Recently, I was reading a nutritional article when I came across this photo of a garbage bag on a plate.
Shocking, isn’t it?
The author wrote that many people complain of emotional instability, weight gain, low energy, and other negative symptoms because the foods they eat regularly is nutritional garbage!
Providing our bodies with low quality foods is the same as providing a builder with low quality materials.
Eventually, the person living in that property will have serious problems.
Respecting Another’s Property
To make this clearer, imagine this: Suppose you owned a property. You’ve taken time to fix it up, paint, landscape, and make it look nice.
A lady approaches you about renting it. You agree and she becomes your tenant.
Some months later, you check on the property. But what is this?
The yard is overgrown. Trash is strewn all over. When you go inside, holes are in the walls and dirty dishes are in the sink.
Roaches are crawling everywhere. The tub and toilet look like they have never been cleaned.
The property that you took such care in restoring shows no sign of that now.
Would you say that your tenant appreciated your property? No.
The word “appreciate” means “to add value.”
If the tenant appreciated the property, she would have maintained it.
Her actions would also have shown respect for you.
A Responsible Tenant
The mindset of a responsible tenant is wise concerning caring for our bodies.
After all, our bodies are our temporary residence while we are here on Earth.
Our bodies do not belong to us according to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20:
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
While Paul was addressing sexual immorality here, the principle is the same.
Because our bodies do not belong to us, we care for them because we love and respect their Owner.
Our purpose is to finish our race well in the Lord. Why make our lives any harder than they have to be?

To me, that means:
- Eating foods that make energy. The body doesn’t require just calories for energy; it requires thousands of micronutrients to transform the food we eat into energy and support our health. Pills cannot supply us with all we need. God bundled them primarily into the foods He put on this Earth for us to enjoy (see Genesis 1:29).
- Limiting the foods that drain energy. Most processed foods are made with shelf-life and manufacturer profits in mind, not for our body’s benefit. Most of these foods take from us, but don’t give anything back.
- Exercising for strength and endurance. It is difficult to exercise for long if you don’t give your body the proper fuel. Once you have your nutrition right, then you will have the energy to meet other life demands. You’ll have the energy needed to run this race well.
Today, think about the landlord/tenant example.
Ask yourself: “What can I do to be a better tenant in this body that the Lord owns?“
The Lord not only gives us guidance on what to do but the power to do it.
God is about restoration, not condemnation. He is always available to help us get back on the right track, one step at a time.
A good place to start on your weight loss journey is to take out the trash and replace it with building materials that “appreciate” the property!
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
Each day I’d realize how important it is to seek God for truth. It can only come from Him, He wakes me up early so I can seek Him, praise Him, and most of listen to what He is saying to me. Lord you are goodi pray that each one of us will seek you and hear what you are saying to him or her amen.
Amen – I agree with your prayer, Renee!
Have you, Kimberly, had any struggles in keeping the weight off? Ever get tempted, go off track for a season, etc… with sugar? Is it ever a battle for you to not give into being free from thinking about food so much of the time, taking a break? Just curious. It seems I am always battling. Never getting that last 10 pounds off.
Hi Vicky – thank you for your question! The answer to your question is ‘Yes,’ I have had struggles during different seasons in my life. The hardest was when I got married. I knew how to maintain my weight loss as a single woman but not as a married woman whose new husband had eating habits that mirrored my old patterns. So that was a new skill I had to develop. Here is an example:
Another thing to recognize, Vicky – sugar addiction makes REAL changes to your brain:
So yes, it takes prayer PLUS addressing nutrition and other steps to heal your brain. Your brain structure is like the hardware (the actual computer parts) and renewing your mind is like the software that runs on the computer.
It’s important that BOTH are in good working order.
Point taken. That analogy really helped me see the importance of tending and caring for God property (temple/ body).
I am glad that was helpful TinaMari – may you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers!
Kimberly, thank you so much for this article! What a visual!
Glad the article “spoke” to you, Deb!
Hello. I have been reading your blog posts for a couple of weeks now. Thank you for this article. I am interested in starting your TBYT program. However, I am struggling with F.O.F. and I have not moved forward. I have tried other Christian weightloss programs and I am back where I started obese and unhappy. I will be 40 this year. I don’t want to continue this roller-coaster of weight any longer. I want to make permanent change.
Hi Kimberly – Thank you for writing! With TBYT, our motivator for change is from love and from the inside out, which is God’s way to change. You may be interested in this article, which I believe may speak to your situation:
WOW!, Thank you so much Kim, I really enjoy the example, it just goes go show you that we don’t stop to think of what we put in out bodies, and yet we can know what to do and still don’t do the right thing,……ask me how I know! ..LOL BUT this is a brand New Year, and a Brand new me…. So you Pray for me and I’ll Pray for you and together we will get through this together…God Bless one and All
Amen, Ms. Spicy!
