Have you noticed that many prayer requests are for failing health in our churches? Many people do not know that the Bible is filled with Christian healing scriptures that support health.
God wants his people to be healthy in every way – Spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Here are my seven simple rules for Christian healing to restore and maintain good health.
1. Seek Jesus Out. In most instances of healing in the Bible, the sick person went directly to Jesus for healing or someone else sought him on their behalf if they were unable to go for themselves.
Two blind men even followed Jesus into the house he was staying, crying out for him to heal them! A woman with an issue of blood fought through crowds just to touch the hem of his garment, confident that doing so would heal her.
If you need Christian healing, how often are you seeking Jesus out through prayer?
Are you acknowledging Him as you go about your daily life?
Don’t leave your healing to chance; stick to the one who can heal you like glue.
2. Exercise Your Faith. Jesus always healed in response to faith. In the story about the two blind men (Matthew 9:27-30), Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”
When they responded that they believed, He said: “According to your faith let it be to you.” Then he touched their eyes and they were opened.
However, Jesus could not heal most people in His own country.
Because they were offended at Him and were unbelieving. Matthew 13:57-58 records what happened:
But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.’ Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”
If you are having difficulty believing that Jesus can heal you, then humble yourself and pray “Lord, help my unbelief!” Strive to act according to your faith, not your fears. See yourself healthy, healed, and whole.
In addition, read stories and listen to scriptures of Christian healing in the Bible to strengthen your faith.
3. Eat with Wisdom. The Bible warns us that whatever a man sows, that he reaps. The food you eat literally becomes your flesh, blood, and bones. Daniel chapter 1 is a great example of this fact.
In the story, Daniel purposed in his heart not to eat the king’s rich food but instead asked for vegetables and water. His desire was to honor God through obedience. Then, he requested his appearance be examined after 10 days.
When Daniel was re-examined, it was found that he looked better and healthier when compared with those who ate the rich food.
While you don’t need to eat only vegetables and water, a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruit, lean protein, healthy fats and modest amounts of whole grains should be your goal to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to generate energy and support health.
God-made foods also support emotional stability.
Your body is only as healthy as the building materials you give it to work with. Poor building materials yield poor health, just as poor building materials create structural problems in a house.
4. Exercise Diligently. Proverbs 21:25 says:
He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.”
Consider taking care of your health as just part of your purpose. Aim to be a good steward over the body God has given you by exercising regularly as you are able.
Jesus and the disciples had no choice but to walk everywhere they wanted to go. Our ancestors didn’t have a choice either – if they didn’t hunt or harvest food, they did not eat.
However, we do have a choice – we can be diligent with exercise or live in idleness. But with each choice you sow, a reaping will come; please choose wisely.
5. Consider your Meditation and Words. Are you speaking life or death to yourself? If you are talking about how sick you are consistently, all you do is discourage yourself and encourage “dis-ease.” Instead encourage yourself and speak as if you are already healed. Build up your faith with Christian healing scriptures.
Release anger and unforgiveness from your heart. Encourage others and strive to be pleasant in your dealings with them. Proverbs 16:23-24 advises:
The heart of the wise teaches his mouth,
And adds learning to his lips.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
6. Laugh Often. Wisdom from Proverbs states: “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” Do you know what the best thing to laugh at is? Your problems! After all, there is nothing too hard for God.
So when you are faced with a problem, say “God I don’t know what you are going to do about this, but I can’t wait to see how you are going to get me out of this one!”
Buy a clean joke book, watch comedy programs and movies that you enjoy. Cultivate the ability to laugh at yourself and your own mistakes. Strive to fill your heart with laughter every day.
7. Walk in obedience. Ensuring that you are always walking in step with God’s will for your life is the best health insurance policy! Take the ultimate Christian healing scripture to heart:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.
May you practice each of these 7 rules and reap an abundant harvest of health and healing! Also, check out this Christian healing prayer or Short health prayer for encouragement today.
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
“Do you know what the best thing to laugh at is? Your problems! After all, there is nothing too hard for God.”
In a post full of good advice, the above quote really shifted my paradigm as to how I should deal with problems and challenges that come my way. THANK YOU, Kim!
You are welcome, Rick – all glory to our Lord!
