A TBYT reader wrote me once about how her mind just goes blank when she binge eats.
Have you ever had that experience?
But I just made a sobering connection between mindless eating, mental blackouts, and Eastern meditation.

It chilled me. And it will chill you too once you understand what’s really going on.
The Danger of an Empty Mind
When you meditate the Eastern way (Buddhist and Hindu), they tell you to chant and empty your mind. The reason, they say, is that it relaxes your body and calms your mind.
Now that I look back on it, my binge eating was a form of meditation, but it was the Eastern kind, not the Biblical kind.
I used binge eating as a pressure-release valve.
My mind was blank while my hands seems to operate all on their own, picking up the fork, spoon, knife, box, bag…seemingly without ”me” being involved.
I realize what I am about to ask is controversial and you’ll likely be uncomfortable in considering it:
Could emptying your mind open you up to demonic influence?
I think it can.
The Unclean Spirit’s Takeover
In the story of the Unclean Spirit (see Matthew 12:43-45), Jesus talked about an unclean spirit being cast out of a man, but deciding to return.
When the unclean spirit returned, he found the house empty, swept, and put in order.
But Jesus said that the empty house not only served as ‘open house’ to the unclean spirit, but that same spirit brought seven other spirits more wicked than himself to dwell with him.
The man’s state was even worse than it had been at the first!
While I do not believe a disciple of Jesus Christ can be demonically possessed because the Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption (see Ephesians 4:30), I do believe that we can be susceptible to the enemy’s influence through our flesh and an un-renewed mind.
I believe there is a spirit of gluttony who “feeds” off the pleasure of food indulgence and grows stronger as we engage in that behavior.
The Christian’s Way to Meditate
In every instance of Biblical mediation, we are told to meditate ON or IN something.
We are never told to be “blank minded” or “mind less (without mind)”
On the contrary; we are told that we have the mind of Christ and I know Jesus was not empty headed!
So if bingeing remains a problem for you, then I ask you to focus on filling your mind during those moments of temptation.
Focus on the fullness Jesus left for us:
‘These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.
– John 15:11
Renounce the spirit of gluttony in the name of Jesus.
Resist the urge/habit to empty out your mind or go blank.
Stay in the present and focus on what you are doing.
In that way, your house is not empty.
Here is an exhortation from the apostle Paul to Timothy and I think it is good advice for us all:
“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit,in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all (1 Timothy 4:12-15).”
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author of the Take Back Your Temple weight loss program
P.S. Have you struggled with binge eating? If so, you are not alone.
I struggled with binge eating for years and know about the discouragement and frustration that comes with it.
But there is hope! You can overcome binge eating, enjoy food freedom, and develop a healthy relationship with food.
If you’re ready to finally overcome binge eating and experience food freedom, click here to learn more about our newest online course: How to Stop Binge Eating (Satisfaction Guaranteed).
Ms. Taylor, this is very perceptive commentary, and exactly what I needed to see. This is exactly what it feels like in my case, but I could not quite figure out the problem. May God bless you and all your endeavors.
You are welcome, Christine – may the Lord bless you on your wellness journey!
thank you Jesus for your word and i will rejoice in it. full us with the truth of your word, and help us to think on things that are noble and true. no weapon formed against us shall prosper amen.
Amen, Renee!
Thank you for this Big reminder. It is my biggest challenge to renounce the spirit of gluttony! It caught hold of me the last few days of the detox challenge. It is CB horrid and I renounce it being in me . Only the Holy Spirit. Can help me and keep me safe. It has been a real difficult time . Am spending more time in the Bible studying Acts and Revelations. Pray with me please to bind this spirit of gluttony and take it permanently out of me. The ice and snow were a distraction but that is no excuse. I feel God’s presence and very strong urges to be self indulgent as my 79 th birthday is just 3 days away. I feel like Paul when he said that he knows what is right but finds himself doing what is not so. It is especially strong right now. I do have Hope that God is with me and His Spirit will help me and strengthen me. I would just like it to be permanent and just not temporary. I have prayed to The Holy Spirit to help me identify the why I do this so I can overcome it.
