Your mind can get you into big trouble, especially when you believe the enemy’s deceptions. That is why fighting the enemy’s lies is a critical strategy for Spiritual warfare victory against emotional and other eating issues!
Here is the ‘lies of the enemy verse’ in which the Bible warns us:
…He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
– John 8:44

Here is one way I took lying thoughts captive once.
I had a stressful day – one of those days in which it did not feel good to be in a body!
I received some bad news. My head hurt and muscle tension made me uncomfortable.
Then, the enemy’s lies came calling. He suggested that the way out of my anxiety was to go get a cookie.
Now in the old days, I would not have questioned that “solution.” I would have just gone for it!
But this time, I asked myself 1 crucial question:
“Would that help this problem?”
No, it would not. The problem would still be there after the cookie was gone, in spite of the enemy’s lies that I could escape it.
Plus, eating the cookie would only hijack my brain, making me want to eat more. That would just add a new problem on top on the old one!
In the end, I did not go get a cookie. I prayed and had a talk with my heavenly Daddy about the problem.
He gave me a new perspective and a solution to the problem!
When you face emotional upsets, the most natural thing to do is to go to the last place of known comfort.
For those who suffer from emotional eating, that usually means going back “into the food”!
However as believers in Jesus, we have the mind of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 2:16).
That is supernatural power!
The Mind of Christ
What was the main thing on Jesus’ mind?
Jesus had a one-track mind to:
- Obey the Father’s will, knowing the Father loved Him and that God’s plans were for good
- Fulfill the Father’s purpose in His life. Dedication to His purpose guided Jesus’ daily decisions, even the difficult ones.
In Luke 2:49 when He was just 12 years-old, Jesus said to His parents:
“Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business (see Luke 2:49)?”
Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection, He accomplished His purpose: He made it possible for we who believe in Him to have everlasting life.
- We are new creations in Him.
- We have the opportunity to know God the Father and Jesus Christ personally through our daily experience.
- We are now part of God’s royal family and now have many Spiritual brothers and sisters!
Why you Cannot Disappoint God
Many Believers believe that they disappoint God when they make mistakes or fall short. However, this is an enemy lie designed to keep Christians in bondage to destructive habits.
Consider the following scripture, Psalm 139:1-6:
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
The reason we cannot disappoint God is because He is Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent (all present), and Omnipotent (all powerful). The Lord’s character of Omniscience is that He knows about the mistakes we make before we do!
That is why we cannot disappoint Him. Disappointment implies someone had expectations of a person and are surprised when those expectations are not met (missed appointment).
However, God knows everything; He knows things about us that we don’t know about us!
Not only does the Lord know about our mistakes before we make them, He has a plan for our recovery from them. His grace provides the wisdom and strengthen we need to overcome.
It is God’s work within us that helps us overcome. In that way, the Lord gets the glory, not us!

Why Sin Doesn’t Reign Over Believers
We may sin as believers in Jesus, but sin no longer reigns over us as it once did. God’s grace gives us power to do what we could not do B.C. (before Christ).
We were once dead in sin, but now alive in Christ!

