
On my weight loss journey, I made many mistakes. Here is one: Falling into food pits!

The Pitfall: I was once in a movie theater over 20 years ago, watching the latest blockbuster. I had an extra-large tub of buttered popcorn in my lap.

The movie was good.

The popcorn was good.

I grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into my mouth.

As my mind was engrossed in the movie, my hand had a mind of its own. Like a machine, it moved from the tub to my mouth and back again.

I just blanked out.

I only came to myself when my hand scraped the bottom of the popcorn tub.

While I told myself that I was going to share the tub with other people, I ended up eating it all by myself.

What happened?

The Way Out: I fell into a bottomless food pit. That’s when I used to set an entire bag, box, or tub of food in front of myself and use the whole container as my serving.

I did it mostly when I was watching television.  I would “blank out” or immerse myself in the program, and just eat without even tasting it much.

The Change: Since food is a weakness for me, I had to learn to put safeguards in place to make it easier for myself to practice self-control.

Nothing is different until you do something different.

So I stopped putting large servings in front of myself.

I wanted to be aware of what I was eating.

I wanted to eat in my right mind.

Here is an interesting fact: Our minds feel compelled to finish the food set in front of us – no matter the serving size!

We set ourselves up for mindless eating when we put large servings in front of us. The best way to avoid sabotaging ourselves is to serve ourselves an amount that make us feel satisfied, but not stuffed from the start.

I practiced this Biblical wisdom from Proverbs 23:1-3:

“When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you;
 And put a knife to your throat
If you are a man given to appetite.
Do not desire his delicacies,
For they are deceptive food.”

I was the ruler since I was the one serving food to myself.

So I started considering the amounts I served myself carefully.

I wasn’t anxious or worried about it, but I decided to be wise and make it easier for myself to exercise self-control.

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of self-control. I already had it, but like any muscle, I had to exercise that self-control for it to grow stronger.

I also set up my environment so I wasn’t fighting unnecessary food fights.

  • Snack Foods: I just bought a single serving bag or box just to have a taste, not to fill up on. All I wanted it for was the taste anyway.

Having the large bag or box in the house was too much of a temptation.

Even though I had good intentions of dividing up the box into individual servings with sandwich bags, it rarely worked out.

I’d eat one of the bags and then develop cravings that prompted me to eat the other bags!

  • Movies: I stopped buying the huge popcorn tubs because I NEVER shared those with others, even though I told myself I would.

I bought the smallest size without the extra butter because I found the regular kind is buttery enough.

  I used to tell myself I ate so much because I like to eat. But most of the time, I ate so fast that I barely tasted what I was eating.

Now, I’ve learned to relax and praise God for His provision while I am eating. And I have more peace as a result.

Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author of the Take Back Your Temple weight loss program

P.S. Have you struggled with binge eating? If so, you are not alone.

I struggled with binge eating for years and know about the discouragement and frustration that comes with it.

But there is hope! You can overcome binge eating, enjoy food freedom, and develop a healthy relationship with food.

If you’re ready to finally overcome binge eating and experience food freedom, click here to learn more about our newest online course: How to Stop Binge Eating (Satisfaction Guaranteed).

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Pammela Jackson says:

    Great steps to take to practice and exercise the fruit of the spirit, self-control. It stood out to me that the change is making it “easier” to practice self-control instead by setting up my environment to match my goals. Also, the will to “want to eat mindfully.” I took away this and several tips to use as prayer points to the Lord. Thank you, for sharing this devotional and especially the scripture to help transform our wills, minds, and emotions. I appreciate you MUCH Kim!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you for your confirmation, Pammela – I pray you continue to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!


  • I can so relate to the popcorn episode!!! I have to build myself baby bumpers….small cups….snack bags…I need to set myself up for success. I got a large bag of protein popcorn chips today as I could not find the small snack sizes. I ate them on the way home in that very automatic way! When I got home I told my husband to take them..far far away!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thanks for that confirmation, Deborah! I think its important to know our vulnerable points and take steps to protect ourselves. After all, the enemy knows them! So we need to shut the door on him so that we can finish our race well

  • Kim Huitema says:

    Very inspiring! I love “I wanted to eat in my right mind”! There needs to be a conscious shift between your flesh and your will. I believe the Holy Spirit, as a loving friend, is there to see you thru and keep you there, as long as you’re willing to let Him. PTL Kim, you’re a wonderful example of God’s glory here on earth. Love you Sister

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you so much, Kim – I appreciate that confirmation! All praise to our Father

  • Rose Edwards says:

    Eating is a discipline it’s what most of us don’t have. We need to be disciplined with our eating. It takes lots of prayers.
    Also we don’t look at (cravings)it as a stronghold but it is. Cravings truly are a stronghold. Yes a stronghold!
    The only way to break down strongholds is prayer, reading the word and stay true to what we know is true. This brings to God himself.
    We need his help to break down the strongholds to combat the cravings that come to steal, kill and destroy us.
    We must stop killing ourself!

    Be blessed

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you for sharing your perspective, Rose. I believe pulling down strongholds requires prayer AND practicality. Yes we pray for God’s guidance and strength, PLUS we do what the Lord tells us to do! We need His protection from that which is harming us. For example, if a known thief stalked your neighborhood, would you just pray about it but leave your door unlocked? Of course not! Therefore, if a particular food is causing you to lose self-control, then you would replace it with something else that you like, but doesn’t cause those harmful side effects. Prayer and practicality 🙂

  • Julie Hiers says:

    So happy for you! I also need to lose weight.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers, Julie!

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