Do you have peace about your eating habits concerning sugar? If not, you are not alone!
Don't you think it is time for a sugar detox?
Emotional eating often goes hand-in-hand with sugar addiction. The picture below shows the percentages of sugar sources in our diets today:
I understand sugar addiction well. There was a time when I could eat a whole Pepperidge Farm Coconut cake by myself!
But the Lord delivered me. And I know He can deliver you too.
Take our powerful course, the 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge and get support in our TBYT members-only private Community.
The Bible tells us about the power of support against enemies:
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
- Ecclesiastes 4:12
Members will discover:
- The heart issues that drive emotional attachments to sugar
- How to break the mental strongholds that keep the cycle going
- The daily SDC Action Plan with guidance for Morning, Afternoon, and Evening to detox from sugar, healthy replacements for sugar, plus breaking the biological and emotional attachments to sugar for good
To get support, take these steps:
1. Enroll in the Take Back Your Temple weight loss program.
2. Login to the private Member site with the user name and password you will receive via email. The Community appears by default. You will see the accountability post pinned at/near near the top of the Newsfeed. You are always free to post for accountability, prayer, and advice as you complete the Sugar Detox Challenge course.
I look forward to partnering with you as a member of TBYT!