Do you know what Sodom’s sins were? You probably just thought about a particular sexual sin.

While that is true, it is not the complete story. In the Bible, you learn that Sodom also had a gluttony problem!

In the following article, you will learn why it is critical that Christians confront the gluttony stronghold and what to do about it.

Spirit of Gluttony

In this article, we will cover:

Why Gluttony is a Sin

The prophet Ezekiel said of Sodom:

Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit (Ezekiel 16:49-50).”

Did you notice that pride was listed first, with food indulgence second?


Here was that list again:

  1. Pride
  2. Fullness of food
  3. Abundance of idleness
  4. Not strengthening the hand of the poor and needy
  5. Haughtiness (arrogance, contempt for others)
  6. Committed abomination before God (ah, now there’s the sexual sin you were probably thinking about!)

You might ask, “What is wrong with being full of food?”

While nothing is wrong with eating to satisfaction, the Sodomites ate to excess as a lifestyle.

As a result, they became self-absorbed, indulgent and lazy.

Sensual pleasures consumed them.

They did not care about others. Spending their time and resources only to please themselves, they ignored the poor and needy with the abundance they had.

I believe the story of Sodom is a cautionary tale for believers in Christ today.

Why Christians Must Confront Gluttony

Some say that gluttony is the most accepted sin in the church.

Our attitude seems to be, “Lord, I’ll give you everything – but do not touch my food!”

However, for our mission’s sake, we must confront the spirit of gluttony that is rampant in the church.

Consider this: At the end of our lives, do we really want them to have been about eating tasty treats?

We are each called to make a positive difference in this world, to glorify our Lord in body and spirit. Jesus said in John 15:8:

“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

This is the fruit of God’s spirit – evidence of His work in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

This fruit grows in our lives as we renew our minds to God’s word and yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading in our actions in every area, which includes in our eating habits.

If we are not becoming more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, abounding in goodness, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled with each passing year, something is wrong with our Spiritual growth.

1 Corinthians 6:12 gives us wise guidance:

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

The Lord wants only good for us. He does not want us under the power of any habit that hurts us.

Gluttony and drunkenness are frequently linked together in the Bible – and that’s not good.

These habits destroy our health and interfere with our ability to think soberly and make wise decisions.

They also leave us more vulnerable to enemy attacks. 1 Peter 5:8 advises us:

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

The spirit of gluttony is a seductive one because it promises an escape from life, a release from pain.

However, as we overindulge in devouring food, the enemy is busy devouring us!

We become a rest stop for a wicked spirit.

As a Believer, we are called to be in the world but not of the world. The wisest thing to do is submit our pain to the Lord for healing in a spirit of humility.

As He heals us, we can restore food to its proper place and get on with our Father’s business!

To confront the spirit of gluttony, you must also confront the deceptive foods in your life. Deceptive foods seem harmless, but when you eat them, they hijack your brain!

Deceptive foods seem harmless, but when you eat them, they hijack your brain!

When your brain is hijacked, you lose self-control, binge, and become emotionally unstable.

When your brain is hijacked, you lose self-control, binge, and become emotionally unstable.

To avoid following the pattern of the Sodomites, let us confront the spirit of gluttony in our lives and cast it out.

A Prayer Against Gluttony

Here is a prayer against gluttony for all who suffer from a spirit of gluttony:

“Heavenly Father, you promised that if Your people, who are called by Your name, will humble themselves, pray, seek your face, and turn from our wicked ways, you will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.

I thank you for giving me such a great and precious promise by which I can escape the corruption in the world and affect our nation!

I am Your child, the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. I humble myself in this prayer, recognizing that I serve One greater than myself, who loves me to life!

I love you and you deserve all of me. My body and my spirit belong to You. Jesus bought me for You at a high cost indeed.

I am living to hear You say those wonderful words once I cross the finish line: “Well done, good and faithful child. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

My Savior, Jesus Christ, is my compassionate High Priest. So I come to you in Jesus’s name, confessing my sin of gluttony. Lust for food has captured me. But I do not want to be like a Sodomite. I do not want to be selfish, so focused on indulging my flesh that I ignore poor and hurting people around me.

I renounce the spirit of gluttony. I take any thoughts captive in my mind that deceive me into thinking that gluttony is harmless. It is not harmless.

It hurts me and it hurts others who are counting on my help. It is a wicked habit, a destructive habit. It destroys my health and keeps me trapped in a cycle of shame and guilt.

You don’t want me to live like that. Jesus came to set the captives free. I qualify! I repent Lord. I change my mind about this habit. You hate this habit as much as You hate drunkenness and I hate what You hate.

Open up my eyes as to what this habit has cost me, what it is costing me now, and what it will cost me in the future if I don’t change this now.

