Why can't I lose weightJust the other day, I got frustrated trying to use a smartphone app to deposit a check.

Every time I would take the check photo, the app would log me out and make me have to start all over again.


I tried five or six times, then got mad and quit. But having a bit of a stubborn streak, I was determined not to let that app beat me.

So I tried about another seven times but the same thing kept happening.

Just as I was about to throw my hands up in surrender, I heard this small voice in my Spirit:

Why don’t you ask Me?”

Well! In all of my efforts, I never thought to ask the Lord for help. I thought this issue was too small to bother Him with.

But I heeded the small voice.

I sat down, took a deep breath and I said, “Father, will you help me with this check deposit? It is really getting on my nerves and I need your help.”

Then I got up and tried the check deposit again. The app worked!

The very next day, I was writing a new curriculum for our church’s New Members program. The previous day, I had a reference that I wanted to include, but I couldn’t find it.

I spent much time looking for it. I was getting frustrated again. But this time, I stopped in the middle of my aggravation and asked myself:

“Why don’t you ask God for help?”

So this is what I said in prayer:

Father, you know that I am trying to do Your work in developing this program. If this is a resource You want me to include, then I need Your help finding it. However if I can’t find it, then I will conclude that it doesn’t belong there.”

Calmness entered my spirit. I saw what I needed to do clearly. The Lord brought to my remembrance how I found the resource in the first place! I retraced my steps and found the resource I needed immediately.

He gave me my answer. I hope you see a pattern now.

Finally, I was wrapping gifts the day after that. I was using clear cellophane tape when the tape slipped out of my hand. When I picked up the tape again, I couldn’t find the starting edge of it.

Arghhhhh! I felt my emotions start to go into that familiar pattern of frustration.

But this time, I stopped that negative pattern cold.

I remembered the lessons of the previous two days.

I sat down, calmed myself and uttered a simple, two-word prayer: “Dad, help!”

I took a deep breath, picked up the tape and saw the edge right then.

Here’s my point: God is always available to help us. As Believers in Jesus, He is our Father and we are His children.

You don’t have to use many words to get Him to hear your prayers. He hears your heart more than your words.

But too often, God is the last one we seek for help. I can think of three reasons for that:

  • Ignorance: We don’t know that we have the privilege of asking God for help as His children
  • Call Screening: We decide that our issue is too small to bother God with (that was me)
  • Pride: We want the false glory of being a “self-made woman/man” so that we can tell others: “I did it my way.” (unfortunately, that’s also been me too in the past)

I am now practicing asking for Father’s help throughout my day, not just for big things, but for small things. I think it is deepening our relationship as I increase my dependence on Him.

If I feel frustration, stress, or any other negative emotion that disturbs my peace, I pray for help right then.

If I see a negative situation on the news, I stop and pray for the Lord’s intervention in that situation.

The Lord gave me a mouth and His Word. His Word gives me authority and I intend to use it for His glory!

Deuteronomy 4:7 says,

For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?

I bolded the above statement for emphasis. Is any situation left out of that? You and I are citizens of that great nation according to this scripture:

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9);

Since you are a Kingdom citizen, then you may call upon the Lord for any reason – big or small!

What an awesome privilege. Take a moment to look outside at the sky, trees, the sun. You have a personal relationship with the One who created all of that.

Call upon the Lord on the basis of your personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Call upon Him on the basis of His own Word.

If you do not know what His word says about the situation you are facing, then make finding it your highest priority. Seek your Father in prayer and search His word.

That’s what I did when emotional eating had bound. This habit led me to eat my way up to 240 pounds and a size 22.

Even though I was in danger of getting bigger and experiencing more health problems because of it, I still thought the issue was too small to seek the Lord’s help.

It took the Lord Himself to step in and show me a better way. His wisdom and power set me free.

And now, over 13 years later, I am free!

Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed with negative emotions anymore; humble yourself and pray “Dad, help.”

What He did for me, He can do for you.

Be blessed in health, healing and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple program

P.S. Have you ever fallen into the trap of thinking that your past equals your future? Nothing could be further from the truth.

Click Watch Video on this page to learn why you can succeed in your weight loss goals – starting today.

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Mary Frances says:

    Kimberly, I have to say WOW; conformation! I started some time ago asking God to help me with the small things. One day I was struggling to put my tennis shoes on, not feeling my best and very short of breath; I just said God help me…and the shoe went on, just like that and I said all I have to do is ask and he will help. Since then I have been just asking, no elaborate prayer, just simply asking “God help me”.
    You know how some of us have habits of things we do the same way all the time. Well I’m a creature of habits, I take off my brace and put it in the same place all the time; the other evening I could not find it, in frustration I gave up and didn’t ask for help. Next evening I simply said God help me you know I put my brace here every time where did I put it and then I looked down in my area where I usually put it and there it was, just had fell a lil behind the stand I keep it on. It was as if God said just ask me I’ll help you. We have to know “He Got Us”!

  • Thank you Kim, Donna and Angie 🙂

  • Janet Clevenger says:

    Your emails are such a tremendous blessing and help. It’s evident to me that you do what you do for the right reasons. I have told several people about you. I want to be a part of your program but may have to wait until Feb or March because my husbands job ended.

    • Karen Solovey says:

      Janet, forgive me for reading your post. I was just wondering if things have changed yet. I have been checking this out, perhaps for a combination of reasons. First, a spinal abscess rendered me paralyzed two years ago. The doctor doubted that I would walk again. I walked into our church two months later, but have struggled with the after effects of septicemia. I am a PA by trade, an advocate by God’s calling. Today, I have several friends that are morbidly obese. Today, I find that I have bought into many of satan’s lies. I am praying about starting a small group here in our home.

      I am sorry, I got off track. If you are still in this position, I just wondered if there is a way to help you out.

  • Great message as usual Kimberly! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  • Derrick Crandell says:

    Thank you Kimberly. With my recent problems I need to learn to stop at each step and ask for God’s help. Before I get overwhelmed and turn to food.

  • Sherry m. says:

    What an encourager you are in the Lord, thanks Kim.i joined TBYT a couple yrs ago and I can say unequivocally that you have caused my walk with the Lord to deepen by your anointed teaching. To me getting my spirit under control learning disapline has come first and then my body with all its habits and appetites coming under the submission of our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit is coming along at a good steady pace. No, I am not at a goal weight ( even after two years) but I am growing by leaps and bounds .i am pleased with my growth and this coming year is going to be better than ever. Proverbs 27:17 says ” As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”. Thank you friend for your part in my spiritual walk and physical change. Blessings upon your ministry and family. In christ’s love, Sherry

  • I have been asking Him for help and have not heard His reply. I’m really struggling with discouragement. 🙁

  • Pearl Brewington says:

    Thank you so much for these words of comfort. I will follow and I know I will gain victory in Jesus Name as well. Pearl Brewington

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