“What do you think about Weight Watchers?” When I saw the reader question, I thought “Uh-oh – do I really want to get into the problem with diets?”

To give you some perspective, let me share my own history with Weight Watchers.
In the over 20 years of struggling with my weight before I achieved lasting success, I used the Weight Watchers program at least twice.
Although I did lose weight, I ended up gaining the weight back, plus more on top of that.
However, you’ll notice that I did not call this article, “My Problem with Weight Watchers.” That’s because my problem is not about Weight Watchers specifically.
My problem is with all traditional diets on the planet.
Now to be fair, some weight loss programs are good. I count Weight Watchers as a good program.
Problem with Diets #1: The Critical Flaw
However, my problem is because of a critical flaw within all traditional weight loss programs.
The flaw is that a typical diet industry program works on an external approach – outside, in.
Here’s a good example: Back in the 1980s, I was a regular Oprah Winfrey show viewer.
Interestingly enough, Oprah is promoting Weight Watchers now!
I will never forget the episode when Oprah emerged on the stage, looking slim and trim in skinny jeans, dragging a wagon load of fat behind her.
Oprah told viewers that she lost the weight on a medically-supervised liquid diet.
Well, Oprah looked great. I needed to lose a lot of weight too, so I decided to do what Oprah did.
I discovered that a local hospital offered the Medifast diet. It was very expensive, costing hundreds of dollars a month.
I would be limited to eating 2 small meals supplied in a silver vacuum-packed bag along with drinking 3 protein shakes per day.
Plus, I had to have blood work drawn every few weeks to ensure my blood chemistry remained normal. After all, that way of eating is not normal.
I did the program for two months. The meals weren’t half bad, but the shakes were horrible. They tasted like chalk.
But I was willing to endure the shakes if I was going to end up looking like Oprah!
Well, you probably know the end of the story; I did lose the excess weight. I looked great, but I felt awful.
My energy level was in the basement.
I couldn’t wait for the diet to be over.
As soon as it was, I threw myself back into eating the way I did before the diet. So did Oprah.
We both gained the weight back – plus more.
What happened to us is the traditional diet mentality in action.
Problem with Diets #2: The Diet Mentality
The diet mentality says: “I’ll eat this way until I lose weight, then I’ll go back to eating my ‘normal’ way.”
That is why people are always losing weight and gaining it back constantly.
Old ways = Old weight.
Even though the diet works on their external actions, their hearts and minds remain unchanged.
And that’s the problem.
That’s why they always go back to the place (habits) that caused them to gain weight in the first place.
That’s where their hearts and minds where!
The Solution to the Diet Problem
To quote pastor James McDonald:
Nothing is different until you think differently.
Our behavior is always going to live up with the Person we believe we are.
That is why I believe a Christ-centered approach to weight loss works best.
God’s way to change is internal, inside out.
The only way to lasting change is the way the Bible prescribes:
- “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).”
- “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).”
Only a daily relationship with God through Jesus Christ has the power to change your heart.
Only abiding in His word has the power to change your mind.
In the over 15 years I’ve had Take Back Your Temple online, I have discovered that many people who struggle with eating and weight issues have heart issues driving them.
They also typically have beliefs that are keeping them overweight.
A traditional weight loss program can never minister to issues of the heart and mind.
But Jesus, the Great Physician can!
As long as you just work on the outside and don’t address what is driving your external behavior from the inside, you’ll be doomed to riding the weight loss roller-coaster forever.
But when you slow down and decide that you no longer want to live a diet, but want a way of eating that powers your purpose and your life, then you are on your way to lasting success.
For a Christian, we realize a larger issue is at stake than just looking good.
After all, how we travel through this life has eternal consequences.
So the wisest thing to do is to lay aside every weight that entangles us in this world.
Our aim is run the race the Lord sets before us with endurance.
We learn to experience freedom from our food issues – and inspire others to do the same!
Be blessed with health, healing, and wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author of the Take Back Your Temple program
P.S. When it comes to weight loss, do you often know what you should do but have a hard time doing it?
I struggled with this issue on my own weight loss journey, but I discovered that “Nothing is different until you think differently.”
The value of the Take Back Your Temple program is that you will learn how to think differently through using Biblical keys to overcome obstacles. You’ll discover how to win the Spiritual and mental battle that often causes us to become inconsistent and get off-track on our weight loss journey.
Join a community of other Christians losing weight and keep it off.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program
Read the first book of Daniel where the best way to eat is described. As an experiment, some guys ate beans and other plants while the rich guys ate meat and whatever the king’s table provided. Dan challenged the royalty to compare the physical condition of the two groups after only ten days. The plant eaters were in much better condition. Even in Genesis God says he gave us plants to eat. So there it is for anyone who wants to go Bible based. The benefits of this way of eating are innumerable and I do believe I’m benefiting. You don’t have to be perfect, just work toward a whole food plant based diet.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Michele – I also see Genesis 1:29 as similar to a car manufacturer telling a purchaser the compatible fuel that works best for the car. The purchaser would ignore that advice to their peril 🙂
Yes, yes, yes. One have to work on the heart and mind.
Exactly, Renee – that is the only way the changes we make will last 🙂
Your are so right. Christ centered, Holy Spirit filled .. your Take Back Your Temple program is the only program out there that gives us the tools we all need. And prayer is what keeps us in relationship with our creator 24/7. Thankyou Kim for being God’s conduit bringing this into the light.
Free will given by God still puts the choice before each of us. I am finding that The Holy Spirit within me is what helps me do my part.
Praising God for His provision and Grace. A member in training!!
