FreedomI’ve received many messages from people who are under heavy burdens. Health concerns, financial disasters, relationship challenges, and other distressing situations burden them.

While I pray for every concern, God gave me a specific message related to one email I received. God told me that it applies to all of His people. And I want to share that with you because I know it will deliver many.

God never intended for His people to carry burdens. True, we will have challenges to handle in this life, but God never built us to carry them.

That is why so many people are depressed, anxious, worried, fearful and seeking escape through addictions. Deep down they believe that they are fighting a losing battle and they don’t know how to cope.

And yet, the solution is simple. In Isaiah 46:3-4, God says:

“Listen to Me, O house of Jacob,
And all the remnant of the house of Israel,
Who have been upheld by Me from birth,
Who have been carried from the womb:
Even to your old age, I am He,
And even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear;
Even I will carry, and will deliver you.”

The solution is to surrender your burdens to God – to declare that you are transferring control of yourself and all that is under your authority – your body, mind, will, emotions, family, finances, your very life – under new management, under kingdom control.

But in order to release the burden and turn it over to God, you must trust Him.

You cannot fully trust Him unless you are convinced that God loves you first. He wants what is best for you – as any loving Father would.

  • When you are convinced of God’s love, you want to draw near to Him daily.
  • As you draw near to Him, He draws near to you.
  • You come to know His character and you grow in faith.
  • As you grow in faith, you grow in trust.

Do you see how beautifully that works?

Unfortunately, so many people shrink from a relationship with God because they are nursing unforgiveness, negative emotions, past mistakes, and secret sins and think that God condemns them.

But I’ve got news for you: God knows everything about you and He loves you anyway. And praise God, there is forgiveness and deliverance through Jesus Christ!

There is NO condemnation in Him.

He loves you exactly where you are and all you need to do is receive his love. He will empower you to walk in the Spirit daily so that you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

When you refuse to accept the reality of God’s love for you through Christ Jesus (a gift of grace), it is like shutting the door in His face.

You also shut the door on his ability to intervene in your life and lift your burdens.

God gave me a process to release burdens and transfer your life over to kingdom control, which follows.  But the first step for release is to have a deep revelation of how much God loves you. So this is my prayer for you from Ephesians 3:14-20:

“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Meditate on this word and tell God that you are opening your heart to Him so that you can receive the fullness of His love through Christ.

If you know others who are burdened, please pass this message to them as well.

I praise God for His delivering power. May the saints of God wake up, lay aside our burdens, and manifest His glory to a world that desperately needs him!

Prayer and Declaration to Release Burdens

Speak the following declaration out loud:

God, I know that You are my Father and I know that You love me.  You loved me even when I did not love You, so nothing I did or could ever do will make You love me more.

I know that if I refuse to believe that You love me, then I deny you because you ARE love. So I joyfully receive Your love as a gift of Your grace and all its fullness!

Your love is the most powerful force in the universe. Nothing can separate me from it. No demon in hell can stand against it. No situation is stronger than the power of Your love.

Father, because I trust Your love for me and Your faithfulness, I declare that I am relinquishing control of everything I am and everything that I have to You and turning it over to You. I want my mind, will, emotions, body, house, family, finances, my very life to come under new management, under kingdom control.

In Your kingdom, righteousness, peace and joy reign. In Your kingdom, demons have no authority. By the authority of Your kingdom and in the name of Jesus, I command any demons that are wrecking havoc on my mind, on my body, in my family, and in any aspect of my life to get out – go to a dry desert place never to return.

And in your place, I command that these reign in me and in my house:

  • Love reigns.
  • Joy reigns.
  • Peace reigns.
  • Patience reigns.
  • Kindness reigns.
  • Goodness reigns.
  • Faithfulness reigns.
  • Self-control reigns.

All of these reign because Jesus reigns in my heart. I thank You Lord that I am a citizen of your kingdom and have been endowed with all the rights therein.

I thank You that through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I walk out the truth of Your love and my kingdom citizenship daily. I am diligent to renew my mind to this truth daily. I esteem Your wisdom, listen for it, and am quick to obey Your direction.

I am a source of hope to those who are lost. They know that I am a disciple of Christ by my love. My words declare the good news of the kingdom and by my example, you God are glorified.

Thank you, Father, for your grace and for adopting me as your beloved child. Amen.”

I made this declaration myself and was filled with unspeakable joy. I walked around my house singing “Jesus Loves Me” over and over again. It might inspire you to sing too. Whatever form of praise is in your heart, express it boldly and enjoy your new freedom!

Be blessed with health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple program

P.S. When it comes to weight loss, do you often know what you should do but have a hard time doing it?

I struggled with this issue on my own weight loss journey, but I discovered that “Nothing is different until you think differently.”

The value of the Take Back Your Temple program is that you will learn how to think differently through using Biblical keys to overcome obstacles. You’ll discover how to win the Spiritual and mental battle that often causes us to become inconsistent and get off-track on our weight loss journey.

Join a community of like-minded Christians losing weight and keep it off.

Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple program

About the Author

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is an author and life coach with a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the developer of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches God's people how to overcome emotional eating and reach a healthy weight. She is also the author of the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures," "The Anxiety Relief Scriptures," "The Weight Loss Prayers," and many more.

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Renee Pitts says:

    Yes I’d received it to. Closing the door to yesterday and opening the door for today. Lord help me to yield my heart to you. My sister in Christ spoke these words to me. God wants to heal my heart. It like a hard piece of ice that God wants to melt away. I need to cry . She spoke to me in tongues and I’ve received it.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Renee – God is good!