Here are 2 reasons we have victory over sin through God’s grace:
- We have God’s Spirit in our hearts (2 Corinthians 1:22). Through the Holy Spirit, God’s strength is made perfect through our weakness.
- We sow God’s word into our minds (Romans 12:2). God’s word instructs us about God’s will in every situation so we have a guidebook for our daily decisions
When the enemy tried to tempt Jesus to turn stone into bread after Jesus had fasted for 40 days, Jesus used God’s word:
“But Jesus answered him, saying, ‘It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”
In this statement, Jesus says that God’s word is as important to us as the food we eat.
Without God’s word, we won’t learn how to think God’s way. We need a mind makeover to make better decisions.
In my case when tempted with the cookie, I used God’s word to make wise decisions:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7
I recognized that anxiety was the emotion I was having. God’s solution for anxiety is prayer and thanksgiving. So I decided to practice those things rather than eat a cookie when I wasn’t hungry.
Once I did those things in the midst of my anxiety, God’s peace came to me – just as His word promised!
Do you see how this works?
Renewing your Mind to God’s Truth
When you learn how to manage your emotions God’s way, you learn to live in the Lord’s peace and joy so that you can do the work He has called you to do, without old habits weighing you down.
The Lord says in Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Your mind makeover allows you to operate as a new creation in Jesus, a thriving member of His body.
When you fight the enemy’s lie through the truth in God’s word, you overcome through Christ Jesus!
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
So many nuggets in this post to encourage us to walk in the Victory Christ died for.
Beautifully executed!!!!!
Thank you Kimberly such a beautiful blessing you are.
Aw, that really touches my heart, Novella – I praise God for the opportunity!
Lord your word is truth and I need you to help my unbelief. Help me when I’m struggling with a habit that I know/we know you are breaking from us. Help us to run to you and not the food. Each day help us to see the enemy and not fall prey to his scheme amen.
Amen, Sister!
Thank you Kimberly for sharing the insight that God has given you. That question, “Will this binge help the problem?”
NO! All it does is add fuel to the fire! Adds evidence to the accusations of the enemy! The devil is not a cute and playful mischievous imp. He is evil. He comes to steal, kill and destroy, he is prowling for us.
We resist with the Word of God!
Amen, Louise! That is why it is imperative that we resist the enemy and not give in to his underhanded strategies. May you continue to be blessed and safeguard the territory the Lord has given you with His word!
Your words are very helpful and understandable. They are easy to relate to.
Thank you, Daniel – I am so glad to hear that and give God all the praise!
When tempted to eat to numb your emotions, I love your question “Would that help this problem?”. It is a great tool that I am going to start using! It will help me to change my mindset from allowing my “feelings” about a certain situation to control my actions to actually addressing the real problem. That problem is not the circumstance itself but my reaction to the circumstance. Do I trust God? Will I accept the grace God has made available through Jesus’ sacrifice?
Exactly, Vicki! I think it is important to give ourselves grace as we are learning new ways to think and act – just as we would give a child grace as they are learning new skills. I am thankful that the Lord is with us and provides everything we need to meet every challenge.
Thanks I really needed to hear this especially in the times that we are living in right now. Controlling my emotions through eating is not the healthiest way to control them. I need to be reminded that God is in control.
Well said, Kim! Just what I needed on this cold, damp Monday. Thankful for you!
Awesome Shelly – God is good!
I just want to encourage anyone reading this whose mind is struggling to focus on the message here… struggling to actually believe it can work / happen for you, too…that person who, despite what they (really) WANT (perhaps to be strong and courageous of heart? perhaps to be a good example to others?), finds themselves, instead, wallowing in discouragement…who wonder how in they world they “got here” (?!)…like…if you’re honest, you’re feeling pretty crappy and you don’t trust yourself to change. Listen to me… agree with yourself and God…to JUST put one foot in front of the other…(imagine how YOU would encourage an injured war veteran or tragedy survivor who is trying to learn to walk again…you would be patient…you would believe in them – maybe more than they believed in themselves)… it’s (really) that simple…to make better choices…one little decision at a time…and do like Kimberly says…when your brain is screaming that you HAVE to have (fill in the blank)…that you NEED it in order to feel better…NOW!…force that inner demanding, hurting, possibly crying, fussing soul (picture an uncomfortable, upset baby thrashing around in his/her Momma’s arms) to hear this: “Sshhhhh…” And “sshhhh” again. Over and over ’til you start HEARING it.
You’re okay. NOT having the ice cream…NOT screaming at the hubby…NOT staying up half the night, bug-eyed, staring at goods / products on the computer that you’d like but don’t need…NOT [fill in the blank with your “vice(s)”]…..will NOT kill you! I promise.
Abba Father is cradling you, His upset child, in His arms….shushing and soothing you…and reminding you to “be still”……and KNOW that He’s bigger than this. It IS going to get better. And He WILL sustain you until and when (and beyond) it does!
Get in His Word. It’s HARD to do when it feels BORING or irrelevant or outdated…or even confusing. When it doesn’t provide immediate, amazing relief valve(like ice cream does). FIGHT. Get in it anyway. Fall off the “daily time with God” wagon? Get back on! Even if it’s five minutes. I promise you – His Word does not come back void. It feeds your soul. Give it time. Stick with it. REFUSE to ALLOW the enemy discourage you. (If you haven’t already, check out YouVersion…a really helpful Bible app with a ton of devotional options, right on your device… it’s been a tremendous help for me ‘cuz it’s right here on my phone…no excuses, no waiting for exactly the right moment in the day).
Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening. Thanks Kimberly, for putting the truth out there – for cheering us on – for letting us see how good He is. Hope this helps someone.
Wow – this really blessed me Angie. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and love to the TBYT community!
Hi Angie, thank you for your encouraging words even though they were written in 2018. Thank you Kimberly for your words expressing your yesterday’s testing that brought a testimony and victory even if the circumstances may not have changed. I bless you for sharing. I have realized through your sharing that my food eating/binging trigger was condemnation when I did something wrong and felt my Abba Father was angry with me, I turned to eating with a don’t care attitude. Not fully understanding I could go to my Father and ask for forgiveness, that in itself was enough and accepted for me to move on and not be stuck in beating myself up. I am free of this because of what He has done for me. Blessings to you all
Thank you for sharing that praise report, Paula!
Reading this with tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for these encouraging words. I just today prayed for some encouragement and God was faithful to deliver to me exactly what I needed through your own words. God bless you!
I know you wrote this a while ago, I wanted you to know it is still helping others. Thank you for sharing this. I especially like what you said about God saying, “Shhhhhh…” and holding us. That is a word picture I will not forget. Way, way, way better than sugar, carbs or ice cream!
I enjoy your thoughts of wisdom. I want yo be LIKE you when I grow up. Lol. Kim, I’m learning to recognize when I’m in my emotions and not to react but response. I realize. THIS is where I am weak. Not being able to catch myself before I have yielded to the freshly appetite. Its not as bad as when I started TBYT lasts August. I thank God for DAILY progress
THANKS again Kim for your timely articles
You are welcome Kimberly – we are BOTH on a journey to being more like Jesus! Stay blessed, my Sister!
I am always being blessed reading your messages. My goal is to shed some pounds by next year. Thanks.
What an amazing message!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!