just like Joyce did. You will learn about natural and Spiritual ways in which you can experience victory every day.

I urge you to visit Tilney’s website to learn more about Why Diets Don’t Work: Food is Not the Problem. Once I started reading it, I could hardly put it down. I ended up bookmarking nearly every other page since so much of what I read agreed with my spirit.

Plus when you visit, you can access Joyce’s FREE 30-day devotional.

There are always blessings bundled with obedience to God’s word. When you purpose in your heart that you are going to seek God first and return food to its proper place in your life (with His help), you will experience greater blessing in health, energy, and vitality. Best of all, you will be better able to achieve God’s purpose for you.

Kimberly Taylor

P.S. To learn more about Why Diets Don’t Work: Food is Not the Problem, please visit Joyce’s website

When you visit, you can also access Joyce’s free 30-day devotional. Visit to learn more.

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • I am so happy that I found your site via devotional on youversion. My weight has been the center of all my life’s problems. A mom of 6 little ones I am so convicted about my health and weight. And today an extra blessing reading this post. I look forward to reading this book and another site to add to my tool box of support to breaking free from my addiction to food and the strain it has had on my life. Thank you for sharing this review.

  • Beverly Mends says:

    I’m a 65 year old grandmother, whose now taking care of grandchildren. my daughter passed aeay last july and I’m now mom/grandma. The Father has been dealing with me about my weight. I asked the Father for longevity,and he said i have to do my part,si this is where the enemy trick me with depression.about being with my grands and leavinh my husband to be&&

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