If you are worried about your weight or health, I recommend this four-word prayer that changes everything.

In 2006, the Lord told me the meaning of the name “Take Back Your Temple;” TBYT is a prayer that asks God to take control of our bodies and lives so He can use them for His purpose and mission.
After all, we recognize that trying to live in flesh-driven strength and power isn’t working.
Here is the ‘ prayer changes everything ‘ Bible verse:
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
This scripture gives us the truth about our bodies’ importance:
- Because the Holy Spirit lives in our bodies as Jesus’ disciples, He transforms our bodies from a common purpose. A plane becomes ‘Air Force One’ when the U.S. President steps on board; our bodies become God’s temple because the Holy Spirit is within!
- We do not own our bodies; we are responsible for managing them.
- The Lord bought our bodies through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
- Because of His purchase, our bodies have a purpose: glorify the Lord (display His character to others through Holy Spirit empowerment and in our spirit – mind, will, and emotions).

Praying the Prayer that Changes Everything
Because you recognize that your body is God’s temple, you invite Him to guide you in caring for it. You rely on Spirit-led strength, not flesh-driven.
- If you are struggling with your weight now, ask God to: “Take Back Your Temple.”
- If you are struggling with destructive habits, pray to the Lord in the midst of it: “Take Back Your Temple.”
- If you are struggling with fear, doubt, depression, stress, worry, or anxiety, invite God into the situation: “Take Back Your Temple.”
If you pray that simple prayer that change everything with a sincere heart each day to start your day, then I believe God will answer. After all, God’s word is the prayer’s foundation!
Once you pray the prayer that changes everything with faith, know that the Lord has answered. Express your gratitude to the Lord as in,
Thank you Lord! I believe that I receive [say whatever you believe is your level of optimal health] according to Mark 11:24.”
Meditate on this faith statement until you feel the joy of receiving the gift bubbling up inside you.
Adding Action to your Faith
Now, here is the next step. Many people miss this and do not obtain what they ask for in prayer.
Listen as the Holy Spirit speaks to you and guides you, giving you wisdom regarding how to obtain what you asked for in prayer.
Whatever he tells you to do, please do it. Blessings are bundled in obedience.
Whether you have victories, advancements, mistakes, or stumbles, you learn from it because you see that all of it is part of your life story!
Life is PROGRESSIVE, step-by-step, day by day.
- Each day brings us closer to an expected end.
- Each day brings a fresh opportunity for positive impact and God’s glory.
The key is to take each day as it comes and rely on God’s wisdom and strength to use opportunities to improve each day – to progress.
The time is going to pass anyway. We get to choose how we want our time to proceed.
What is one thing that you will do today to progress on your health habits? Even defending existing territory is progress because time is still working for you!

