Going through a Wilderness Experience

On Thursday, August 11, 2016, I experienced stroke symptoms.

Wilderness experience

I had awakened from a nap to find the left side of my face, hand, and foot numb. I had difficulty moving my hand and walking.

I knew I was in trouble. The first thing I did was pray,  seeking the Lord as to what to do. I solicited prayers from the prayer warriors at my church. And based upon Godly counsel, I sought medical attention.

My blood pressure was sky high. Many of you know that my grandmother died of a stroke at the age of 47 and I am not too many years beyond that age.

Praise God, my blood pressure was brought down with medication. Now, here is where the story gets really interesting.

I had a brain CT scan, however no evidence of a recent stroke was seen! However, there was evidence of an “old” stroke on the scan. I have never had any stroke before of which I’m aware.

My personal belief is that the “old” stroke was not old at all, but the new event that God healed. The doctor could not find anything new in my brain. The prayers of the righteous do avail much!

At this juncture, I still have some numbness in my fingers and toes on the left, but it is getting better every day.

God is still in the healing business. I am learning something else through this experience:

This situation came to pass, but God’s word comes to last!

Now, some of you may wonder: “She is always talking about health – eating right and exercising. And yet, this affliction still happened to her. What is the point?

Well, the Lord did not promise that we would have a trouble-free life – even as Christians. Such are the effects of living in our fallen world:

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (John 16:33)”

With that being said, I must take responsibility for my part: In my ignorance, I did not take my blood pressure medication the way I should have. I said to myself, “The Lord will heal me.”

Well, the Lord never told me to stop my medication! I am just being transparent here.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Failing to take my medication properly was me leaning upon my own understanding, not following God’s direction. It was presumptuous and I would never advise someone else to do that.

Hear this: Taking medication does not mean that you lack faith in God’s ability to heal!

Please do not make the same mistake I did. Seek the Lord first for every decision. You will know it is the Lord speaking to you when you have peace in your inner man. If there is doubt, anxiety and confusion, keep seeking Him.

Absent a specific word from God in your situation, then be obedient to the wisdom that He has given to you already. He speaks through His word, personal revelation (which agrees with His word), and Godly counsel (which also agrees with His word):

Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).”

I eat healthy and exercise because God made known to man that these actions support our health.

I believe that my affliction would have been much worse, perhaps even fatal, if I had not been doing what I know to do in the eating and exercise arena already. I thank God for His mercy!

During this experience, I recalled one of Jesus’ temptations in His wilderness experience (see Matthew 4:1-11). I thought about how Satan tried to tempt Jesus to throw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple to prove who He was and what God can do.

He even twisted a scripture to try to convince Jesus to kill himself!

However Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

This scripture refers to an incident in Exodus 17:1-7. The people wanted water in the wilderness and asked for it, however they did so in a manipulative way.

They asked, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

The implication was that if the Lord did not do what they wanted Him to do or act in the time-frame that they wanted, then that must mean the Lord was not with them.

But God had already said Exodus 6:7:

I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”

Whether in the wilderness or in the Promised Land, in affliction or in wellness, we must be convinced of one thing:

The Lord is with us.

Outward circumstances should never convince us otherwise, nor should we attempt to try to manipulate God to change our outward circumstances as proof that He is who He says He is or that His word is true.

Tempting God goes along the lines of, “If you are God, then you would…”

If that is the case, then we fall right into the snares of the enemy! Rather, our game plan should be from Philippians 4:6-7:

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Do not move unless God tells you to – either through His word, through personal revelation, or through Godly counselors.

I am still believing the Lord for complete restoration of feeling in my left fingertips and toes. In the meantime, I will continue to do what is known – taking my medication properly, monitoring my blood pressure, as well as continuing to eat properly and exercise.

I have experienced its benefits, both in my daily ability to enjoy life and in prevention. That is the point.

I am doing my part and letting God be God in the rest!

Be blessed in health, healing, and wholeness,

Kimberly Taylor

 Author of the Take Back Your Temple program

About the author 

Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor is a certified Christian life coach and has a heart to help others struggling with emotional eating and weight loss. Once 240 pounds and a size 22, she can testify of God’s goodness and healing power to overcome. She lost 85 pounds as a result of implementing techniques to overcome emotional eating and binge eating disorder.

Kim is the author of "The Take Back Your Temple Program," which teaches Christians how to take control of their weight God's way and the books "The Weight Loss Scriptures" and "The Weight Loss Prayers."

Kim has been featured in Prevention Magazine, Charisma Magazine and on CBN’s 'The 700 Club' television program.

