4 Words God will Never Say to You

women speaker

A couple of days ago, I had the weirdest thought about dryer sheets. You know…the ones you put into a dryer to eliminate static cling in your clothes.

That strange image came into my head as I was meditating on Deuteronomy 30:20:

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

The phrase “cling to him” stood out to me. That’s when I saw a dryer sheet stuck to a piece of clothing.

Unless you pull it off, that dryer sheet will go wherever that piece of clothing goes.

I suddenly thought: “I want to be like that with God!”

Now people might say things like, “You are too needy,” “You are smothering me,” or “I need my space.”

But God will never say those things to you. He especially won’t say: “You are too clingy.”

In the Bible, God gives you several reasons why He wants His people to be “clingy” with Him.

The above scripture gives you a couple of  them. You will also learn how to become more clingy later in this article:

1. Your Life and Length of Days is in Him

God desires that His people develop a relationship with Him. He does not desire empty words and robotic religious rituals.

The only way you can come to know God is to open your heart and share your daily life with Him. John 17:3 says, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

You can obtain everything else this world has to offer, but if you miss coming to know God in your daily experience then you miss life itself.

2. Your Inheritance is in Him

In the above scripture, God wanted His people to cling to Him because He was bringing them into the Promised Land and He wanted them to hold on to it!

Claiming the Promised Land was not going to be easy; they would have many enemies to fight to take over that territory. The Lord knew they would have no hope of ultimate victory without His help.

They needed His grace, wisdom, strength, and power to overcome.

We are in that same situation with the challenges we face in life.

No matter what talents, gifts, and assets we have, they are going to pale in comparison when we consider all we have available to us in God!

3. Your Purpose is in Him

In Jeremiah 13:1-11, the Lord tells the prophet to wear a linen sash around his waist. Then, the Lord tells him to remove the sash and bury it by the river Euphrates. A

fter many days, the Lord told Jeremiah to retrieve the sash from the place it was hidden. Jeremiah found the sash ruined and profitable for nothing.

Verses 8-11 records what the Lord said to him:

Thus says the Lord: ‘In this manner I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. This evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who follow the dictates of their hearts, and walk after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing. For as the sash clings to the waist of a man, so I have caused the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah to cling to Me,’ says the Lord, ‘that they may become My people, for renown, for praise, and for glory; but they would not hear.’

This story shows what can happen to God’s people when we refuse to cling.

The people of Judah refused to do it because of pride and a desire to follow their own counsel, not God’s counsel.

God desires us to be a people who cling to Him for His renown, His praise, and His glory.

What a high honor it is for our Lord to choose us to represent Him in this manner!

So how can we become more clingy people? In the natural, the dryer sheet clings to clothing because it is attracted to it!

In a similar way, when we meditate on the goodness of God, all that He has done for us, and His character, then we become more attracted to Him.

Philippians 4:8 says:

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

Everything related to Jesus fits this description. This is a meditation God gave me a few years ago:

  • True: Jesus is the living Word and His word is true.
  • Noble: Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for my sins.
  • Just: Jesus paid for my sin debt, so I am no longer condemned under the law.
  • Pure: Jesus lived a sinless life and He is my ultimate role model on how to live right.
  • Lovely: I love Jesus because He first loved me.
  • Good report: Hallelujah, I have overcome the world through Jesus!
  • Virtue: I am being transformed into Jesus’ virtuous image from glory to glory.
  • Praiseworthy: I am seated in heavenly places in Christ and He lives in me now and forever.

Today, take some time to meditate on God’s goodness. Don’t fight your desire to get closer to Him.

Get clingy and you will find more life, an inheritance and purpose in Him!

Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the ‘Take Back Your Temple’ program

P.S. Are you ready to grow stronger Spiritually and heal emotionally as you achieve your ideal weight? Let the Take Back Your Temple program be your plan. God’s way is change from the inside out and once you are changed His way, you are never the same!

Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program

About the author 

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is a certified Christian life coach and has a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the author of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches Christians how to take control of their weight God's way and the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures" and "The Weight Loss Prayers."

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Kim, your words are very timely. I have recently been convicted by God of being like the garment you referred. My heart was calloused and I was a wayward servant.

    I was blessed to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of my sin. I thank you for your newsletters, which show up in my box everyday. God is using you in a powerful way to minister to many.

  • I have had the tendancy to start to lose and as soon as people begin to notice i have gone into my old habits. Like hiding…im not sure why but as I’ve been asking God about it (with such frustration because i do enjoy the compliments but for some reason i hide again) well in reading this i saw myself as that sash. ..i can continue to hide in the dirt muck and mire (that Jesus came to free me from) but i will come out a dirty ruined and profitable for nothing! Because without Jesus we all are…and now scriptures are coming to me about God being our hiding place. So i need to go look them up. Thank you for this blog thank God for His revelation. I pray that i would cling to my Lord in the hiding place instead of the dark place under the dirt in Jesus’ name!

  • The part about the fruit compared to Jesus is so good. Do I have your permission to use part of it to sent to a Christian loop I belong to? Thank you for your faithfulness to helping us grow in Christ.

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