Lord, teach me Your way so that I may walk in Your truth daily. Your word is truth. Lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies. Gluttony is my enemy. Show me the foods that are hijacking my brain. Give me courage to kick them out of my life and replace them with foods that taste good but don’t hijack my brain.

I submit all emotional pain to You for healing, Lord. Help me regain emotional balance so that I put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

I know that You love me, Father and want what is best for me. You’ve begun a good work in me and will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Each day, I hold on to Your unchanging hand. I trust that You will lead me in paths of righteousness for Your name sake. I will delight myself in You and You will give me the desires of my heart.

My heart’s desire is that You heal me and heal our nation so that the people in our land turns their hearts back to You.


Prayer is a dialogue. It involves speaking to God and listening for His response.

Remember, prayer is not a monologue; it is a dialogue. That means there are 2 parts to prayer: What you speak to God and what He speaks to you.

An intolerable habit will remain in your life as long as you tolerate it.

Many people don’t see answers to prayer because they speak their part but then leave before listening to what God says to them.

Or else, they ignore what He says and carry on as before.

But here’s the truth: An intolerable habit will remain in your life as long as you are willing to tolerate it.

Resist the enemy in this area and he must flee!

Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community

P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!

Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.

In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Thank you for sharing this helpful prayer and encouraging words and warning to take heed of! God bless you.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you Alisha – I receive that and praise the Lord!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome – God is good!

  • It has been a pleasure to read your magazines. I am one that truly needs to reconnect to the spirit. And reading the prayer has done that for me, thank you

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Cynthia – all glory to God!

  • Lois Stewart says:

    I am begining to understand my need to change! Change real change we want others to do because change is hard! But God has brought me to face reality. Nothing will change as long as I keep doing what I always did. I am grateful to people who give Scripture. But I need to put feet to Scripture, and be a witness to God’s grace, and witness to the power of God’s Holy Spirit in my life too. I am begining to get instructions from God how to be an overcomer in His Son Jesus Christ. The Scripute Kim used in the book of Ezekiel 16:49-50 is what I needed today. Each self-centered sin was addressed in my life. Thank you Lois

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Lois! You know, you just reminded me of an article I wrote called “W.I.N.S. – Why I Need a Savior.” The Lord is the best Teacher and He walks with us every step of our journey to change. His ways are about restoration, not condemnation. I pray this message encourage you today. Stay close to Him. He loves you and has great plans for your life! Christian Weight Loss: WINS

  • Thank you for re-posting this one, Kim! You are absolutely right that gluttony is one of those acceptable sins in the Church…. just look at all the “pot-luck” dinners we indulge in!! This was a needed re-read for me. Praying that Father God will help us to think clearly, make wise choices, and move forward renewing our minds and spirits through His Word <3

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Dora – God is good!

  • Renee Pitts says:

    Awesome that was awesome. I was walking today and was thinking something like this. So ty I know God is working on me. Ty, ty so much for all you do for me/us.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I praise God for the opportunity, Renee – it is a blessing!

  • Catherine Johnson says:

    Thank you Mrs Kimberly for that prayer to overcome gluttony

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Catherine – I give all glory to God!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I appreciate that feedback, Melissa – God is good!

  • Jeanne Ary says:

    GM Kimberly,
    I have been listening to you for years and I thank God for you and your ministry to fight the good fight of faith against sins gluttony to food. This fight can only be won on the narrow road with Jesus and just like Jesus Saud the narrow road is hard and only a few find it. I thank God for you finding the road and not giving up and helping some of the few. In Jesus Name I pray in faith

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you for those encouraging words, Jeanne! With Jesus, we can do nothing but WITH Him, we can do everything He calls us to do 🙂

  • Lola Soetan says:

    Only recently came across your page. May the LORD bless you and your ministry in Amen

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you, Lola – we receive that and pray multiplied blessings for you and your family!

  • Juanita George says:

    Thank you so much. God Bless You!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you, Juanita – we pray multiplied blessings to you and your family in return!

  • Marsha rosa says:

    I am ready to take back my temple

  • Nicole Aymond says:

    This was such an encouragement. I Praise God for the wisdom he gave you to share with me. Hallelujah

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praise God, Nicole – God is good!

  • Hi Thank you for the interesting site. I am not overweight but I have struggled with gluttony for most of my life. It has been especially exacerbated over the last few years and i can blame a myriad of factors for this but I really feel like my emotional strength is to blame more than anything. I more or less give up on myself overeat and then feel worse. I feel trapped in many ways and food is an escape of control. I am not overweight but I stuff myself so much I feel completely far off from my bodys natural state of being especially mentally. It contributes to my anxiety depression fatigue bad moods relationships etc. I think about time frames in my life when I was in good control of my eating and I feel these were the happiest times of my life because my body felt better..