You are truly a blessing to me!! Any time I read what you have written I am blessed. Thank you for demonstrating your love for Jesus by writing His words to me. ( I am making this very personal, as I know you help so many people)
Thank you!!!
Vickie – I appreciate your encouragement! We serve such an awesome God and it is my privilege to write about what He is teaching me 🙂
Thank you. I needed this!
Glad to hear that, Shavonne!
This is one of the best writings I’ve ever read. Thank you.
Aww, thank you Michele! I give all glory to our Father for His wisdom.
Yes, it seems He is communicating beautifully through you– he’s given you a gift of writing, which you work at too, I’d imagine.
It’s beautiful to see the glory given to Him.
~Michele : )
Everyone, thanks so much for your comments. They are much appreciated! God bless you.
Thank You Kim for caring. Lord bless Kim and her work. Thank You for the calling you have placed upon her life. I pray You Lord will keep her strong in Your Power and Might. May all that she put her hand to You cause to prosper in Jesus Name.
Your articles always encourage me.
Kim – this is a fantastic article. In my Christian ministry diploma program we are taking an in depth look at Jesus as our Healer today so this post is especially timely. God bless!
Thank you for your obedience to what God has entrusted you with. Your ability to encourage and give insight to a healthy lifestyle is incredible! Is always an encouragement to read anything you write. More importantly to me is always backed up with scripture! You are an inspiration to many. I have been blessed for knowing you! Thank you and may God continue to bless you in abundance! “Learning is not a one-time event, it is a process. And for the wise and the righteous, the learning process lasts a lifetime”.
In Christ Love Always, Diane Corchado
Thank you for all you are doing and sharing God’s message with us. I look forward to developing my long overdue relationship with the Lord. Please keep the devotionals coming.
Hi Tish, I understand your brother’s discouragement because a chronic illness can try your faith like nothing else! It’s human to feel discouraged from time to time. The problem comes when we get lost in that discouragement since it weakens our body’s ability to heal. Proverbs 18:14 says “The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?” So often, a long illness leaves you feeling helpless and defeated, but the tips above are things that will help to strengthen his spirit and encourage him even in the midst of illness. Please keep me updated on how things are going with him. I ask all other readers of this blog to please also pray for Tish’s brother.
I love the article. My brother is a pastor and has been dealing with multiple sicknesses the last couple years and the doctors can’t seem to find out what’s wrong with him. I keep telling him, God must have some special miracle for him, but he often gets discouraged. Thanks for the article on healing and health.
Wow, I appreciate all of you for your posts on this topic and pray that God continue to strengthen you and bless you in every area. I truly believe when we take care of ourselves, it makes us better in every area of our lives. God has already given us the wisdom we need to be victorious. All we need to do is walk it out!
Thank you for sharing those 7 Principles of Christian Healing. It’s good to be reminded of these basic principles and what I love most is the principles can be applied to so many areas of our lives. Thanks for constantly inspiring the body of Christ.
Like I said before, I appreciate your encouragement. I thank you so much! This article is excellent! I am so happy God directed me to Take Back Your Temple!
Be blessed and continue to be a blessing.
Thank you so much for all your hard labor. I have not been faithful in eating health, however I do know that the Lord is screaming in my ear about eating healthy. Please keep praying for me and my family to have good eating habits. Thanks you so much…..this to shall pass. I am greatful that you are being obedient in allowing the Lord to use you. I speak blessings over your ministry in Jesus name!!
How powerful is the Word of God?!?
Thanks so much for your desire to pass on the wisdom the Lord has given you. It is so easy to get ‘bogged down’ with the responsibilities of family/work and so forget that the Lord has paid the highest price for our lives. He deserves for us to take heed of the examples in His Word and learn from them. That’s why He put them there! 🙂 Afterall, how can we tend to the needs of others if we allow ourselves to become depleted? As a single parent, I’m afraid I have been guilty of this behaviour over the years – so now, I am changing my behaviour – by choice – thanks again for the reminder. 🙂 May He continue to richly bless you Kimberly.
Kim, you constantly remind me that God has good things stored up, prepared, and ready for us. I often ask myself, “Where will I be next year at this time?” I plan on seeing the goodness of the Lord in my life so each day is praiseworthy! The Bible is clear – Jesus healed every person who ever reached out to Him by believing and acting on what He said. Jesus wants to meet the needs of all who come to Him in faith. Thank you for all the work He is doing through you.
