When someone asks “How are you,” do you say “fine” automatically? I want to challenge you to think differently today.

Back when I was 240 pounds and a size 22, I used to say I was “Fine” too.

But that’s not how I really felt.

I wanted to lose weight. Through my former career as a Registered Nurse, I knew about nutrition and exercise. But something within me kept sabotaging my efforts.

It seemed too hard to make healthy choices every day. I was stressed, overworked and tired all the time.

No matter what I tried, I would always end up in the same pit: frustrated, sick, and depressed.

In spite of my smile, I was not “Fine”.

But after suffering a devastating chest pain and having the Lord say to me, “It is not supposed to be this way”, I read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

While I had read that scripture before and thought “that’s nice”, this time it sunk into my spirit.

I imagined new possibilities.

Exciting questions bubbled up inside of me:

  • What if I really started treating my body as a temple?
  • What if God was the answer to my struggle?
  • What if I could find the best way to lose weight for me – in Him?

In the Bible, I discovered the following words described the ancient temple:

  • Glorious
  • Beautiful
  • Magnificent
  • Great
  • Wonderful

Pause and think about that.

Imagine the possibilities for yourself.

Is it possible to experience your body as the temple of God and truly enjoy it as the glorious, beautiful, magnificent, great, and wonderful miracle it is?


How would your weight loss efforts change if caring for your body was a pleasure and a privilege?

How would your life change if you were gloriously healthy every day through the power of God’s word?

Only you can answer that.

For me, one word describes how I feel today: glorious.

It feels glorious to jump rope whereas before losing 85 pounds, I could barely walk to the mailbox because of the excess weight burdening my knees.

I want you to try something for me. The next time someone asks how you feel, don’t say “fine.”

Say “glorious.” In fact, practice saying the word out loud right now.

Does the word “glorious” resonate in your spirit?

Feeling “glorious” has nothing to do with how your body looks on the outside nor your outward circumstances. Rather, it is a reflection of the praise, prayer, worship, and renewing of your mind that is taking place on the inside.

Your body is His temple.

Jesus lives in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. The next time you say you feel “glorious,” remember that Christ, the Hope of Glory, lives in you (see Colossians 1:27).

Share Him with everyone who asks how you can feel glorious.

Our Savior is Glorious!

Be blessed with health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple program

P.S. When it comes to weight loss, do you often know what you should do but have a hard time doing it? You are not alone! I struggled with this issue on my own weight loss journey, but I discovered that “Nothing is different until you think differently.”

In the Take Back Your Temple program, you will learn how to think differently through Biblical keys that help you overcome obstacles. You’ll discover how to win the Spiritual and mental battle that often causes us to become inconsistent and get off-track on our weight loss journey.

This is must-have information if you are tired of dieting and are ready to succeed permanently.

Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Kim,
    I read this article before. I read it again tonight and “the eyes of my understanding are enlightened”
    I CAN SEE! It is easy to overlook the obvious. “TODAY” CHANGE HAS COME! To quote you, ” Your change starts today. Each day, your change starts TODAY. Some days, you can make big changes. Some days may be small. But your change starts TODAY.” I decree, Kim Walker’s change starts – NOW! NOW IS MY TODAY. PRAY I stay committed to the cause

    Thanking GOD for using YOU

  • WOW!!! You look slim. You look smaller than an 8. Do you ever eat sweets? That is my BIGGEST weight issue

    • Hi Judy – I appreciate your comment. Yes, I do eat sweets. But here is my key – I do not eat them at home. Too much of a temptation there. I know very well sweets are my weakness and I choose to protect myself.

      I will allow myself ta have a dessert for special occasions, such as I did for a family get together this past Sunday. I had a serving of dessert (my favorite kind) and I limited myself to 1 serving. I enjoyed it thoroughly. But that’s about it. I choose to make my daily eating pattern foods that help my body and mind heal, not foods that hurt me.

  • Charmaine says:

    Kimberly, you look glorious, beautiful, magnificent, great, and wonderful! I didn’t have weight to lose, but my temple was racked with pain. I suffered a lot from autoimmune-related chronic pain and a gamut of other immune complexes. I found the answer in Genesis 1:29, and have been free from chronic pain for several years now. God IS good all the time!

    Much love from a sister in Christ based in Manila, the Philippines <3

    • Thank you so much, Charmaine – all praise to our Lord and Savior. Yes, Genesis 1:29 is a prime scripture that we practice with TBYT because it was God’s first instruction to man as to what he was to eat. I believe God gave us His best from the beginning and when we make those foods the cornerstone of our diet, our bodies prosper! May the Lord continue to bless you on this journey.