  • Hello My sister in Christ. I do have a problem with gluttony will you pray for me. I’m over 300 pounds never been this big until I had back surgery in 2020. Not able to do a standing up job. I am a believer I’m tired of the enemy coming in the door. Pray for spiritual slumber. I need HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Sandy – I do pray for you Sandy! Rather than Spiritual slumber, I pray for the Lord to awaken you with this issue and know that He will walk with you every day of your healing journey. I believe this article will help you move forward: Stop Overeating: The Hidden Reason We Overeat

      God bless you – this journey is not always easy but always worth it!

  • Shay Figures says:

    Thank you for this message. I never new that over eating was something I needed to repent for although I see what it’s doing to my mind and body.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Shay – thank you for writing! The big question for each person about whether their eating habits are a problem is, “Do I have peace about my eating habits?” If not, then that it is important to seek the Lord about them to help you regain your peace. After all, peace is a fruit of God’s Spirit and anything that opposes it must be confronted in our lives with His help. May the Lord bless you on your healing journey!

  • Thank you!!!! God used you tonight in my life. Thank you for being obedient to serving God and being faithful indoing it.God bless you, your family, your children, and their children.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you for that feedback, Laura – all praise to our God!

  • Thank you for your obedience to post this prayer. I have found myself in a cycle of promising a fast or a diet change to only find myself breaking within the same week. I felt so ashamed coming to God repenting for the same thing over and over and felt like I was taking advantage of his grace. I believe this hurdle is one of the last before the finish line of my current season and by the strength from Holy Spirit – I’ll make it through! God Bless You Sis!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you for your confirmation, Angel! This healing journey isn’t always easy but always WORTH it!

  • Blessings, Kimberly! I cried out to God this morning about transforming my heart concerning food. I was petulant and demanding. Me: “Why won’t You change me? I am so tired of bearing this weight physically and emotionally!” God’s answer to me:
    “Why won’t YOU repent?” (2 Peter 3:9) So, I asked my phone, “How do I repent from the sin of gluttony?” just to see what would happen – and there you were! You are God’s answer to my cry this morning. Your wonderful article is the catalyst for my repentance from indulgence. And I thank you, sister. You have blessed yet another! “Well done!”

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Wow – I praise God that He spoke to you through this article, LK! May you continue to walk forward into the freedom and blessings the Lord has for you.

  • Wow. I never knew I could ask God to help me with my weight loss journey. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. Be blessed

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Ranjos and I praise God He led you here. So much of what we need to stay the course on our weight loss journey, like wisdom, discernment, and strength are available through God’s word and by His Spirit. Human beings were designed to live off of 2 sources of fuel – natural food, and Spiritual food from God’s word (Matthew 4:4). We need to nourish ourselves Spiritually and naturally every day. 🙂

  • May the Lord bless you Kimberly,

    Over this holiday, both my family and I have over indulged in our eating, and I felt convicted after eating beyond what was necessary but only for pleasure, (extra dessert, out of what had become a holiday habit). I asked the Lord to remove it from me, with the revelation that this is not the vomit I care to return to.

    The Lord through his grace has brought me down 75 pounds over this last year and I have returned to my weight as in my early 20s.

    As He led me early this morning to page and your prayer, it was an answer to mine.

    Thank you my sister!
    Brother Brad

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praise God, Brother Brad! He always has a way of delivering the right word at the right time.

  • Jareda Wishton says:

    I thank your for this prayer.. Lately I’ve been eating a lot of candy and I know in my heart it’s not Christ like.. I never want anything to feel like it has control over me. So I’ve been fasting and reading my word and the cravings are leaving. God bless you ❤️

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      – joining you in prayer that the peace that surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind by Christ Jesus, Jareda!

  • Michele Baidas says:

    Right on! Proverbs chapter 30 verse 7,8,9–if memory serves me right—asks that we have only the food we need lest we be full and deny the Lord. There’s more, too. This is why it’s my favorite part of the Bible. There is so much practical advice.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you Michele – I agree! To me, God’s word is essential to victorious living. Suppose a wealthy relative has left someone a splendid inheritance that could change everything for them, but they don’t bother to find out what it contains nor how to obtain it? The Lord has left us treasure in His word and we need to mine it and apply it to grow in Christ-likeness ❤

  • Angela Stingle says:

    Thank you Kimberley, I have been struggling again lately, having allowed sugar back I to my life ! I feel God has given me a strategy to give away toaster, as I always eat bread toasted. I am always greatly encouraged by your words but at times get too busy to read them .
    Your prayer has helped me to turn back to Jesus with this challenge and recognise the diabolical nature of over eating God bless you
    Angie Stingle

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Glad to hear, Angie and praising the Lord for His faithfulness in us in the way we should go. May you continue to walk in wisdom as you fulfill His plan for your life.