I am so impressed with you Biblical approach to life in these temporary bodies of ours. I have only received two messages so far and they have both been just what I needed to get me on and keep me on the “path of righteousness”. Thank you for your ministry.
I feel like my eyes were opened! So true! I’m a diabetic on orals and on insulin, and I struggle with my health issues daily. One thing I’ve never considered doing is praying before fixing my plate or before eating. It just dawned on me that my Lord can and will guide and direct me in the ways and the amount I should eat. I know you didn’t write that, lol. I gleaned that info as I read your site. Well written! And thank you.
I am so glad I sent for the Take Back Your Temple ebook. It is changing my life. I am working hard on the first two steps, because I know that is the only way I can make steps 3 & 4 work. Thank you also for the emails. They are so encouraging. Our God is so good. I give Him all the praise for what He is doing in your ministry and in my life.
All I can say is “Amen”
I checked my email today while standing in the Word for Healing; I clicked down and there you were reminding me of God’s precious promises! See how the Holy Spirit leads..I’m so glad he led you to post this today because I needed a shot in the spiritual arm! I love your article on anatomy of temptation; I have shared them with my friends. Right now I asked for continued blessings on your life and work!
You are Blessed
Thank you so much for the article, as always it was wonderful. You are such an inspiration to me. I’m of the mind set that I’ve tried man ways to loose weight but, I never tried putting God first. I thank you for the scriptures and words of inspiration.
I truly enjoyed this article Kimberly. I look forward to receiving your emails/articles. They lift and enlighten me daily. You’ve made my health and understanding the bible and what Jesus wants for me something I can actually wrap my head and heart around.
I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you again.
Kim, thank you so much for giving us the reminders we need. I am learning so much from you as my wellness coach-My life will NEVER be the same-Jesus Christ has used you in a mighty way in my life and exposing the enemy! Thought patterns that I thought were taken care of–explain a great deal about my choices. Through the Holy Spirit working in you – you have helped my eyes to be open, my heart to receive and be healed! YEA YEA! I CAN SEE! I MATTER, I LOVE ME! I no longer have to choose “FOOD” to not allow myself to feel! I AM ALIVE-I CAN BREATH! Thank you!
Well written and encouraging article Kimberly.I am one who needs to take back her temple.I am on thyroid medication and have been for years and I do what I can but at 47 it’s a slow process at best!However,with God all things are possible.Blessings to you Kimberly~Sharon
WOW! I thank God for placing your forward e-mail in my box. My prayer this season is for his will to be done, because he knows what I do not know to ask of him. My sister, you are trully a gift and a blessing with your anointed writing…God is using you as an instrument…your words bring me to tears and I have only known of your inspirations for three days!
I am going to order your book! I’ve been looking to start a spiritual book club, and when I pull it together your book is going to be my selection.
May God continue to Bless you to be a Blessing to all that read your writings.
God Bless You,
Kim, I keep your web site as my start page on my Internet when I use the internet there is the first page to your website to remind me to take back my Temple. I believe God has his hand on your ministry and I look forward to each email you send to see what God is saying through you to me. Gods richest anointing to you and your ministry.
Dear Kim – Great reminder and reinforcement. Can’t wait to share with my friends. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry! Sally
Praise God, Phyllis! He truly has the power to heal us from any pain or addiction we have if we only trust Him and allow Him to. May you continue to walk in his healing and blessings 🙂
I ordered your book and received a green wrist band that said, “Take Back Your Temple”. That was a turning point in my yo yo dieting. Every time I looked at the bracelet, I stopped what I was doing and thought first. Then I read from your book to renew my strength. My daily Bible readings have given me hope daily. I have just given the bracelet to a struggling friend who has noticed the changes in me. I read every drop of information you send. It has changed my life. My friend is a Christian believer and I pray she receives the hope and determination as I did from your articles. Thank you, Kimberly.
Thanks so much for your comment, Sharon. I give all praises to God for the work that he has done in my life and I just can’t shut up about it. I also pray that God continue to prosper all to which you put your hand!
It has been a long time since I visited your web site. You are doing a phenomenal work for the Lord. Your articles are insighful and powerful. May 2009 be a year of overwhelming blessings and success for you as you minister to the children of God in your own unique way.