I know in my heart this can be overcome but something in me is causing such great resistance! Amongst spend time today reading the Psalms and listening for the answer. Thanks for the opportunity to express what is going on inside of me right now. I can only Trust God at this point to meet my need ! Thank you. Jennah
You are welcome, Jennifer – typically the roadblock is fear. Ask yourself, “What is the meaning I have assigned to the food I am binging off of?” This article may help you uncover that: https://takebackyourtemple.com/sugar-fired-sugar-addiction/ I pray the Lord opens your eyes to this matter and reveal to you how you can meet that real need in a healthier way rather than binging.
This was amazing Kimberly!! I have never read anything that explained the empty mind like this
Thank you
Thank you Kimberly…. I was praying this morning and the spirit of gluttony came to my mind. I believe that it what I have been influenced by. I googled it and your article came up and I just shook my head because I met you during the WEIGHT is OVER boot camp with Keisha Easley this past Jan/Feb. I said, wow God…He is so good. Thank you for this.It has definitely opened my eyes. And I have renounced the spirit of gluttony and am filling my mind with the truth of God!!! Hallelujah!
Oh yes Candice, I remember! I am praising God with you for the breakthrough. I pray the He will continue to give you wisdom on foods that help you so that you feel and function your best every day. After all, your habits are meant to serve YOU, not you serve them. While this health journey is not always easy, it always worth it because it helps us remove any stumbling blocks standing in the way of finishing well in the Lord. Stay blessed!
I never understood what that passage meant and why the demon would go back to a house that was in order. This makes perfect sense! Thank you
You are welcome – God bless you!
Very good. I appreciate this encouragement and I especially appreciate the scripture to back it up.
Glad it blessed you, Carol!
Thank you Kimberly, for this article. I’ve been struggling to eat in a healthy manner for the last few weeks, and it has felt like the enemy has had me in its grip. Today, I’m going to kick him to the curb. I will be victorious again through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus
Amen, Vickie – I am joining you in prayer for deliverance so that you experience the abundant life the Lord wants for you!
Yes…I have read that gluttony is a spirit…..and it becomes a stronghold as we yield into the gluttony
I appreciate your feedback, Judy. The good news is that any stronghold can be torn down through replacing the enemy’s lies with God’s truth – and walking according to that truth every day. With God’s strength and wisdom, which He supplies through the Holy Spirit, victory belongs to us 🙂
Wow, this is so insightful and something I have never considered. Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom!
Glad it was helpful, Angie! We need to be aware of destructive influences in our lives and remove them with God’s help. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Let’s not give him that permission!
Praising the Holy Spirit for speaking this Godly wisdom through you. And thank you for your surrender and obedience to the Father in delivering it to us!
You are welcome, Rick! It is all about us finishing our race well in the Lord and taking as many people with us as are willing to go. God bless you, brother!
Kimberly this is so good! Thank you for this insight!
You are welcome, Holly. It helps to know that we are not alone in this struggle. We know God is with us and we are here for each other 🙂
Another great article to think about. I have been feeling stressed today balancing many appointments and some changing due to COVID office closure. Trying to fit in a reschedule, or deciding which to ones to postpone bring a lot of uncertainty. Plus, I’m tired from adding extra to my already full schedule. I did binge eat some today, but nothing like I used to for sure! It doesn’t even have the same draw or power over me as before. But, I am looking forward to the day that I can resist seeking food for comfort altogether. Thanks Kimberly.
You are welcome, Vicky – with God’s help day by day, you will be healed in Jesus’ name!