  • Renee Pitts says:

    Wow awesome thank you. I’d needed to read this because it’s so easy to fall back. Lord help me and guide me through this process amen.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen – as I often say, this journey is not always easy but always worth it!

  • I definitely need and want this program.

  • Linda J Gregory says:

    Thank you for sharing this information. This truly opened my heart to deal with overeating. God bless you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praising God with you for the revelation, Linda!

  • This helped me. I am currently breaking free from the spirit of gluttony. This spirit has attached itself to my families generations. I am the one who will break us free so that my kids won’t suffer from this. Thank you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Shayna! I am celebrating the freedom the Lord is bringing to your bloodline, starting with you ❤

  • Thank you for your insight. I haven’t heard it explain like this before. I will be joining your site. Looking for to ordering your book.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Glad to hear that, Karen – I look forward to welcoming you to our community!

  • Jeanne Ary says:

    God bless you for all you’ve done, all you are doing, and all you will do in Jesus Name. I too am a warrior against all sins but especially with gluttony to food. I needed to hear what you wrote I believe The Holy Spirit led me to read it as encouragement.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praise God, Jeanne! I am glad it was helpful because the Lord doesn’t want us to be in bondage to anything but experience freedom in Christ.

  • Kelly Edwards says:

    I so needed this read! I am starting a spiritual journey to take better care of my temple and needed this prayer for daily use and the encouragement from this article. Thank you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Glad to hear that, Kelly – God is good 🙂

  • Stephanie says:

    Thank you so much! I prayed this prayer and I have resisted the devils hold for today. I have lost 30pounds from the beginning of January 2023, with God I aim to go from almost 300 pounds to 200. Bless you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Stephanie! May the Lord give you wisdom to replace any foods that hurt you with those that help and build your health so you can enjoy your life and fulfill your purpose.

  • Thank you Kimberly and God Bless you sister! ❤️

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome – God bless you too, Karen!

  • God’s Loved child says:

    Thank you so much for this and God bless you richly IJMN

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome and I receive your blessing, God’s Loved Child!

  • I appreciate this so much. God is dealing with me regarding this. He has been sending tools my way to make a much needed and necessary change. God bless you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Ebony! The journey to freedom isn’t always easy but it is always worth it!

  • In your prayer you say gluttony is not harmless, it is harmless and is SIN. I enjoy the prager you have posted, except for the area I stated.
    Truth needs to be spoken here, because God’s word puts gluttony with drunkenness, homosexuals. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.
    It will take us to hell if we do not get control of it. Just like excessive tv watching. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you.
    God bless you and thank you.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Amy – I appreciate your feedback. I believe we are in agreement with the fact that gluttony is harmful (not harmless, which means ‘not without harm’). This article explains why: The Lord loves us and gave us His word as our wisdom and His Spirit to walk it out. Romans 6:14 says – “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.”

      Regarding TV watching, I believe if I person does not have peace about the amount of TV they are watching, then that is a habit to take the the Lord in prayer because peace is a fruit of God’s Spirit. As we walk by the Holy Spirit, we know that He will never steer us wrong.

  • I will pray and I will listen. I know He has the power to help me. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen – I agree with you!

  • Amanda Bell says:

    Prayer request re: Emotional eating. I have a bad knee… just when I was at a good size I began eating bad, my knee hurt constantly, I couldn’t go on and eventually slowed down on my workout and running. I need to get back at it! But it’s my knee and I miss my Father. He passed on 2 yrs ago. Also, at work. It’s not going good, as it should. Financially too. Just all around in my life it seems.

    Thank the Lord what he’s about to do, in Jesus name.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I pray the Lord perfect everything that concerns you, Amanda! I am agreeing with you in prayer that the Lord will give you a small step to take that will put you a better path.

  • Vickie Patton says:

    Thank you for this prayer. I seem to be in denial and it’s time to really see what I’m doing, by continuing to eat foods that hijack my brain. Printing out this prayer to read several times a day.
    Thank you Jesus..

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Vickie! I recommend asking the Lord in prayer to show you what fear is driving the denial. Typically, it might be fear of losing something you think you need without the brain-hijacking foods in your life. He will show you how to meet the need in ways that help you, not hurt you.