  • I can only say thank you for being part of the TBYT family. When I read all my sisters struggles I cry and when I read about breakthroughs big or small I rejoice and feel inspired. Kimberly you made all of this possible when you responded to Gods calling on your life and you are such an inspiration…thank you thank you Jesus.

  • Thank you again Kimberly, your scriptural words of wisdom are always so encouraging. Your wisdom is not only helpful in reminding me that my body is God’s temple but the scriptures you bring to light are helpful in ALL areas of life. Particularly those in which I struggle mightily.
    I look always look forward to your emails!

  • Brenda Lovett says:

    Thanks Kim for caring enough about others to share what’s possible for us all!

  • Hello Kimberly,

    Thank you for your website and the wealth of help you give even outside of purchasing your online courses. I am still praying about that. I feel much like our friend Debra. Been at this all my life. Only now, the pounds seem to just want to stay with me no matter what I do. Its been very discouraging. The hunger and fullness signals the Lord has put within us makes so much sense as to how we should eat. I am just so conditioned to count calories instead. In addition, ‘voluminous’ would be a word to describe my eating. A seemingly limitless appetite. I truly feel doomed here at 270 lbs. However, I do believe in our Great God and am praying continually for Him to do a miracle in my life. Diane

    • Hi Diane – You are right…our God is a great God. You mentioned praying continually for Him to do a miracle in your life. May I suggest a different way to pray? Rather than a miracle, I suggest you pray for a “metanoia,” which means “a change of heart and mind.” That’s also the word for repentance. Ask Him to open your eyes to the beliefs that support the weight. You said you feel doomed. That’s a lie. If you have Jesus as your Savior, you have Christ in you – the Hope of glory. If you’ve got Hope, then how can you be doomed?

      Just as the weight gain happened 1 pound at a time, so will the weight loss. I challenge you to meditate on this scripture: “Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth (Jeremiah 33:6).” In your prayer, say “Lord, heal whatever is broken in my life. Reveal to me the abundance of peace and truth necessary to turn my daily choices.” Your change starts today. Each day, your change starts TODAY. Some days, you can make big changes. Some days may be small. But your change starts TODAY. May the Lord bless you!

  • Yes! …”The king’s daughter is all glorious within”.

    I Cor 6:19 is still astounding to me, His glory is in me, because I’ve been bought with a price, I think I’m going to write it in my journal every day throughout the holidays to remind me who I am, and whose I am.

    Thank you

  • Debra Jacobs says:

    I have failed so many times. I feel so ashamed to show the world my problem,the 100’s of pounds weighing my body down. I know the great sin of me not being able to take care of this temple but I continue to use food as a comfort, joy,anxiety drug to get me thru my struggles.The cycle continues…200 #,300# now nearly 400#. I pray and pray for the Lord’s help but I feel so alone in this struggle,despite the loving family and friends I have been blessed with.Alone and no answers.
    My feelings of being overwhelmed are consuming any efforts. I have so much to do and no physical strength left to get motivated. Will you pray for me Kimberly?

    • Hi Debra, I am praying with you! I pray the Lord open your eyes to the good plans He has for you and I rebuke that spirit of condemnation and rejection upon you. The Lord does not condemn you about your weight. So that feeling you have is NOT coming from Him!

      You are accepted in the Beloved – right where you are, at the weight you are. You remain His beloved daughter in Christ. The Lord wants to minister to your heart so that you trust Him with your emotions.

      You may feel alone in this, but that is a lie from the enemy that you are believing. The truth is that the Lord never leaves you nor forsakes you.

      You may feel there aren’t any answers, but that is a lie from the enemy that you are believing. The truth is that the Lord gives wisdom to those who ask Him. If you’ve asked Him for wisdom, then you have it. You have the answers.

      But if you can’t see yourself living differently, then that will prevent you from doing the steps the Lord has given you. Is that where you are – you have the answers but are afraid to use them? Fear can cause Spiritual blindness and action paralysis.

      I rebuke the spirit of fear in your life so that you can see your life without the excess weight and a different way of coping with your emotions.

      Ask the Lord to show you the ugliness of the fear spirit that is keeping you trapped. Once you see it for what it really is, you will be determined to act on the answers the Lord has given you. All it takes is 1 thing different.

      Choose the 1 thing that will make the biggest impact. What is that? Write it down and do it. The Lord will give you strength and motivation as you take that 1 step of faith.

    • Debra,
      I will pray for you EVERYDAY. I know how impossible things looks, BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD
      Love in Christ Jesus,
      Barbara Becker

    • You are welcome, Cathy – we carry treasure in these Earthen vessels. We must never forget that 🙂

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