I received some news that distressed me recently. As I decided what to do about it, the following scripture came to mind:

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).”

Normally, the words “Peace” and “Let” stand out when I reflect upon this scripture.

But this time, the word “Be” made me pause.

What does it mean to “Be”?

Read that scripture again, focusing on the word “be.”

You’ll see that you can feel better instantly in the midst of your circumstances if you grab hold of 1 key principle.

The dictionary defines “Be” as:

  • to breathe
  • to live
  • to exist
  • to inhabit
  • to fulfill a role

Think about that; how you choose to “Be” at a certain moment is separate from your circumstances!

For example, I received some news that many people would say is upsetting.

To react to the news, my first instinct was to “be” upset.

What does a person do mentally and physically to “be” upset?

  • Imagine the worst happening
  • Frown
  • Wrinkle their forehead
  • Tense up their shoulders
  • Express their worries verbally
  • Complain about it

But, what if I refused to do any of that? Could I still “be” upset?

No, I would just “Be.” I would still keep breathing.

Then I thought: What if I chose to do actions to “be” peaceful, such as:

  • Thank God that He is with me
  • Smile
  • Breathe deeply
  • Pray about the situation
  • Express my faith that God’s got this

That’s what I did. It helped me to feel better instantly!

Here’s my point: Each moment, we get to choose how we want to be. And for every be, there is a “do.”

We can allow circumstances to shape our “Be” and what we do.

Or we can choose how to be and what we do consciously. Then, our circumstances will bend to match our decision eventually.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

Proverbs 23:7 says in part, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

So today, how will you choose to BE?

Once you’ve decided how you will BE, then ask yourself “What can I DO now to fit the person I want to BE?”

In the Take Back Your Temple weight loss program, you will learn how to BE healthier every day, with the actions to match.

You can be stronger, energetic, and more peaceful in the next moment.

Make a decision to BE that!

Be blessed with health, healing and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author of the Take Back Your Temple program

Grow Stronger in Spirit, Soul, and Body

 Blast through your weight loss barriers daily with our online courses and Christian support community inside the Take Back Your Temple online membership program.

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Great word, Kimberly. I need to “be” at all times. Thanks for sharing ❤️

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Holly – God is good!

  • This is a powerful message and hit home for me. Thank you Kimberly.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Mary – God bless you!

  • This was a very good read. Have never thought of it like this. Learned something.

  • Very nice! Thank You! I liked your specific examples of what TO do and NOT to do!

  • Stephanie C. says:

    Thanks for the article, Kim! It was amazingly simple, and simply…sweet!

    As others have said, it is “timely”, I had to laugh. God really knows what He is doing in all of our lives. I saw the article in my email yesterday, but didn’t read it. My mom gave me some potentially upsetting news just before bed last night, but something in me refused to react, and told me not to react like I always would. As I had an extra minute this morning, I went back to the article, read it, and am just amazed by God. God bless you Kimberly, for listening to God and sharing it with others exactly when we need it!…exactly when I needed a reminder to “breathe, live, exist in Him and with Him, and to let God “inhabit and fulfill a role” in me. Have a great day, and I appreciate your work, and the help keeping God in my life!

  • Very Timely message. thank you.

  • Virgie Sue Williams says:

    I had to embrace the Word in scripture 1 Peter 5:7New International Version (NIV)
    7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you, in my life as a way of “be”ing, a way of life. By doing so when things come up, in obedience this scripture is already a part of my being because I give those worries, anxieties over to HIM. My Faithfulness in GOD, The Word and constant prayer allows us to do this.
    To “be” in HIM as HE is in us!
    Thank you, Kim for your contiuous reaffirmations! GOD’S Blessings to you and your family.

  • Thank you so much… this is exactly where i have been over the last past few days… the situation (person) crept in my mind all through out the day and i fed into it, shutting down and rehearsing it over and over again in my mind. i had not been able to sleep.. TODAY i decided that if it comes to mind. i will pray instead.. asking God to protect them or to open their eyes, or to keep them in good health and give them a sound mind.. im believing that if i pray every time it comes up it is doing the opposite of what the original plan of attack was towards me.. (im praying for my enemies and those who despise me) I need to push out the negative thoughts with prayer to not only change the situation but how i am in the situation.

  • Holly Freund says:

    John 14:27 (not John 14:2)

  • This a a great article…Very timely for me. Thank you!

  • THANKS. Sometimes we be well into a SITUATION and already reacting before we realize we are NOT “being”
    This article is a great reminder. HOLY SPIRIT help me to just BE becsuse i cannot do it without your help. Thank you now for your divine help, in Jesus Name

    Lol I will work to PRACTICE this DAILY

    • That is so true, Kimberly! We react quickly because it’s what we’ve always done. Our brains have become programmed through repetition. This actually reminds me of how change happens:

      1. Unconsciously Incompetent: The person is doing wrong and they do it automatically

      2. Consciously Incompetent: The person is doing wrong, but they are aware of it

      3. Consciously Competent: The person is doing right, but they really have to practice it (this is where change happens; many people quit here because it feels uncomfortable to learn a new way of thinking and acting)

      4. Unconsciously Competent: The person is doing right and they do it automatically (this is the prize if you persevere during the 3rd phase)

      Keep on practicing, Kimberly and you will get there 🙂

  • Hollie Arbogast says:

    I had faced a couple of instances where i could of responded that way too this past weekend. I had decided to keep my peace. I struggled through the emotions but with worshiping God I had started to feel bettter. It was not instant but within a half hour or so I had peace and felt better. Sometimes it may take a little longer but I am persistant not to give in. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Hollie – you are right…it can take longer depending on how entrenched in your brain the old way of reacting is. But as you are patient and keep refusing to do the old actions and focus on doing the new actions, you’ll find your feelings starting to line up!

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