  • Dawn A Jones says:

    Great article. I recently purchased your ebook “Overcoming Emotional Eating God’s Way.” The book is excellent; short, easy to read and understand. I’m currently a caregiver to my parents with demetia, along with other health issues. I’m often managing lots of stressful situations and I have noticed my weight and desire to exercise is gotten out of hand. Your book helped me to realize I have been emotionally overeating just to find comfort. I’m so grateful to God for allowing me to find your book and the emails are very insightful. It helps to understand this is a spiritual matter and as I commit my cares to Him, He will walk me through this season victoriously. He’s also using your testimony, the book and daily electronic notifications to assist me in overcoming not only my food addictions, but things I may not be aware is hindering me. Thank you for your obedience in sharing your life experiences. Abundant blessings to you.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Dawn! I give all praise to our Father and am grateful the opportunity to share. know how painful this issue can be, especially when we have other stressors to deal with on top of that! And yet, our Lord never leaves us alone in our struggles. He is there to strengthen, help, and uphold us with His right hand. He supplies the wisdom we need to take care of our health so that we can give our best to others (not wear ourselves out) and the strength to do what He leads us to do. I am praying for your strength as you minister to your parents during this season in your life, knowing that you will receive a sure reward! A Prayer to Combat Caregiver Stress. Thank you for taking the time to let me know how TBYT is impacting you, my Sister!

  • Godbless you for your service, may you and all that you touch be blessed, anointed, fruitfully and abundant in the name of Jesus Christ.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I receive that, MJ and pray multiplied blessings to you and your family!

  • Karen Mecklenburgh says:

    Thank you. I prayed this prayer and have left a message with my pastor as I seek to be free from all the emotional eating patterns of the past.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praying for your breakthrough and praising the Lord for your healing, Karen!

  • LaVonne Lewis says:

    Thank you the article!!! Very powerful, happy I came across your page !!!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I am glad to hear that, LaVonne – may the Lord continue to bless you in health, healing, and wholeness.

  • Hello Kimberly,

    The Holy Spirit led me to search about gluttony and I came across your blessed article! Thank you firstly. The prayer is truly anointed. I am not excessively overweight, but have been frantically eating and then struggling with much anxiety around eating. I started to have so much stress from stuffing myself that my throat would tighten up and I was afraid to swallow or choke on my food. My body literally started rejecting this abuse without my permission. God has been slowing me way down the past few days to figure out why I’ve been doing this. I’ve been a slave to a stranglehold of gluttony. It shows up in other ways too. Again thank you so much for exposing this insidious sin. We need to put food in its rightful place, especially in America. God bless you!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I am glad that the article spoke to you, Angela! Thank you so much for confirming this word. It is a difficult subject to confront, particularly among Christians. But God has the way to freedom and has given us the strength to do what He calls us to do, step by step. May He continue to bless you on this healing journey!

  • Mattie Tatum says:

    Thank you for teaching me how to get my life back.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      All glory to our Father, Mattie! Our life is in our Lord Jesus 🙂

  • Thank you for this. Both the verses mentioned have been coming up a lot. I take that as confirmation. Please pray with me and for me as I (through the grace of God and power of Christ Jesus who is within me) confront this generational stronghold.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Shaelyn – I will be happy to pray with you. You have the victory over any stronghold in the name of Jesus. As He is, so are we in this world: “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:7).” The more we behold Him through God’s word, the more we will see the image into which we are being transformed: 2 Corinthians 3:18 – “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

  • Kimberly!! I absolutely loved reading this and it is so helpful. I have been a food addict most of my life. Thank you for this and I plan to purchase your book!!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Wonderful, Michelle – God is about restoration, not condemnation. Through Jesus, we have power to do what we cannot do on our own 🙂

  • I LOVE this prayer. I have been on your mailing list for at least 2 years. Currently open on this phone is the place to join your program.

    There have been so many programs throughout the majority of my 60 years on this planet, many of which were faith based. None of them provided lasting freedom; indeed the only weight loss success I’ve experienced was a 70-pound loss that was one of the few good things about having colon cancer 10 years ago and which took a good 2 years to “find” again.

    Most recently, I’ve been listening to the “Brain Over Binge” podcast which makes the assumption that bingeing is not due to stress, but simply due to the urge to binge and uses the scientific principal of neuroplasticity to help one overcome the problem.

    Neuroplasticity is the scientific term for renewing and transforming the mind which, from what I can see is what your program teaches.

    As I’ve mentioned in previous comments, I am on the autism spectrum with the condition formerly known as Asperger’s. This is the reason for my having black and white thinking and might be the reason weight loss programs have not worked.

    Perry Stone and Brant Hansen are two prominent Christians who also deal with this weird wiring, and God gave it to them and me for a reason.

  • I have lost 17 pounds over the last 2 years, but it has been a daily battle and have many pounds left to lose. I still am not free from this struggle with food but God continues to work in me as I allow Him to – when I am not renewing my mind in God’s truth, I am often listening to the lies of the enemy. It is hard to read these words about gluttony and yet it is God’s truth once again speaking to me, because I know I struggle breaking free from this sin. Thank you so much for the your words, for the Scriptures, for the prayer. God is faithful!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      The good news about this is that God is about restoration and not condemnation. His grace is amazing and we walk in His grace day-by-day to overcome the challenges of life. God is faithful!

