“Basic Training: ‘Honor and Discipline”
What words are resonating with you this morning?
Here is a little known fact about me: I almost joined the Navy.
A Naval officer tried to recruit me when I was in nursing school, saying that I could enter the Navy as a lieutenant if I joined the Navy Nurse Corps (this was back in the 80s).

The recruiter even came to my house to talk with me but when I discovered that I had to learn shoot weapons (guns freaked me out back then), I changed my mind!
Not only that, but I can’t swim.
Still, I have always admired dedication to a cause and the discipline to stay ready to fight for it.
One morning as I was about to eat breakfast and exercise, 2 words keep echoing in my spirit: ”Honor” and ”Discipline.”
As Christians, our lives on Earth are basic training for eternity.
The Lord is our Commander. The Bible contains our marching orders and it tells us:
And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
– Hebrews 4:13
Because we will give account for what we have done in these Earthly bodies someday, the wisest thing we can do is fix our hearts on honoring the Lord and ordering our lives with discipline (following a daily plan of activity).
The struggle is real, but it is also right.
“Basic Training: ‘Honor and Discipline”
Living with Honor and Discipline
The concept of living in service to a righteous cause reminds me of 2 Timothy 2:2-4
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
As a committed follower of Jesus, you recognize that you may have some hard days.
However, you rely on the Lord’s strength to get you through those days, believing that you are serving a great cause: To share Jesus with lost people who need salvation.
Otherwise, they will perish!
That is a honorable cause that leading a disciplined life supports.
“Basic Training: ‘Honor and Discipline”
Follow with Jesus
When Jesus says ”Follow me,” I have learned that it means ”Follow with me.”
Jesus doesn’t throw you into the deep water of life and say, ”Swim kid!”
He is with you every step of the way, day-by-day, supplying what you need (peace, wisdom, strength, power, etc.) at the moment that you need it through the power of the Holy Spirit in you!
That is what makes His grace so amazing.
So, what words are resonating with you today? Please share in the comments!
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
I believe it’s trust me. Each day the Lord gives me the strength to walk five miles,to which I’m grateful. The Lord showed me not to lean on anything or anyone. God is good and worthy to be praise.
Amen, Renee – He is good!
Endurance! I want to endure to the end, and not just give up because I am struggling at the moment. When I give up, condemnation kicks in…and that does not come from the Lord. I have opened the door to the enemy of my soul when I don’t endure.
Amen, Sue! But we know we have the victory in Jesus and through Him, He gives us power to do what we can’t on our own 🙂
Yes learning to honor the Lord and being disciplined like a good soldier is a awesome place. Lord help me to follow you.
Amen, Renee – it is my prayer as well and one the Lord answers because it is according to His will!
Your article references following a daily plan of activity. There appeared to be a link but I couldn’t find any more info on a daily plan of activity. Do you have an article or any more info I can go to for this. I am a big believer that our small habits add up to our great successes. I guess I am just looking for a little more guidance on how that looks day-to-day. I love your program and all the blessings of your teachings! I thank God that He led me to your books and programs!! Have a great day, Beth S
Hi Beth – thanks for writing! I have updated the article which links to keys to more self-discipline. In program itself is the 5 Core Habits Checklist, which provides the daily guidance. I will send a link that via private message in the Community 🙂
Reading this is what I need to know. I’m realizing that if I don’t have a backup plan I will eat. So ty for speaking about this.
You are welcome, Renee – we need to use all the tools at our disposal that help us to stay of track each day 🙂
Hi Kimberly — your piece on honour and discipline resonated with me. I love both words (altho putting them into practice consistently is another matter.) Thank you for a timely nudge. I’m back on the wagon tomorrow!
Hi Julie – it makes life easier in the long run for sure 🙂
Being a Navy Brat, I wanted to join the Navy too, but my Dad talked me out of it….then I wanted to go to school to be a nurse also until I saw some blood and changed my mind…(this was in the 60″s) so needless to say I did what any American girl would do I went to college, then work , then married and had children…. Life worked out I believe the way God wanted it too, and I wouldn’t change all but a few things…..LOL….Ms Spicy.