Walk out the Lord’s strategy step-by-step, day-by-day. Please write it down and review it every day. God wants you blessed in health even more than you want to receive it.
“Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.”
– Jeremiah 33:6
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
I’m a 61 year old woman who has lost over 130#’s twice in the last 10 years only to gain it all back. This last time I cried and asked God why I kept doing that to myself? I felt He answered and said, “Because you don’t feel worthy.” Recently, while climbing the three flights of stairs to my son’s apartment, I felt every last one of the 337#’s I’m carrying. The thought struck me that my weight was being similar to old Jacob Marley’s chains in death; I am carrying every mistake and bad choice I’ve ever made. Now, to work my way up to feeling worthy.
Thank you, Kim, for sharing your spiritual gift with us all.
Hi Vicki – The enemy wants us to focus on ourselves and our own weaknesses and shortcomings. But the Lord loves and accepts us right where we are. He gives us a new identity in Him. So rather than focus on the enemy’s lies of “I’m not worthy,” you can combat that with “I have a heavenly Father who thought I was worth creating and a Savior who thought I was worth dying for!” When love is your motivator for change rather than condemnation, then you will find a heart to take care of yourself day by day, choice by choice with God’s help 🙂
God is greatly to be PRAISED
Amen, Rodney – and we are honored to have God’s breath in our lungs to return to Him in praise!
“Lord, take back Your temple.” This is so powerful it brings to my eyes. My body is not my own, ALL of me belongs to the most High. No stone left unturned.
Hi Kimberly. How should I pray for my legs? They are very skinny and I would like them thicker, smooth and beautiful. Please please help me. God bless you for serving Him.
Hi Pauline, I can tell this issue is very important to you. You can pray for your legs the same way that you pray for anything else: Ask the Lord in prayer about it, expressing whatever is in your heart. Expect the Lord to provide an answer. I would also recommend reading 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. Your legs may not appear the way you want them. But what do they do for you? Why are you grateful for them? Know that the Lord loves you and that you are accepted in the Beloved in Christ Jesus even with “skinny legs”.
Hello Mr. Kimberly
I am so blessed to have ran across your blessed words and your story. I have tried a ton of diets and I’m still 270lbs due to no consistency. I’m emotionally and physically depressed I run to food constantly! I try to eat my emotions away. This prayer will be my everyday prayer. I need to be healthy and at peace again. Thank you, Me. Kimberly!
Dear Kimberly,
I am struggling with eating unhealthy foods and have been on this journey for years. I need prayer. Lord, take back Your temple. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Joining you in prayer on this issue, Lilia! You may also want to check out this article as well for insight. The Hidden Reason We Overeat
Thank you, in this battle where there often exists tmi, a simple Godly prayer says it all. I needed some beautiful simplicity today. I will take this prayer, with truth place it in my heart and offer it to God. I am so grateful!
Thank you for this prayer. I have been feeling like nothing I do is working in my weight loss journey. I will start praying this prayer as often as I remember it. Thank you for your encouraging words.
Oh, thank you Andrea! Your words really touched my heart. I pray your continue to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!
This is so powerful! Exactly what I needed this morning. I thank God for you.
Thank you, Kimberly Taylor! I now belive that health is possible if I finally surrender to God and let his word carve a new, lean physical body from the old, shapeless, formless one. Thank you for so generously sharing your journey.
Thank you so much Mrs Kimberly for showing me how to use prayer to take back my temple. Be blessed
Sister Kimberly, I thank God for you and the vision He has placed inside of you to help people like me who have struggled with weight and fear ,doubt, worry, depression. I have been trying to do things my way all my life only trusting God as the last result. I know that is not right thinking. God has to have first place in my life. I have decided to let go and let God have total control of my life.I am going to rely on His strength. My body is not my own it belongs to Him .Thank you for your web site that lifts up the name of JESUS.
Thanks so much for sharing this with me! It was right on time! I needed to read your story and pay that prayer before I had lunch.
Awesome Angie – I’m glad it was helpful!
Thank you so much. I have finally found someone I can relate to and undetstands my struggles.
thank you Kimberly!
You are a Godsend. I just came across your website and began Taking Back My Temple 2 days ago. Your emails are so encouraging. I believe this time will be different because God Is a part of it. Im encouraged and I thank you. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Than you I am back in now without any problem.
Hi Kimberly,
I have been following your program for a while now and enjoy it so I joined.
Unfortunately I am locked out due to not being able to remember my password.
Could you help me please? I have tried all the things suggested on the website but have ended
up in a loop and no email.
Thank you so much and am reading your book on stress at the moment and enjoying it very much.
Hi Sharon – I’ll email you and should be able to help.
Hi Kimberley,
That’s good information you give how to pray and focus on God word, it truly help me to stay encourage. Thank you.
Thanks for your spiritual insight
Thank you for this simple prayer. It reminds me of when I gave my children back to God when they were born, it took away much of the fear that came with raising children. I just never thought to do it with myself. So, take back Your temple, Lord.
Kimberly, thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord when He called you to do this ministry. Your emails are such a daily encouragement to me. I have been carrying around extra weight for a few years now and realize that the reason it kept getting worse was that I was justifying it and saying “It’s not that bad.” Well that wrong thought helped me to gain even more weight. I am now more determined than ever to stay the course and the journey.
I am done believing lies about my weight and health. I use to tell myself “Well this 100 extra calories doesn’t matter.” The only problem was that each day I ate way too many extra “100 calories” here and there. So thank you for your transparency and encouragement about your own journey. And the article about starting to count your food and always hating to count spoke to me loud and clear because that’s where I have been. Pray for me because night time eating is such a struggle for me also. Thank you!
I am so happy that the ,Lord gave me this divine connection,it was nobody but the Holy Spirit, because I was sleep, He woke me up Togo to this website4:00 in the morning, even though I the Lord gets me up all TIMES of the night to pray because I am a intercessor,but this is so amazing. This is my third day from Oct 22, 2015- 23,2015. I really am feeling different already. With God in control we can never go wrong. I really think God for using you. God gets all the glory. Have a bless day.
Thank you for guiding me through this and making the focus the guidance of the Holy Spirit! I feel like I can finally do this !
I will pray that prayer each morning because I’m so determined with a spirit of Endurance.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and insights. The prayers you share are so very encouraging and practical. At last I finally feel I’ve been shown a Biblically based mindset for better health.
You are welcome, Gina! It is my pleasure to share what God so patiently teaches me 🙂
Thank you so much for these wonderful instructions, I will share them with my husband. God bless you!