  • Hi Kimberley!

    thankyou so much for your wonderful and inspiring website. I chanced upon it a couple of years ago but only just remembered it again and found it. It is so wonderful that you remind us to go to God, our dear Friend, for help in this journey we make to care better for our bodies and minds. He is our only hope in changing our hearts and habits, and finding the deep strength we need! You are doing some humble but great service to Him. Thankyou! And I look forward to checking out all your new posts and articles. God Bless you Kimberley.


  • I want to add that I have been healed of the diabetes and high cholesterol by the mighty hand of our faithful Jesus. God is certainly faithful and true to His word and I give Him all the praise and all the glory.

  • Thank you for ministering such simple and easy steps to help overcome weight issues. I read your eBook on Emotional eating. In fact I was so impressed by it that I shared it with two friends that struggle with weight and health problems.
    As I reread it the Lord showed me areas of pride and unbelief. Then I read your simple little prayer and feel like I am on the road to recovery from health and weight issues once again. About three years ago my weight was up to 327 lbs and I was scared and decided to lose weight. I had diabetes and many other health issues. I lost 50 lbs and then plateued. Then last December I went to the hospital with hernia problems. They took me to surgery and I flat lined. Then two days later I went back to surgery andThe surgeon looked at me and in a matter of 15 minutes called e fat five times and refused to do surgery on me because I am fat. So to this day I haven’t had the surgery even though the real reason I flat lined was because of too much pain medication in my system before putting me under anesthesia. I am sensitive to medicines. So I have been working on losing weight a long time. But this is the first I have heard anything said about emotional eating. Also the fist time of being on a program that makes it so simple with the small Steps to Weight Loss Tips. So Kimberly I truly can relate to your story. Doctors can be rude and insensitive. I am glad that you used that to the good in seeking the face of God and creating such a unique program. Thank you for allowing God to turn your situation around to His glory. Also for giving God the glory. Be blessed dear sister.

  • Hi Kimberly,
    God is faithful. I believe the enemy wanted to take you out. He doesn’t want you helping all the people you help to have Jesus in their lives. But greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
    I say in the name of Jesus, be restored and be made whole. Be healed in Jesus’ name. Satan, in the name of Jesus take your hands off of Kimberly. Jesus was crucified for her transgressions, He was crushed for her iniquities, the chastisement of her peace is upon Him and by His stripes Kimberly is healed. In Jesus name you cannot bring a stroke upon her. She has the blood of Jesus in her veins therefore what happened to her grandmother cannot and will not happen to her. She is healed by the stripes and the blood of Jesus.
    Now Satan we remind you that your ultimate end is the lake of fire. You go back to hell where you belong and quit bothering this precious child of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus. Every residual is healed in the name of Jesus. Thank you God for setting the captive free and healing this dear sister. Thank you that she is made whole and healthy to carry on the work You have called her to do in Jesus’mighty name. Amen.

  • Thank you Kim for always keeping it real! We not only rejoice in great times but we rejoice and trust him in difficult times as well…we know Christ in the fellowship of his sufferings. We know his grace is sufficient. You have been a source of strength and inspiration to me. I pray for your continued healing.

    • I appreciate you for that, Chavela. I think its important to be transparent because I believe it helps to encourage others to do the same. We are all helpers to one another!

  • Sherry m. says:

    My dear sister Kim, we give praise and honor to our mighty God who heal,saves, and delivers.we thank Him for his mercy toward your healing. May the ministry He has given you multiply a hundred fold. May your wisdom increase and may your home be filled with joy and His divine health walk with you and your husband all the days of your lives in the name of Jesus.amen.

    • Hallelujah, Sherry – I lift my hands and receive that power-packed prayer. And I pray multiplied blessings back to you.

  • I’m so glad you are okay. I know of extremely healthy people who have dropped dead from heart attacks/strokes. When its your time its your time and I’m glad it wasn’t yours we need your words of encouragement ! Will be praying for your full recovery.

  • Nancy Anne Martin says:

    Very wise blog, Kimberly! And I pray for complete restoration for you, as well.

  • Lifting you up in prayer, Kimberly. May God heal you, and bless you. You’re a blessing to me and so many others.

    thank you for such an encouraging message.

  • Hi Kimberly, Thank the Lord that your stroke was not worse. I will pray for your continued healing. Thank you for sharing your truth! I’m so glad that we may all continue to benefit from your experience and wisdom.

  • Thank you for sharing your story and the spiritual lesson you learned, which is indeed a wake up call to us all. May you continue to walk in divine health, obedience and godly wisdom all of your live-long days until Jesus return. So grateful for your fruitful ministry!

  • I thank and praise Gods Hand on you Kimberly. You are a testimony to many. I am in the wilderness again. God is here with me …I just haven’t grab it and walk it.
    May God make you whole in days to come I pray in Jesus name.

