What if there were a hidden health villain stalking your family? This silent enemy could be behind the weight struggles, chronic illnesses, and even mental health challenges affecting
How to Stop Stress Eating God’s Way (5 Steps)
Stress eating is a challenge that many people face, like I once did. So you might wonder how to stop stress eating yourself. Have you ever considered that
How to Interrupt Overeating ( Stop Overeating )
Have you ever driven to work – and then arrived with no memory of the drive? The following example can help if your goal is to stop overeating.
The Kingdom of God vs The Addiction Mindset
What is the difference between the Kingdom of God mindset versus the addiction mindset? This is a must-read for anyone struggling with addictive habits. I would love to
The Healthiest Thing to Practice Every Day
Years ago, I suffered from depression. In the midst of it, the Lord challenged me with one of the healthiest habits to do every day, found in Psalm 119:164:
Time to Use “Spiritual Caller ID”
I love Caller ID. It’s great to see who is calling in advance so you can decide whether you want to take the call or not.Just as you
Be Strong in the Lord (3 Ways)
The story of the 3 Little Pigs can teach you how to be strong in the Lord. Sound crazy? You can decide after you read it! What is
3 Ways to Lift the Spirit of Heaviness
Struggling with mental weight? I believe you must lift heaviness off your spirit before you can release it from your body permanently. Why do I believe this? When
How to Overcome Emotional Storms
I woke up one morning with a weird word on my mind: “barometer.” Although I’ve heard the word in weather reports, I didn’t know what it meant. I
Deliverance from Depression
In the following article, guest author and Take Back Your Temple member Barbara Blair shares her testimony about how the Lord freed her from the bondage of depression.