Amen, Roberta – I agree with that last part!
“Follow with me.” Jesus is with me always. He will never leave me, and He empowers me for right living and sharing the gospel through the Holy Spirit.
Amen, Nicky – we have everything we need for victory. The Lord says that He has begun a good work and will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. We can do nothing without Him but with Him, we can do everything He calls us to do!
“As long as pride rules me, God cannot heal me.” This resonates with me. Thank you for all your good instruction.
You are welcome, Gladys – our Lord is good!
Thanks, Kimberly. This is most encouraging! The bible is rife with such great examples of staying the course.
It sure is, Holly – God’s word is treasure and it is to our benefit to get as much as we can!
Ha, ha – that is awesome! Thanks for sharing, Hollie!
Stress eating, I’m helping my aging parents daily. They always have food in the house ( esp sweets from what people bring) I drink 1-3 glasses of wine most nights, I know that’s not what I should do because of alcoholism in family. I also sit in recliner too much at my house because I’m busy at my parents house. I am 64 and I want to get control of my life. I attend church regularly but I don’t pray or read scriptures daily.
Hi Becky, the good news is that the Lord is with you, whatever your circumstances. He gives you everything you need to live victoriously and overcome. My prayer is that He open your eyes to the wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him and that you obtain all the riches in Christ that belong to you. Since you mentioned Bible reading, the I recommend the book of Ephesians because it is so important to see ourselves as God sees us. Plus, that will show you everything you have in Jesus so that you walk in it day by day. Stay blessed, Sister!
This is timely! I’ve always struggled with my weight loss program, but I think I should also honor my body by not throwing in every unhealthy and junk food. Thanks Kimberly.
I agree, Grace! And you will enjoy your life more and better be able to share the life of Christ with others. A win/win all around 🙂
Work on being committed to exercising daily has been a struggle before. With the help of the Holy Spirit I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.
Amen – and so it is!
The word “discipline” is standing out for me. That “self-control” is a fruit of the Spirit. My desire to stop getting in the way of the strong seed that has been sown in me…such that it can grow into a strong tree…withstanding storms…and offering shade, shelter and food to those whom the Lord would place on the path running adjacent to my Spirit-fed roots.
Beautifully said, Angie! May it be to you according to God’s word!
Ha,ha…A little known fact about me 🙂 I joined the Army as a surgical assistant, but as a conscientious objector so I wouldn’t have to carry a weapon. Guns freaked me out then too! Later, however, a soldier convinced me of the importance to the other soldiers to know that we were able to protect ourselves if our hospital was overrun, so I learned how to fire a weapon. But when I became a follower of Jesus, I took up sword fighting 🙂 Putting on the full armor of God, carrying the sword of the Spirit, and the shield of Faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Slightly different type of surgery, but both a special blessing in my life.
I LOVE this perspective, Debra! While guns did freak me out then, I have since learned to use a weapon properly for self-defense. So I can use both types of weapons – natural and Spiritual 🙂 Stay blessed, Sister. I appreciate your service to our country so much!
Thank you for these encouraging words! I sent longer comments to your “info” address. Will you get them?
Hi C – You are welcome! Yes, my assistant forwards comments to that email to me when needed for a response.
I need to take back my temple & keep it, clean eating, strength to Fast (when called to) & just an
Over All Tank for Christ
& Vessel for the Holy Spirit to work through…IN JESUS NAME…this is my prayer! ❤️
Amen, Stephanie! I touch and agree with you that the Lord will give you wisdom and strength each day as you walk out your journey of wellness in Him!
The most profound truths are always simple. May we internalize these truths as we live them out in our day to day lives!
Amen, Kristine – that is my prayer too!
Thanks tat is very encouraging for our weight release journey.
You are welcome, Signa – God’s wisdom is treasure!