  • My son is 47yrs old, never been married or had any children. obese, addicted to food and totally blinded, getting bigger and bigger and cannot see that he is destroying himself. Food is his life and he was never a fat child growing up. I’m at my wits end. He is housebound and doesn’t socialize and stopped attending church some years back. I’m at a loss on how to pray concerning the matter. I must add that my son loves the Lord and does enjoy praise / worship musics and listens to a lot of ministering. He was once a powerful prayer warrior. Please help

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Carol – I know it is painful watching someone destroy himself with a knife and a fork. However, in order to change, your son must want to change because he is an adult. Check out this article that describes the stages of change:

      The other thing you want to look at is – since you say he is housebound, does he live with you? Is he going out to get his food or is he preparing his own food? You said, “Food is his life.” That means food has been elevated above God in his mind.

      If he is not going out to buy his own food or preparing his own food, then you may examine if you are playing any role in enabling him – social influence:

      Ask the Lord to open your eyes in this matter – not for condemnation but revelation. I pray the Lord make this scripture a reality for son: “He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20.

  • Elizabeth Mueller says:

    My journey with dealing with this is up and down with me crying out to God only to see myself in a worse weight. However a righteous man falls 7 times and gets back up. So will I

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Elizabeth! God has promised that He has begun a good work in you and will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Stand on that promise!

  • Rosalyn Williams says:

    Was so offended so mad, how dare you God send Jesus and give me grace and mercy and the Holy Spirit, and now tell me that I got Issues. Thank You I can never repay you for telling me straight out of scriptures what I knew and didn’t want to hear. Thank you Victory❤️

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Ha, ha, ha – whew, Rosalyn! When I started reading your post, I admit that I was taken aback. But praise God, the truth sets us free. It takes courage to receive the truth and faith to act on it. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him. Through Jesus, Victory is yours!

  • God bless you and thank you! I been struggling with this for quite some time and I need free from it ! I want to truly be dead of fleshy sin and I feel like God has been revealing to me what major changes need to be done in my life . Gluttony is one of many but I appreciate this and now I need to FULLY commit! I said this prayer from the bottom of my heart and I truly pray for strength from God! For God to send His Holy Spirit to guide me and strengthen me because I know I cannot do this alone!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Michelle – I am agreeing with you in prayer. Just remember that this is a DAILY walk and each day has its own challenges to overcome. Yet, you will overcome with the Lord walking with you. May the Lord bless you in health, healing and wholeness!

  • marcelle applewhaite says:

    Kim, This…..This hit my mind and my heart and it was exactly what I needed today. For those of us who are in the health arena, still struggle in spite of our success. This prayer is the armor that I will need to battle the devil who because of my growing faith is attacking me in a seemingly inconsequential way. Not so. I will also share your ministry and these prayers to my clients who believe. May God Bless you infinity.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Thank you so much, Marcelle! Now you know that you are not alone in the battle. Many of our fellow sister and brothers in Christ have the same battle. But in God, we have the victory! Stay blessed because as you are set free you will be in a great position to help others get free!

      • Marcelle Applewhaite says:

        Almost a year later I strayed from your ministry. I’m back now. Thank you for your dedication Thank you for your words.

        • Kimberly Taylor says:

          Hi Marcelle – That is great to hear! Life goes on so it’s best to use the lessons learned from the past to move forward into the future God has for you – day by day with His help!

  • David Tibos says:

    Wow never saw this as spiritual before but have not been able to shake it. With Gods help her goes

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Yes, with God’s help, we can overcome because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

  • Ebun Adeyemi says:

    Yes, until one confronts this spirit head on and ask the Holy Spirit to help defeat the spirit, you will just be struggling. I did some years ago, and the Lord gave me victory over it. Your writing is more in-depth . I also wrote a prayer that I was praying everyday, until I got victory over it. Thank you!

    • You are welcome, Ebun – God is good!

  • Letty Olivares says:

    Hi Kim, thank you so much for the prayer to overcome gluttony. I forwarded it to my daughter who is overweight because of her eating disorder.I am not sure if she is praying with this prayer, but I do pray for her every day. It is very encouraging and I believe and claim it that God will hear and answer my prayers. Thank you so much. God bless you more.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Letty – I pray your daughter receive the prayer in the spirit of love in which it is intended and that she draw closer to the Lord in reliance to help her overcome because of it.