I’m looking into the spirits behind this. Bulimia is unique from gluttony and anorexia. It’s like stuffing the shame and guilt and self hate and a insatiable hunger that never goes away. But always needing to feel empty at the same time. What you said is exactly how been feeling as far as escaping reality. Especially now that reality and truth is far far more mind blowing than before. Now I know that Jesus is God and that we are all born eternal beings and most of us will spend eternity in hell. Including me if I don’t repent of this. The harder I try the worse it seems to get. Been doing this for 30 YEARS!!!! 30! The Holy Spirit came to me a year ago and showed me how it was quenching Him and keeping me from doing the will of God and what would surely come from continuing on in it. But what have I done? Well, Still doing it. Every time I talk about it in deliverance people basically tell me to fast and pray. But for me, I’m in bondage to food!! Ugh it’s beyond frustrating and so I’m doing research on what demon is behind if. Think it may be Beezlebub. But not for sure. How have you all gotten freedom from it?
Hi Dace – thank you for writing! God is a God of restoration, not condemnation. A question: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior? You didn’t mention Him in your message, so that is the first place to look for deliverance: https://www.everystudent.com/features/know-God.html. I recommend reviewing the previous article to solidify the basis of Salvation in Him. It does not matter what demonic force is influencing you because Jesus is greater than them all! The question is, which voice are you believing and heeding each day? The enemy will do whatever He can to get you caught up in self-hatred and darkness. But the Lord is in the light and He causes His people to live in the light as well. He will walk with you on the journey of healing. Here is an article I wrote about bulimia a while back. I pray you heed its message: https://takebackyourtemple.com/letter-about-christians-and-bulimia/
Wow, Dace. I feel so much for you being stuck in this huge bondage. I am so thankful that you want out and you haven’t given up on trying to find the way. I pray God’s guidance for you to find the path, by His spirit. I really value your vulnerability in sharing this!
Dace, I to have battled bulimia for decades, close to 40 years. 4 years ago I had an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit and I believe I was delivered from it, then 2 years ago I allowed myself to fall back. It is certainly a demonic spirit but I refuse to let it win. I am an overcomer by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of my testimony.
Sister Kimberly , you are truly sent by the Lord. I have been seeking a solution for months as I have been going through this for a year. I had seeked answers from other youtube videos, and I understood one thing, even though their ways might seem right, as long as they are not alogned with the word, they are not the right way. The path to heaven is a narrow one and the path to destruction is wide. Jesus is the only ways and he led me to you. The revelation about the mind being empty while binging because it is a demonic acts really opened my spiritual eyes, this message is purely from the Holy Spirit. This is the wisdom of God. It is so true as while binging im not aware of what’s actually happening and after binging I ask myself what have I done. It never felt like me even though I was the one doing it and no one around me understood. The things seen are made of the things unseen. This was th spiritual warfare going on. The devil lied to me on several occassions saying that I would never be able to change no matter how spiritually strong I would get and he would associate my identity through this act. I am who God says I am , I inherit the new man, the resurrected nature of God within me. My spirit is sealed by the holy spirit as I am a new creation. I really thank the Lord for explaining the spiritual occurence of this issue. The wisdom of God has been so rightly exprssed through your video of how , in the sin of gluttony, we try to get comfort by eating to fill out that space. When that is false comfort. Only the spirit of God is comforting and the word of God is real comfort. I truly know that I am delivered in Jesus name. I am assured that this is the way, God’s way. Jesus has blessed you and your household dearest sister in Christ.
All praise to our Father, Giselle who illuminated this issue for you. May you continue to walk in the light as our Lord and Savior Jesus is in the light. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path!
Wow thank you i really needed this because I found myself going back to my old way. God bless you for being there for me.
You are welcome! We have to be there for each other so that we can ALL finish our race will in the Lord. The reward that is waiting on us is worth it!
Thank you for your beautiful, God centered ministry!!!
Thank you Clodis – I am praising God for the opportunity!
I totally agree that we should not empty our minds for anything because the enemy of God can influence us. Our focus should always be on Christ and His word, especially Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” We need to be strong and control our thoughts, rejecting anything that would displease God or not be in harmony with His word. We must be on our guard.
