What is the difference between the Kingdom of God mindset versus the addiction mindset? This is a must-read for anyone struggling with addictive habits.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this:
The Addiction Mindset
The Addiction (worldly) mindset says that happiness is out there (in the addictive substance, perfect body, riches, material goods, marriage, fame, power, entertainment, etc.).
The addictive belief is: “If only I had_______THEN I would be happy.”
What continues people in the path of addiction is:
• Self-judgment/Self-criticism
• Unforgiveness
• Belief that they have done unforgivable things
• Shame
• Guilt
• Fear (that they will be left without comfort or can’t handle life without the addiction in it)
People run to the addiction for comfort or to numb themselves from painful/dark feelings (which the enemy “feeds”) rather than run to the light of the Lord’s love, comfort, forgiveness, and healing.
Let’s contrast that with the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God
Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within (see Luke 17:21). Romans 14:17 defines God’s Kingdom: “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
• Righteousness: Identity rooted in Jesus’ love (the Hope of glory), filled with the Holy Spirit, truth, wisdom, and strength. Knowing you are forgiven and justified in God’s sight through the blood of Jesus.
• Peace: Wise decisions meet wise actions - aka integrity, wholeness. The Holy Spirit guides and strengthens you every day. Love is the motivator for change, not guilt and condemnation.
• Joy: Practicing the Lord’s presence in your present situation, whatever it may be
Healing from the Addiction Mindset
The following process is required to heal from the addictive mindset, especially relevant with sugar addiction:
- Belief that you can change with God’s help
- Eating foods that heal the brain and body (see Healthy Weight Loss God’s Way course in the Take Back Your Temple program)
- Going to the Lord when you need comfort
- Reminding yourself that you are accepted in the Beloved and forgiven if the enemy tries to drag you back to the past
- Patience as you re-train your brain to respond to triggers in healthier ways
- People who will love and support you on your healing journey.
Please comment and let me know if any of this resonates with you.