I felt led to meditate on the word “retreat” recently. The Holy Spirit revealed to me

The Christian Way to Retreat

Are you weighed down with concerns? A powerful way to lift your heaviness is to learn how

3 Ways to Rejoice in the Lord (Encouragement)

Is food your hiding place? When emotional eating had me bound years ago, God revealed

Is Food your Hiding Place? (Comfort Scriptures)

If you are struggling to overcome emotional eating, this 1 tip can change everything for you

1 BREAKTHROUGH Tip to Overcome Emotional Eating

The Holy Spirit brought a powerful story to my mind about how memories of past

Keep Testing your Limits

God gave me an idea a couple of years ago called “Platesharing,” which can help

Share your Plate and Lose the Weight

“The Secret Shame” sounds like a tawdry romance novel, doesn’t it? Yet, it was how I

The Secret Shame of Overeating

Do you often tell yourself, “I have no self-discipline?” If so, then this message will

The Secret Key to Discipline

I wrote this message about 5 years ago in examining my own history with binge

After a Binge: Dealing with Guilt and Shame

A Take Back Your Temple program member posted in our support group recently that she

Letter to an Emotional Eater