Amen, Rosalina – it is a matter of life or death – and the Lord wants us to choose life!
Can a sexual spirit be attached to gluttony?
Hi Raymond, I cannot answer that question definitively, however if you look at the story of Sodomites, you see that they were not only prideful and sexually deviate, but also “full of food:” Ezekiel 16:49 says of them: “Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”
So the Sodomites were focused on indulging their own flesh and ignored the poor and needy around them. Their hearts became hardened and calloused. But that is what sin does to mankind – it drags humanity down to the devil’s level: https://takebackyourtemple.com/sober-warning-sins-downward-slide/
Hope that helps!
Hi. I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about new age meditation. I did that for some time and after accepting Christ I read PSALM1 and all clicked. Psalm1 says to meditate in the word day and night.
All that empty mind meditation lets unclean things into ones mind.
The analogy that came to mind is as follows:
Suppose you had a house in Vermont and one day during the muddy spring season the neighbors all decided to come over and want to come into your house. You being a nice host might say, I will let them all in, pass through the house and out the back door. After they all come in you would look down and realize your clean white carpet was a mess. That’s how the brain looks after opening it to anything that wants to come in. The only thing I want to let in is the Holy Sprit and God’s word when I meditate.
Scripture in the beginning a scrubbing the mind of dirt and renewing it. I have a friend who suggest confessing the word, always. Recently I have found that memorizing psalms (1, 23,91) is clearing my mind of the junk. Occasionally, I write it out then repeat 10 time and then write and repeat. I find that many thoughts memories etc come up and I believe they are being cleaned up with the PSALMS.
For those considering Transcendental meditation. Why the “secret” word. Why not say Jesus over and over in your head. I once did this for a five hour coast to coast flight. It really works…..
God Bless.
Thank you SO much for that perspective, Neil! May the Lord bless you 🙂
This is amazing
Thanks for reposting this message. I have recently learned about the problem with empting your mind. I do agree with your take on this philosophy on Eastern meditation which includes yoga practices, which leave us open to negative forces. Thank you again. I had never thought about eating in this manner.
You are welcome, Jane! It is unsettling to think of binge eating this way and yet it is the truth. Too much is at stake to leave us open to demonic influences. So I pray that the Lord give each of us discernment to judge between good and evil – and CHOOSE the good!
A lot of children are conditioned from childhood to eat instead of receive love from their family. So the classical conditioning of eating meaning they’re getting loved is so ingrained in their personality. All things through God strengthen me. Learned to respect my body and to feel my love without food is the new journey I am on for for the rest of my life. Thank you for your scriptures as they bring God’s word into power in each of our lives. God bless you always amen
So very true, Mary! As children, we don’t know how to handle distressing emotions and we learn early that food makes us feel better. The problem is when food becomes a numbing agent that you use so you don’t have to feel. Or when you use food in place of God for comfort.
I praise God that you are on a healing journey so that food regains its proper place in your life. May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers!
Wow Kimberly, just last week, God showed me how I was distancing myself from Him when I binge eat as I become mindless. This is a confirmation and a deeper understanding of the spiritual warfare I’m am facing! I praise God for your faithfulness to this ministry. Janeen
You are welcome, Janeen! The enemy LOVES when we run to anything other than God. This is a matter of life and death and we can’t afford to ”flirt” with bingeing even a little. Give the enemy an inch, he will take a mile! But with God’s help, we overcome!
Good, sound teaching Kimberly! I agree with this 100%.
Thank you Shana, I appreciate that confirmation. That is why we must be sober and vigilant…because the enemy is looking for someone to devour. May we take steps to ensure it is not us!
to answer the TBYT reader who said ““I am afraid when I quit eating to numb myself, I will experience the full harshness of reality and it will be too overpowering…”
remember that the act of binge eating and the discomfort of being overweight or obese is 10x more uncomfortable than whatever painful feeling you experience
Hello, my spirit leaped with joy when the passage said renounce the spirit of gluttony in the name of Jesus……! Death and life is in the power of the tongue!!!!!!!! I speak healing and wholeness over my body in Jesus name. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!!! I am loosing weight and my body is healthy!!!!!