Amen, Jennah – thank you for that confirmation and may the Lord continue to bless you on this healing journey. It is worth it! ❤
I to noticed that when I lost the most weight in my life was after I had excepted Christ and told God I was ready to lose the weight I was studying the Word at the same time I was going to Weight Watcher”s and I lost 50 or 52lbs…of all the other times I joined WW I would lose and gain it back lose and gain it back BUT, this time with God on my side I could lose….That was in 1984, and I know without a doubt when God is involved I can’t help but lose….
Hi Roberta – view another way, when God is involved, you can’t help but WIN! May He continue to reveal the truth of His word for your healing ❤
I’ve been trying to eat fruits and vegetables, correct proteins and cut out sugar and excess salt. No chips and the like. But I am still not losing the weight. My phone reads my bible to me on the way to work everyday, I am in prayer. I am not able to exercise as much and can walk for sure about 4000 steps a day. How do I get the weight to start to come off?
Hi Jennifer – Thanks for your question. Many things can impact your ability to release excess fat such as underlying medical conditions, medications, even stress! Here are some things to check out in this matter: https://takebackyourtemple.com/when-the-scale-is-not-moving/
Remember – our health habits are meant to serve US, not us serve them. The main reason to practice positive health habits to protect your health to fulfill your God-given purpose. Ironically, too much focus on the scale number can also cause stress that can prevent progress. Ensure that you are also seeing signs that you are moving in the right direction: https://takebackyourtemple.com/beware-scale-worship/
Ms. Taylor is so right about the diet mentality. It needs to become a lifestyle change that allows for leeway now and then. I used to weigh 50lbs. more than I do now and occasionally a few come back but my body refuses to keep them.
Thanks for the confirmation, Michele!
Kim, this article means so much to me, as it is my story with diets as well. I started with TBYT during the recent sugar detox and continue avoiding sugar—and not craving it. Praise the Lord! The funny thing is that I had decided to use the Weight Watcher’s app to keep track of my daily eating. But the difference with THIS time on WW is that I don’t feel like I’m on a program—I’m only using it as a tool to help me take back—with the Lord’s help—that which the enemy has piece by piece stolen from me. The Lord has been renewing my mind and helping me to see the issues of why I have been a human diet yo-yo most of my life. And when I am tempted to reach for something that would side track me, a little voice inside my head says, “Not today, Satan!” The enemy isn’t stealing from me in broad daylight anymore!
Praising the Lord with you, Melinda!
Thank you again,as a professional weight lost person (since 1966) when I first started with WW…I lost weight, as soon as a situation would come up I would get off and of course the weight would come back on. This has been going on for years on and off and on and off
until I excepted the Lord and in the process of learning more about HIM I went back to WW lost 50lbs,( I looked good to me) lol…but the moment after I got married again started cooking for my new husband back came the weight, it’s been a roller coaster every since, but NOW, it’s time to take back my temple for me and the Lord to do HIS work and HIS will HIS way……
Amen, MsSpicy – don’t forget, this is a DAILY journey and you don’t walk alone. If God be for us, who can be against us? He is with you every step of the way as you take back His temple!
This is amazing what your doing with these articles and I’m blessed to even have found you on YouTube and now reading Your material it’s amazing !
Thank you so much, Apryl – I give all glory to our Heavenly Father. He is good!
Hi Kimberly! I got your program several years ago, but honestly never really “worked” it and never changed that diet mentality. I just dropped out of Weight Watchers because I wasn’t able to change my eating habits but I’m still counting calories on My Fitness Pal. I think I am ready to follow your plan now, but I don’t really know how to proceed. Is there somewhere I can find guidelines? I am ready to make those inner changes!
Hi Sharon – No problem. I will email you privately with the instructions to access your Member Dashboard. God bless you!
Kimberly, do you sweets at all now that you are @ your goal weight? Did you eat sweets when you were eating “God’s Way?”
Hi Judy – I eat sweets rarely now. I discovered I have a small sugar tank, so it doesn’t take much sugar for me to spark cravings and cause emotional instability. I never bring them home. When I eat them, it would be at an event and the amount is small. My guideline is, enough to taste, but not enough to fill up on. I choose to fell up on those foods that help me, not hurt me.
Click here for more information about that.
I am so thankful since joining TYTB, it is so much deeper than a diet. I also did Physician’s Weight Loss, and sadly gained it all back. Since I started TYTB, my prayer life is getting stronger and I realize that it is not the food, it is my faith that makes the difference ! I have some emotional baggage that cannot be fixed with a diet. It is going to take prayer and a renewed mind. Thank God for renewal and restoration inside, and then the outside can follow.
Thanks for listening
That is awesome Sonia. You can do this – with God, all things are possible!
I want to thank you for the love and encouragement from your emails. You are the only one that digs deeper into the heart, where much of the transformation needs to take place. God sees the heart and knows our weaknesses. When I am weak, then I am made strong. You have helped me become strong. God has certainly used you to teach those of us who suffer from self-control. God bless your ministry. God bless you.
Surely, beings transformed heart and mind. .. is lasting success..
When i stopped reading bible, journaling, staying connected going avoiding church. .. placing people before God…and myself … rough backtracked again rollarcoaster for last 10 years, new 40 pounds quickly came in when God wasnt 1st priority i just spent 4 months walking off and last 4 putting back on…. thank you Kim for safe place to read wisdom and connect my mind back on God as 1st in my life. -Xoxo
I love how you used the words, “safe place to read.” I do feel safe from all the negativity of being obese and sharing that very intimate part of myself. I am obese and I know I cannot do the things He asks of me if I’m a mental and physical wreck.