    • I appreciate your prayers, MC. Grab hold of His hand and He will bring you out. He won’t leave you nor forsake you.

  • Debbie Baker says:

    Praying for your continued health and healing. I know God is able. Thank you for leaning on Him and sharing your struggles with all of us. Godspeed!

    • I receive your prayers, Debbie – they are much needed. May the Lord continue to bless you richly!

  • Mary Frances says:

    Hi Kimberly, Praise God for your healing and His covering during this time of your illness.
    It is so true that because we are save; do not mean that things will not happen in our lives. But we are save by His Grace and Mercy. Take good care!

  • elizabeth says:

    praise god ur incident wasn’t worse u need to take ur meds whether u want to or not continued healing prayers be blessed love and hugs elizabeth

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Kimberly! It has really moved me to tears, because I have been going through difficult times with my health lately too. It is so good to see how God is doing miracles and helping His beloved children all over the world! My story is that after having a dog for 6 years now I´m all of a sudden allergic! It is hartbreaking to think of a possibility of giving away my friend because of a health problem. And just these past few days it got to the point that I wasn`t even able to sleep at night, because I couldn`t breathe. I prayed to God for healing, but it only got worse to the point that even medication I had bought over the counter didn`t work anymore. I felt like suffocating. Then, today I finally went to the doctor and they gave me stronger medication that really helped. Also in matter of minutes just yesterday God changed my situations so that I can go on a trip with my congregation, that I didn`t think I was able to take part of! Now I will have a vacation away from home for a week, where I have time and space to think about what to do next and find solutions for the problem. I feel so blessed! We really have a wonderful heavenly Father!

    • Praise God, Relina – I am so glad God brought a solution to you that enables you to continue fellowship with your dog and your church family. To Him be all the glory!

  • Jerrilynn says:

    Praise the Lord you are the healed!
    We thank you Father for continuing to manifest the completed work of Christ in Kimberlys body.

  • Thank you Jesus for keeping Kimberly in your healing hands! You know she still has work to do. Thank you Kimberly for your courage to share something so personal. May God continue to Bless and keep you, and all of us, until our job is done here on earth. Then the fun begins!! Praise God!!
    Revelation 21:4 KJV
    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    • Hi ((((Debbie )))) – you have been on my mind lately. Thank you for your encouraging words. I’ll followup with you privately too because I was wondering how you and your family are doing.

  • sunflower says:

    It’s my prayer that God would continue to heal you and feel back to your body.

  • Marie Crowley says:

    Thanks for sharing Kimberly. You have blessed me in so many ways through this message. I must stop leanong to my own understanding. God Bless You.

    • It’s easy to do Marie, especially when God has delivered you from so much and given you wisdom in a particular area. That’s really the part when you need to beware and press into Him all the more. This experience has really taught me that!

  • Thank you, Kimberly, for this timely word of wisdom and warning. And praise God that he touched and healed you, enabling you to deliver hope and truth to us. I continue to be blessed by your journey!

    • I praise God too Jan! We are all in this together so I pray what happened to me will help someone else avoid similar circumstances. And that God get the glory from it all!

      • Dorothy L Cale says:

        Kimberly Taylor, I thank God for you being honest and transparent! So many times we tend to think because of our positions “we are the know it alls”! I was listening to Day Star channel, this morning. The guest person was talking about being depressed some time ago, affected his marriage, etc. He begin to Pray Lord’s Prayer, and saying 23rd Psalm several times a day. Bottom line, he experienced God’s Peace which healed his marriage and delivered him from that spirit of depression! I have started “taking the medicine of The Lord’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm ” daily starting today! I’m Praying for God’s Healing for you today! In The Name Of Jesus! Amen!

      • Lifting you up dear sister in Christ. Lord, I pray and agree with my sister for full healing, your will be done. We love you Lord and praise you, and I personally pray for my sister. What a blessing she is in my life and the lives of so many others.

        • I feel your prayers from here, Dawn! They are availing much. I am continuing to do my part and trusting in the Lord to do His part. He is a Healer!

    • Dear Sister Kimberly: I thank GOD for using you to help Christian women like myself. The LORD woke me up this morning at 4 a.m., August 17th, to read your message, “Going Through a Wilderness Experience.” GOD was speaking directly to me about taking my pressure meds and exercising. He has healed me from the “sweet addiction,” “emotional eating,” and “being hard on myself.” Instead, HE is helping me to realize who I truly am in HIM. HE is truly growing me in HIMSELF. I thank you again for helping me to see my mistake and guiding me in PROVERBS 3:5, 6. GOD BLESS, Theresa

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