I am agreeing with you Charleshia – may you continue to guide your life by God’s word and experience its blessings!
WOW!!! I never knew that. But it makes sense. Very scarey
Yes, Judy! That’s why we can’t allow ourselves to operate mindlessly on anything because that extends the perfect invitation for the enemy to come in and take over.
Mine may b a different form of binge eating. I had gone from end of July 2018 w/o processed sugar until Christmas Day. On Christmas Day boy did I binge on desserts!!! It took me until February to stop myself from eating processed sugar. It was not mindless – I knew full well what I was doing. Idk if that is worse – b/c I was eating desserts on purpose. I’m back to eating healthy again.
I am glad that you are back on track, Polly! Now the question is, what got you off-track on Christmas Day? Did you think to yourself, ”One little bite won’t hurt?” or ”It’s Christmas, so I should be able to eat what I want?” Whatever you ate hijacked your brain to the point where it took 2 months to get back on track! Ask yourself, ”Was it worth it?” And if you had to do it again, then what would you have done differently to protect yourself?
Don’t let your experience go to waste. In case you haven’t heard, Christmas comes EVERY year. So I recommend journaling about your experience last year and keep that in mind when the temptation to repeat the same thing comes around. God bless you!
This is so true. I really do think the spirit of gluttony overtakes is because we zone out when eating!!
Yes, Laura. God never told His people to be mindless, but to have the mind of Christ. That’s why we need to stay on guard in this area.
God bless you Kimberly for your articles. Thank God for the insight He has given you to help us. I know the Holy Spirit led me to your site to help me by His grace. Thank you for being so open and honest with your experiences. Glad someone is talking about it.
Kimberly, I have to print this out and re-read it more than once. When I was a young woman, not knowing the danger, I was attracted to New Age, thinking that it might help me move closer to my God, I joined a small “rebirthing” new age group. All the time I was trying to practice the method, I was blocked and frustrated, thanks to God’s mercy and my praying against anything that might not be of him. I had prayed before joining and God seemed to give me a sense of peace, but one day he told me clearly that he wanted me to leave.
It was hard because I had no other “fellowship.” But I knew I had to obey and so told the leader I had to leave. When I left and got into my car, God suddenly opened my eyes. One of the things they said that confused me was that we were God. I saw clearly that it was the same temptation that Adam and Eve had in the garden. And God let me feel the actual temptation. Would I choose to “be God” in my life, or would I choose to submit to God?
It wasn’t a real temptation because there was no question in my mind. There was and could be nothing worse in life than losing our God. But my attraction to new age and anything that hinted at it was shattered for good.
I repented and came against any powers of darkness that might have taken advantage of that time. And I have tried coming against the spirit of gluttony recently. I have given in too easily and too often and the stronghold has become very strong. But I do know that in the end we will be more than conquerors.
I really feel as though I’m going it alone and need help, and your messages are helpful, but I’m praying for the right person to come alongside me. I sense that this message is important and, as I said, will reread it more than once since my brain feels a little foggy when I read it.
This is completely accurate. Satan was using this to keep me in confusion about my identity in Christ- to stifle me from using my brain, heart, and courage to move forward in my life and believe in my identity through traumas and persecution.
The problem is that this issue has recently come back. I had been completely delivered of all demons and was praising the Lord God when He told me to go find my fiance- who I had hurt when confronted with these traumas- and bring him to church to receive Him and be restored. My fiance was right where God said he would be, but he didn’t come. He is now in a root of bitterness- which caused all my own traumas- and won’t let me apologize or talk to him.