  • Angie Thomas says:

    It’s hard since this virus I been eating like crazy I was losing weight but now I feel bigger than I was and I just eat I know it the devil trying to steal my self esteem and confidence cause when I look at myself I say I am disgusted and ugly and who would want me and after I eat I do exercise I weigh 250 trying to be smaller but it hard when the devil stays in your head

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Angie – I hear you and am praying with you to overcome. Did you know that you have authority over the enemy to kick him out of your head? As a Believer in Jesus, your body is God’s property and the enemy has NO authority there. I recommend studying Luke 4 to see how the enemy tried to tempt Jesus, but Jesus defeated him with God’s word. In addition, I recommend taking a look at the food you are choosing to eat. Is it food that is hijacking your brain? Check out this article and see if you can relate to this: The Hidden Reason we Overeat

  • Dorinda Stephens says:

    Hi Kimberly,
    These are such powerful words. Yes, ministers need to be preaching this because gluttony IS a sin. There are people that gain weight no matter what they do and can’t help it, BUT, MOST can help what we do.
    I am on my weight loss journey and I CAN AND WILL do this with the help of JESUS!!!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Dorinda – I touch and agree with you in prayer about this!

  • This was much needed info. W/Corona-V right now… and our nations change starts with my own change.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Tammie! Recent events serve as a wake-up call for us all 🙂

  • Patricia Pegram Long says:

    Thank you for your post. I am on a difficult journey trying to lose weight because as I’m getting older it’s starting to impact my health. As I’ve been dwelling on it and praying for assistance from the Lord it came to me one day about the sin of gluttony. It was such a powerful acknowledgment it brought me to tears. I’m sure I thought of it over the years but just chose to ignore it. You’ve given me hope and show me there’s more to this journey than I thought.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Indeed, Patricia – you can overcome with God’s help and He will be with you every step of the journey!

      • Mona Bierman says:

        If we can get this program of yours out there and also here in South Africa where i live half of the councelling rooms will be empty…

        • Kimberly Taylor says:

          Amen, Mona – all glory to our Father!

  • Looking forward to checking this out!

  • HI Kimberly Thank you for this most needed message for the Body of Christ. We are to do all things in moderation. When I grew up we had treats once in a while. Today you can have treats everyday. A hot dog was a treat to us. now every day you can have a hot dog. Potato chips was a treat when we went to visit my uncle. now you have potato chips every day. Ice cream was a treat as well. Ice cream is my weakness. I will have once in a while . no more everyday. I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. Jesus gave his life for us. We are able to give our food habits up for him. We all need more spiritual food stay in the word . God Bless Darlene

  • Janeen Lawson says:

    Thank you for that compelling and compassionate prayer.

  • YES!!! Gluttony is the most accepted sin in the Church. My previous pastor bragged about loving Taco bell & pigging out on their food right in the pulpit!!!! He bragged frequently in the pulpit about it. Almost everyone at the Church dinners piled their plates high with food. You NEVER hear a pastor preach against gluttony…..Christian’s think it’s ok to be gluttons. Thank you so much for this message. This needs to be preached in ALL pulpits at least once a month!!!

  • Jessica Davies says:

    Hello Kimberly,

    I have decided to turn away from gluttony and eat to live. I want to rely solely on God and not comfort food for temporary satisfaction. It is so true that when you have excess weight gain, shame and guilt will come into play and that can result in low self esteem. I didn’t like how my body looked for a long time and I would pray and do all the fast weight loss diets as well. But I realized I had to change within and ask God to give me the strength so I can learn to have self control and peace. It is so rewarding now that I’m no longer a slave to food. I feel so free . Thank you for this empowering message . God bless.

  • Kim, GREAT WORK HERE! Thank you so much for your commitment to uncovering gluttony as a secret/overlooked sin in the church. This is a huge problem in the body of Christ and it’s something I struggle with myself.

    Shared your post on my group page for men looking to break free from food addiction/obesity. Thanks!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praise God! Thank you for your desire to help me conquer this issues in their lives. We can overcome through the grace of God!

  • Rita Shatley says:

    This is an amazing truth! Thank you for opening my eyes.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Praising the Lord for His truth!

  • I praise God for this post and am about to check out
    Take Back Your Temple Program! Thanks.

  • Most overeating becomes a stronghold in our lives. The stronghold stems from a lie we have believed over a period of time. For example, If I believe that I’m unworthy because of parental psychological abuse, then I not only start building a fortress around myself, but I also start trying to comfort myself with vices, food being one. We have to become vulnerable before God, realizing we can’t do it in our own strength, but let Him work in us, from the inside out. Praying that He will show us the lie we’ve believed about ourselves and asking Him to show us how to pull down the stronghold.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Preach Rhonda! So true. That’s where the renewing your mind comes in, believing what God says about you above what the enemy says and allowing Him into wounded dark places where He can shine the light and bring healing. Thank you for your comment!

  • This has been on my mind all weekend. I’m just grieved by the amount of food surrounding us and the “okay” stamp we place on indulging throughout the holidays. I don’t know how to address it with my sisters and brothers in Christ but I do know I can address it with myself and my kids. After feasting for thanksgiving yesterday I felt the need to fast today and repent and plan to do so again tomorrow instead enjoying yet another thanksgiving celebration. My heart is broken over this. Your email was timely.

