A few years ago, my husband and I were riding to an appointment when we passed by an old country church in disrepair.
When I looked at the dingy, white paint and the wooden boards barely hanging on, I felt sad.
I thought that the members must lack what was needed to fix up the building.

Fast forward to the following Sunday at my own church.
I was having a great time in praise and worship with my hands lifted when the Lord flashed a mental picture of that old, broken-down church.
Then He asked me a convicting question:
“Do you think that I receive the worship of the people in that old church any less than I would the members of the fanciest church in town – if they worshipped Me from the heart?”
Pause and think about that.
I realized that I had no need to feel sad about the members of the country church – if they were fulfilling the purpose of that church, which is to worship the Lord from the heart and glorify Him in body and Spirit.
If they were doing that, then in God’s eyes the dingy paint and the hanging boards did not matter.
Most of us have heard the saying “Your body is a temple,” which comes from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
But have you done a heart check lately to ensure that you are focusing on your body’s purpose above its outward appearance?
Are you worshiping the Lord from the heart daily and glorifying Him in body and Spirit?
Or are you focusing more on re-painting and shaping up the outside?
While there is nothing wrong with ensuring that your body looks good and is in good repair (I’ll talk more about the repair part later), you want to ensure that you have your priorities in the right order.

Through this experience, God taught me one more important lesson using the old church as an example.
I mentioned that the church appears to be in poor condition, so the members must ensure that the building is in good repair so that the worship inside is not hindered.
Let’s say that the old church was not paying its electric bill. Now the electric company does not care that the people inside worship the Lord in Spirit and truth. They just want to be paid for services rendered.
So in spite of the members’ salvation, the electric company still turns off the power.
Now suppose this happened in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Do you think the excessive heat in the building would impact the people’s ability to worship?
As Jesus said to the disciples when they falling asleep, even though He asked them to pray with him (see Matthew 26:40-41),
…The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Even though the people in the old church might have wanted to worship the Lord with all their heart, part of their minds would have been pre-occupied with how hot it was, creating a distraction from their purpose!
So that is why it is important that you take care of your body, ensuring that it doesn’t fall into poor condition due to neglect.
Think of eating healthy as paying your bills and exercise as necessary maintenance.
Unfortunately, too many of us try to dodge our bills in this area. We try to pay our bills with counterfeit money (like a regular diet of junk or fast food).
Then, we act surprised when the bill collectors of low energy, inability to focus, or disease come calling.
Check yourself right now and ask:
Am I performing the necessary maintenance on my body to ensure the worship inside is unhindered?
Are my bills being paid?
If you are not, then ask the Lord to show you what tasks are being neglected and how you can start practicing faithful stewardship of His temple.
From a natural standpoint, it would be nice to see the old church repaired and re-painted on the outside and have sincere worship on the inside. But if they have to prioritize things, here are the right priorities from my view:
1. Worshiping the Lord from the Heart and glorifying Him.
2. Ensuring the church stays in good repair and bills are paid so that isn’t hindered.
3. Fixing up the outside.
With right priorities, you too can ensure that your body’s purpose is fulfilled and that you can worship the Lord with a clear mind and a joyful heart.
UPDATE – October 2024
After many years, I drove through the area where the country church was located. To my surprise and delight, the church has been restored! I took several pictures to show my husband Mike, then made a couple of photo collages to show its restoration.

The old church has been restored as a wedding chapel. Restoration!

Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness
Kimberly Taylor
Author of the Take Back Your Temple program
P.S. Many of us learned to stuff our feelings down with food as children. It either wasn’t safe to express our emotions or we did not know how to manage them.
But now as adults, we don’t have to stuff any more! God gives us the power of choice (agency).
In one of our Zoom members sessions, “How to Stop Stuffing your Feelings” (replay inside of the Take Back Your Temple program), we discussed how to find your voice and manage your emotions in ways that honor God.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program.
This is powerful!
Thank you for your feedback, Linda!
My God won’t He do it when we allow Him to direct us. I’m learning that I don’t have to give into sin, I’m to keep my eyes on Jesus. We can trust Him with our whole life.
Absolutely, Renee!
Once again, I have to say that I could relate to this and some of the comments also hit home. When I was in high school, I played baseball and ran track and wasn’t that bad at it, but I did have fun. Jump forward almost fifty years I can’t walk a floor worth of stairs without being out of breadth. But I still think I’m young and, I guess, try to act like it at times. But the dis-repair is there. For years I have thought that I needed to exert more for some positive outcomes. Sidenote – I live on social security disability and that only goes so far. But I have found the means to get some excellent equipment and benches and the like – only to turn around and get rid of it at discount. For a year I had signed up with this one program for father types over forty, being physical abilities may not be the same. And I barely did anything in that year. I have some light dumbbells and exercise bands, and once again I’m feeling like I need, can afford, to break them out and maybe look up some YTube videos or something. I was also thinking, I have yet to take a gander, but maybe the accountability of your SWAT emphasis would help, if that’s available. God-willing, which I know He is, I’ll follow through. It’s not only about losing weight, which is a big part of it, but being able to live in my own skin and find a little respect for me and The Spirit which lives inside of me. Sorry – wordy again, but that’s how my head works. Thank you and y’all.
I appreciate you for sharing, Phil – the Lord is doing a new thing in all of our lives. He gets the glory!
I feel like this is what is happening to me. I have been pondering this thought for sometime. I asked the Lord to open the eyes of my heart, I feel like this is fasting and praying time for me . To go in my closet and get to the root of the problem.
Sounds like a wise decision to me, Renee!
I really like your statement “Think of eating healthy as paying your bills and exercise as necessary maintenance.” I hope to keep that in mind every day!
Glad to hear that was helpful, Teresa!
Beautiful example thank you!!
All praise to God!
This was absolutely Amazingggggg!!!! The whole article with pics. Praise be to God for His wisdom and revelation.
Amen, Taris – The Lord be praised for His life-changing, life-sustaining word!
Ouch I’d believe this is me. I’d believe I have did this and still doing this. Thank you for this I need to do an mental health of what’s going on with me. Not run from it ,but face it and give it to my Father. Only God can bring up what I have stuffed away not wanting to face or deal with.
Renee – you have the courage that comes from knowing God is with you to face this issue. I pray that you continue to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers!
Ty kim you are so inspiring and I thank God for you and mr.mike.God is using you to speak to many hearts, some will release it all and God bless them. Lord continue to bless this couple and help them to be an success to all who listen to them. Bless their finance and every one you put in their path amen.
Amen, Renee- we receive it and pray multiplied blessings back to you and your family!
Exactly Renee: even at my seasoned age I find I still hold on to things I should have let go long ago and then try to justify the way I eat as the way I feel about the situatio, when I know that nothings can be done about it I call myself letting go and forgiving the parties only in a day or two pick it back up again while I’,mj eating the teaspoon of peanut butter… go figure, BUT I WILL get this if it takes the rest of my life….I WILL.
I heard that you are leaving Take Back Your Temple. Will you be online elsewhere?
Hi Tonya – thank you for writing! You heard incorrectly; I am not leaving Take Back Your Temple. However, I will no longer co-host the Stirring Words podcast because I want to focus on expanding Take Back Your Temple. Thanks for reaching out to clarify and share Take Back Your Temple with anyone else you know who may need support with overcoming emotional eating.
It seems like life is a journey of seasons. In applying the analogy of our bodies being a house, first we buy a new house, everything runs well. Second season, as we abuse our bodies in our twenties, it is very forgiving with little consequence. Third season, our house is forty or more years old. Things are wearing out. We do our best to replace and maintain. Fourth and last season, we are tired. We do what we can, but we can’t keep up with all of the things we once were able to do, due to chronic sickness, fatigue, etc… The beauty of the Lord looking at the inward man, rather than the outward becomes all the more valuable. Final season, we are at peace. We are thankful for what we still can do everyday, grieve the losses and accept what is, rejoice that He lives within us every day to love Him and to love others. The two greatest commandments given.
I appreciate your perspective, Vicky and praise the Lord that He is the same and is with us, no matter what season we are in
I can relate to the many seasons. You’ve helped me on a weight loss journey to lose 74 lbs. But diabetes only got worse and all these meds are tiring and now I feel munching in evenings. It isn’t always bad snacks. I do have some valid back issues too.
I’ve gained 10 lbs since February and it frightens me. I don’t want to worry but I had felt so positive just 10 lbs ago. I do want to honor my temple. I am very busy in church work. ugh
Thank you for your comments – I am thankful that being a TBYT reader has been helpful to you. The good news about your current challenges is that you can always make different choices each day and don’t have to continue to go in the same direction. Your health habits are meant to serve YOU, not you serve them. I recommend checking out this article to ensure that deceptive foods haven’t crept back into your eating pattern: https://takebackyourtemple.com/deceptive-food-bible-warning/ I pray the Lord open your eyes and give you strength, helping you regain your confidence right where you are, knowing the Lord is on your side!
I like the analog and it makes sense.
Glad to hear that, Renee!
Hi Jeana,
In agreement also what’s been said but mainly we do judge from the outside appearance.
Working in health care you see many people who fall into a cycle of low income and can’t afford to buy the best for the health. Perhaps they started with gaining weight because of inability to exercise properly 3-5 days every week. Think also of the medications that cause people to gain any where from 10-20 lbs every month. Unforunatly we all just judge without knowing or even caring to find out what’s going on in there lives.
Kim and her husband took things a step further and discover the cause and that is really important. If we as believers did that with those we’re in contact with would find out and help those close to then we can better help.
I know I’ve said more than a mouthfull but seeing it every day I couldn’t help myself but all in Christan Love.
I agree with your thoughts and steps for this old church. Our worship and relationship is first and foremost. I also believe that people do judge by outer appearances. They judge people,churches and most everything.
Have you considered approaching the church and talking to them about your church and others getting together and doing the repairs for them? It would be quite a blessing for them and the community. There are needs of the people inside too.
Just thinking passing by may not have been a coincidence!!,
Hi Jeana – That is a great idea! However, after my husband and I went back to take the photo in this article, we discovered that it is a historic church in that community so worship is no longer actively held in that building.
Well if it falls under historical placement then they should be fixing it up there should be an organization to do that,,,,, God bless you for helping others with your program
Thank you, Marie – the building was eventually preserved for historical reasons, fixed up and now the building is being used as a wedding chapel in that county!