I’ve taken it all to the Lord and surrendered everything but He just tells me He weeps for the situation and so I feel sad and have started to eat again- knowing it makes me sick- to stifle myself. I have already been so strong in the fight of faith- I have been a prayer warrior- and I know God wants me to reach my fiance, but now I am being met with this persecution. The whole story is so intense that I’ve lost my friends, I don’t have family, and my fiance was the only person who stood by me, loving me as Christ would, through sickness, near-death, rape, abuse in the workplace, etc etc. Lord, will you please set things straight!!!!! Will you give me the courage to approach my fiance again if it is Your will, so that I do not let satan stifle my brain, heart, and courage in You with helplessness and blankness- so that I am not confused.
Hi Chloe – I am praying for you. The Lord is not the author of confusion so you know the confusion is not coming from Him. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”
The enemy is attacking you BECAUSE you are a prayer warrior. If you weren’t a threat, he wouldn’t bother. That is why the scripture says in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
When you act out of character with binge eating, you are opening a door for the enemy to come in and steal from you. You are opening the door for him to get you out of your purpose in the Lord. Only you can decide to close that door.
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:37-39).”
Now about your fiance’. Please give space for the Lord to work on him. You say he is hurt. He needs healing from that hurt. You cannot heal him. Only God can. So please focus on getting rooted and grounded in God’s love again yourself and let the Lord do His work with your fiance’. His healing will start with Him deciding to have/renew a personal relationship with Jesus. That is his decision alone and you can’t rush that process or make that decision for him.
God bless you, Sister!
God never leaves
I am so glad I found this website! Thank you for your words and work! It’s a prayer answered!
WoW!!! Have I said that in a comment before? I don’t know what else to see. Woman, your wisdom leaves me awed. This is another one that really hits home for me. I don’t comment on every article of yours that I read, but with every one, the Lord uses you to speak to me. Thank you for your obedience to Him and for sharing your insight and wisdom. ♥Anita
Thanks Anita – I just gives God all the glory. It is a privilege for Him to use me as a vessel to deliver His precious word! Stay blessed, Sister!
To God be the glory great things he has done.
I have recently endured a trying time with commodities. As a consequence cannot participate in my usual activities including attending university. This has been the case for just over six months. Consequently I have realised I have been eating excessively and have increased my dress size to three sizes bigger that when this ill health commenced.
In truth it occurred to me that i have developed an unhealthy life style and every Monday I promise myself to break this bad habit of unnecessary eating.
It is now clear to me that the devil is seeking a stronghold to destroy me. But i rebuke this force of evil inn the name that sits above every name, Jesus.
Kim, I was not seeking you, but I thank God for you. God enable the crossing of our paths in this manner, that you could enlighten me to some truth. I have no doubt there is substance in your theory.
The bible tells us that ‘we fight not against flesh and blood’. In the midst of this eating regime that i have adopted, I can now discern it is a spiritual battle.
Tonight, tonight i am calling on El Gibbor the Mighty God for complete deliverance in the name of Jesus.
This battle is not mine, it belongs to the Lord.
Kim I pray that you will remain available in your employment to God so that he can bless you to be a blessing to others.
Praise God, Melvina – take one day at a time. You will have ups and downs but God will keep you stable and on the right path as you submit to the Holy Spirit’s leading. You are not alone!
Hey Kim,
A few days ago I started the How to Stop Binge Eating course on Udemy. It’s really put a fire in my belly to really change my binge eating behavior and not just my waist line.
After having a stressful morning today I was so ready to head for the fridge! I jumped on the TBYT site and found the scripture in James that says, “To him that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin!” That helped me out of a hairy situation!
Then after reading this post I realized that a blank mind or a mind at “peace” was exactly what I was trying to achieve by binging. But instead put my focus back on God and I’m now about to sit down to have a healthy meal.
Thank you so much for your inspiration and your faith in me that I CAN change! Blessings to you!