    Much love — Leah

  • Thank you for sharing this! Telling God to not mess with my food has been my mindset for many years. The Scripture you used here pierced my heart and soul! I don’t want to leave this earth with people saying she sure liked to eat those treats. I’m praying God will hear my heart and heal this life long sin.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Hi Susan – you have my prayers. The enemy wants us to remain stuck where we are. But God is not a God of condemnation but restoration! He knows exactly what it will take to lead you to the right road for your health and strength to finish well in Him. Ask Him what the next step is that He wants you to take and He will show you.

  • Powerful words and concepts and an even more powerful God we serve than our sinful indulgent at times nature. May the body of Christ grow in the grace and truth and fruits of the Spirit as well as you said. Powerful things to think and pray about and live out. Thanks for sharing!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome, Jules – may we all leave in the promises, peace, and freedom God has in mind for us in this area.

  • Thank you for this enlightening article. This needs to be preached OFTEN in all Churches. It is never preached about. It is certainly one of the Churches most prevalent sins. My previous pastor used to brag a bout how much he could eat of taco bell food. He loved it. I John 2:15 says we are not to love the world or anything in the world……..He was leading his flock to believe it was ok to love & worship food. You are truly an inspiration to me, Kimberley

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      You are welcome Judy. May the Lord continue to bless you on this wonderful and worthy journey of wellness in Him!

  • Your writings, wisdom & advice is so encouraging, so timely & so necessary! Soooooooo many people would benefit from this program. I pray God will give you greater exposure & that you’ll be granted favor to even partner with weight loss programs. When I consider people that believe Gastric Bypass Surgery is their answer, I immediately think how the person most likely will be unable to maintain their weight loss. You don’t kill a tree by cutting off the limbs, you have to lay the axe to the roots. Attacking symptoms doesn’t bring deliverance, destroying roots in Christ Jesus does. Thank God for you & Take Back Your Temple! May God expand your territory!

    • Lusanda Kali says:

      It is indeed true what the word says, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.”
      Thank you for this information. It is an eye opener.

  • I am so thankful for your program and this article. I have felt myself slipping back into old “habits” which are really strongholds in my life. I renounce gluttony and laziness in Jesus name because His name is greater than my sins name… I thank the Lord for you, Kim, that you put His truth out for us to see so we can drag this nasty sin out from hiding and be done with it! What a wonderful Christmas present to give our Lord…

    • Thank you so much, Kristi. I’m thankful our Lord is about restoration, not condemnation so any time you stumble, He is there to help you get back on the right track.

      • Hey Kimberly I was having some potato chips and then read your email. God is right on time to give us what we need and to help us.
        I realized if I kept eating from the bag it would be gone. I felt a Knudge in my spirit. I knew it was God and I also! knew if I kept eating I would feel terrible. I prayed asked the Lord for help and put the bag away.
        Thank you for rescuing me! You are such a blessing and to know we are are never alone in our struggles and temptations!

        • Kimberly Taylor says:

          You are welcome, Mary. We all have to know the situations in which we are vulnerable and take steps to keep ourselves on track. May God bless you on this journey!

  • Thankyou Lord for your faithfulness and unconditional love. Thankyou Kim for the wonderful prayer on gluttony. I said it out loud and received his healing. I can’t imagine how I just slipped into over-eating slowly and didn’t even realize how I was gaining weight. Your powerful prayer and insight is so healing,encouraging and enlightening . I Thankyou Lord for your love for me endures forever .

  • Wow! This was so powerful for me. I am going to read this prayer everyday out loud. I am humbled by the love, grace, and mercy of our Lord.

  • Kim,
    Thank you so much for the time you take to post truth about the sin of gluttony. I look forward to your writings all the time. Thank you again because your words from God’s word encourage me and help me to persevere when I want to throw in the towel and eat eat eat.

    • Kim I am very grateful for your encouragement. I know my over eating is a sin against our Lord and against my or body. I am so tired of being overweight. I pray I will put forth the effort and resist the devil in this fierce battle. Your words of encouragement have given me the push I need.

      • You are welcome Karen. This is your life and you want to become everything God wants you to be. He will be with you every step of this journey!

      • Same here, Katen. Preachers need to be preaching this but they don’t cause it is an accepted sin for Christians:(

    • Hi Wendy – the Lord never gives up and you, so you should never give up on yourself! He’ll never leave nor forsake you. Have confidence in this!

      • Your words are so encouraging! I appreciate your insights and look forward to reading your articles

    • Yes, you don’t hear this preached in Church. It needs to be preached often. Gluttony is one of the accepted sins for Christans.

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