  • PTL! Thanks for sharing this prayer to relinquish control over to the LORD and to allow all the fruit of His Spirit (which dwells in me) to reign!! Have a very Blessed and Happy New Year all year long!!

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      Amen, Shana – God is good. Happy New Year!

  • Jabuya Otieno says:

    Your prayers always encourage me a great deal.

    • Kimberly Taylor says:

      I appreciate your feedback, Jabuya – may the Lord continue to bless you.

  • I gave my life to God over three decades ago and renew my commitment to Him often – but have yet to feel that joy on a consistent basis. I know He loves me, I trust that, but I struggle to feel His love for me. Please pray for me.

  • Grace Holness says:

    Lord Jesus I. the.cross at Calvary sins forgive through your father our creator father of all such sacrifice and love lord you area wonderful God always here when I didn’t know. you were there guiding and.sending your angels to watch over me thru your love lord you knew me first before I was ever created you so me so.much that you sacrifice your only beloved son Jesus Christ today I surrounded my life to you lord I asked for.your guidance and obey your command in your holy name amen

  • Kim,
    I really needed this prayer & will continue this prayer..I’ve been going through some serious hardships & need speedy deliverance from these heavy burdens that is attached to me & my family so with the faith in this prayer & my god i thank you for sharing this with me for i know my god will hear my prayers..Thank you, Rashida

  • Queen!
    Thank You
    Blessings and Favor unto you and family forever more.

    The evening this prayer was read, my heart, mind, and spirit was in a spiritual turmoil. Without going into great detail about my current struggles “My trial and testing is overwhelming.” Yes I know who I am and Whom I belong too but my faith was suffering great turmoil, until I read your prayer. Queen I am standing strong once again because of your inspiring prayer that uplifts. Thanks again and God Bless.

      • Hi Kimberly…..This prayer has uplifted me so much today. Thank you and I receive it and will read it daily and meditate on it until my heart, mind ,spirit does as well. May the Lord continue to Bless you and use you as a vessel to continue spreading his Word.

  • Thanks Kim. I was feeling so hopeless. God kept telling me to let this eating disorder go and I had no idea how. Now I do. Thank you Lord!

  • Hi Kim, I have been dealing with some issues that have been hard for me to handle so much so I couldn’t even go in to work today because my spirit was so burdened. I received your right on time message in my email and just want to thank you for being there for me. God has used you to encourage me. May He encourage and empower you continually.

  • Dear Kim,
    I woke up this morning so heavily burdened, feeling really hopeless about my financial crisis. I found this prayer, just what I needed, God lead me to you, and I am going to continue with this prayer and never lose hope again. God bless you


  • Lebotse Elias Molefe says:

    First time reading the powerful massage from you. God please help me through your prayer to release my family financial burdens, SARS outstandings and refreshes me and my wife to start from the clean slate even at our ages to have access to new live.

  • i will definitely use this prayer from now on !!

  • Lori Johnson says:

    Thank you, Kim. I have been so burdened by my husband’s health problems this winter. My Christian therapist reminded me of my tendency to hold on to things and to try to control them to keep things from going wrong. She encouraged me to release them to God again, but I haven’t known how. I’ve been asking God to show me. Today I Googled “releasing to God” and the first post that came up that related to my situation was yours. I know you because I receive your emails and have been encouraged by your posts before. So I clicked on your link and was brought to this post by God’s grace. Thank you for posting this years ago! God is still using it. God bless you and your family.

  • Kim …. you were truly hearing from our precious Holy Spirit when you wrote this. Peace and faith consumed me as I read those words. Thank you so much for being the wonderful servant of God that you are. I’m in the process of considering getting your ebook. I’ve struggled with out of control snacking for so long and am getting closer and closer to giving it to God. May God keep using you and blessing you, as you bless others.

    • Thank you so much, Gea! Overcoming binge eating is a process. As you learn to release the issue over to God, he will show you those areas that tend to trigger the behavior and give you wisdom to deal with it. He is so faithful and I am grateful he has healed me and gives me the privilege to help others. I expect to hear your testimony of deliverance! Again, thank you for your prayers.

  • This is my first time reading about what God has done in your life and others. I am struggling with my weight for a long time. I know that God is going to deliver me from this bondage. I am very interested in allowing Him to work in me, so I can be set free!!!!!!!

  • Kim, Thank you for this message and prayer. Today I have prayed that God will work in me and through me, and that I will be obedient to His word. The burden of fear that I have carried has been heavy and prevented me from doing as He asks in many ways, from small things like praying out loud, to bigger things like sharing the Word. You have lifted my spirits and I will post this on my mirror so that I may be reminded of He who loves me and who carries the burdens. God Bless.

  • Kim,

    Thank you for sharing. Even when I know that God loves me in the mess of everyday getting bogged down in it I lose my footage and seem to forget how Great His love is.

    Thank you for reminding me and sharing your love for Him.

  • Kim:

    Thank you! I never cease to be amazed by God’s knowledge of His children. I’m going through a major life transition; these words are JUST what I need to comfort me in this difficult time. God always knows how to speak to His children; thank you for being His earthen vessel!

    • Hi Karura, I am just grateful that I have the opportunity. Thank you!

  • Hi Kim,
    This is EXCELLENT. Very inspiring and uplifting, and just what I needed to hear today.


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