Action Steps

  • Respond well to tempting situations daily
  • Use the LoseIt app or tracking method of your choice to discover your unique eating patterns

How To Resources

Click here to access the following from your Download Library:

  • Take Back Your Temple eBook, Expect Tests and Be Prepared chapter
  • The Feel Good Meal Plan and Recipe Collection eBook

The Truth about Night Time Eating article

How to Comfort your Cravings article

How to Shut Temptation’s Entrance Door article

How to Take Temptation’s Exit Door article

Using the LoseIt app

I recommend getting a writing journal or get a free account at to start writing down the tests that you face and your plans for dealing with them. How did your plan go? If successful, repeat it. If not, learn from it and adjust your plan if the test comes up again.

Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor
Author of the Take Back Your Temple program