Thank is awesome, Melissa! To God be all the glory. Much love to you 🙂
Kimberly, all you have said has meant so much to me! “Thanks, ” for all you do for us! I’m going to give it my all to lose weight! I know we have to overcome temptations and binging! I will keep my temple pure, healthy and sacred! I want to appreciate the temple God has given me! Your an inspiration to us all, Kimberly! I’ll let you know how it’s going with my weight loss! I weigh 166 lbs. and should weigh between 115lbs. to 120 lbs. I’ll lose the weight I have faith! Love you, Kimberly! Barbara
I identify with this! I have often wondered, “what just happened to me?”! Thank you for sharing this.
I never really thought of it as mindless binging. Yet I have always know I could not binge eat things I knew were not good for me and be in Gods word, close to God at the same time. It has always what brought me back to the alter. Praying for Gods help. When the binge was over I would feel so alone, guilty and like I had failed God again. Yes it is mindless eating. I would love reading magazines about some new diet or watching tv while eating junk food but never actually thinking about the food. Except maybe toward the end to just get rid of it eat it all so it would be gone. After 4 months of success I recently did this with healthy salt free nuts. Which mount up the calories. I did not read Gods word or your posts for two days, felt guilty! Confessed and asked Gods forgivness. Then read your email tonight on this subject. Isn’t God good. Thank you Kimberly
Thinking of binge eating in terms of spiritual warfare makes so much sense to me. Thank you for sharing.
HI Kimberly, I think you really have something here. We must be diligent to keep our mind centered on Christ. I just wrote a blogpost about the importance of our thinking too. Blessings, Amy
I have always believed that the temple stands in the middle of a battle field. The enemy will try to get to your stronghold through whatever weakness you might have. This is why we need to put on the full armor of God And stand fast for the days are evil. I completely agree and since I work with youth, it is very heartbreaking to see.
Thank you Kimberly for TBYT. I especially want to thank you for “connecting the dots” between binge eating and mindless eating and unclean spirits. It certainly answers the questions of why I binge and why I can’t stop it by myself. This battle belongs to the Lord and I will use His weapons (His Word, repentance and forgiveness) against it. This gives me hope that I can live in freedom from habitual bingeing. God bless and thank you.
You are absolutely right. Binge eating brings about a mental state of blankness. It almost takes place in a trance state or “automatic pilot” and in that state we are certainly vulnerable to spirit attack. This is one of the reasons it is so difficult to shift as a habit, each time we blank out and binge, more spirits come to join the ones already present. And if the condition develops into an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, it is even more difficult to shift as the demonic spirits have really taken up residence by this time and only strong deliverance prayer can get them out. Praise God for Jesus!
Hi Kimberly,
I found your blog, and webpage by searching for Healthy Christian Blogs; not very many of them out there really. I’m in the process of changing my blog over to a healthy food blog while sharing my faith in Jesus; not many of those out there either. Or at least I haven’t discovered them yet.
I’ve been reading here at your blog for the past while and I find it very informative and Christ centered. I’m so glad to meet another of my beautiful sister’s in Christ.
I became ill the first year, of seventeen, my husband and I spent serving as missionaries with Operation Mobilization. It’s been a long hard difficult road but it has also drawn me closer to Jesus too, as I’ve had no choice but to depend on Him daily. Which of course, is exactly what he wants from us anyways.
I just signed up for your newsletter, will be exploring more of your awesome posts, and looking forward to future ones. I’m in the process of packing for a physical move, so will be closing my own blog in a week or so, but will be back in action early April.
Wrapped with you in Jesus!
Praise God you found TBYT, Betty Jo! Thank you for your kind words about the blog…you are right, there aren’t many Christian Health blogs but those of us out here are passionate about seeing God’s people well. Looking forward to have you joining our numbers 🙂
Thank you for writing The Supernatural Danger of Binge Eating. Thank you for bringing up clearing mind and demonic influence. Topics that need Christian reinforcing with truth.
I am so grateful to discover you Kimberly Taylor and as long as I remain teachable, I enjoy you as the teacher.