I am 47 years old and have had the lap band surgery. I lost 200 plus pounds but I ended up sick with a bowel obstruction and gained it all back. I have been in pain ever since. I been trying to lose weight ever since. Its hard. I pray to God every day all day sometimes. I know everything will work out eventually.
Desiree – I am so sorry to hear that! I pray for the Lord to heal you completely. It is His desire that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. I know it is hard at times but the Lord is with you every step of the way. As I believer in Jesus, His Holy Spirit within you guides you. Listen to His prompting and He will guide you on the path to better health, one day at a time, one choice at a time.
Liked the title Take back your TEmple! I’m 64yrs old and suffering with bone spurs on my top right foot, no cartilage in my right knee and lower center back burn pain. I limp now! I am a young 64yr old. I heard my husband say about a guy our age waiting to see if he will get chemo, He’s old because he didn’t take care of himself. We are both over weight with arthritic pain. Overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Yes, I emotionally eat and would benefit from losing 10 – 20 pounds.
I am praying for your healing and restoration, Paula – you are in the right place!
I have been saying this for years!!
Ha, ha, ha – it makes sense, Robin!
This article hit home! It has put a new picture in my mind when I eat.
Thank you Kimberly!
Glad to hear that Teresa – may you experience the blessings of good health that comes from eating foods that are nourishing to your body 🙂
Wow! Thank you for the convicting message, Kimberly!
You are welcome, Julie – as the old saying goes, “It’s tight but its right”!
What a wonderful message.. Thank you
I am glad it blessed you, Michelle!
The visual was right on, so many times because we’re in a hurry to eat or to go somewhere we just shovel in the quickest thing we can find and not think of what it’s doing to out bodies….Thanks again Kimmie.
You are welcome, Ms. Roberta! Several years ago, I picked up trash along the main road leading to our subdivision. To my amazement, most of the trash was from soda cans/bottles, junk food wrappers, and/or fast food bags and containers. I realized the contents of the trash on the outside ended up in somebody’s body on the inside! I pray the following article inspires everyone reading this to avoid nutritional garbage and appreciate (add value to) our bodies as God’s property.
great word picture
Thanks Sherry – I thought it was powerful too. Praise the Lord!
Wow! Excellent visual and analogy. This is very helpful. Thank you.
Glad to hear, Felecia – God is good!
Wow! That trash bag! It speaks such a vivid reminder of mindfulness of our(my) choices. I’d like to print a picture of it and put it in view in my kitchen! It would make a great refrigerator magnet too..
Thanks for the feedback, Carolyn – I think that is a great idea 🙂
An excellent way to describe how I lost control of my body, by trashing it. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help me see the things I need to see
I am glad that was helpful to you, Ruby. May you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!
Every time I want to treat myself, which is too many times; I’m going to read this first!
Hi Kathy – that’s a great idea in addition to re-evaluate what it means to ”treat” yourself. If treating yourself is leading to lack of energy or health problems, then that isn’t a treat 🙂
Wow. That’s for the article. May God continually bless you and your family.
Please look at this video about a man who trashed his apartment with beer cans. It’s exactly what you are talking about in this article.
Can you please edit my comment and change the spelling from bowel to bowl because that’s a really gross thought! Lol
DONE – ha, ha!
Wow! I always believed my body was the temple of the Holy Spirit. Never thought with overeating or choosing unhealthy foods I was treating my body the temple like garbage. Great! Analasis Kimberly. Gives me something to think about. Your pearls of wisdom! always help us get back to where we should be.
God Bless You!
Ps: sometimes! I over do it with pop corn like this evening!
I neededed to see this
Thank you for this! It’s definitely an image to stay with you!
Thanks Kimberly. Your website and resources are a real blessing.
Thank you Papajay – so glad you are finding it helpful!
Thank you . I really needed to see this article today. It put me back in the right mindset. God is amazing.
You are welcome Kathy! May the Lord bless you on this wonderful journey with Him.
Well said! Excellent food for thought! Here’s hoping that more people will understand this perspective and genuinely learn to treat well our temples of the Holy Spirit!
Thank you!!
Agree, Jennifer! Too often, we receive truth like this and it is quickly forgotten. I hope each of us will keep this example in mind when we make our food choices, determining to choose foods that help us, not hurt us.
Great incite! Thanks .
Appreciate the confirmation, K!
Thank you..the article spoke volumes !!!
Nobody teaches like our Father, Sandra!