Prayers for losing weight must align with God’s word for supernatural strength. The basis for prayer’s success include: 1. Release from the spirit of heaviness and 2. Wisdom to care for our bodies as God’s temple daily.
Here is one of the powerful prayers for weight loss:
Lord, I need Your wisdom and strength to reach my weight loss goals (James 1:5). My journey is about honoring You in mind and body, showing my reliance on you every day (1 Corinthians 6:20).
Right now, I choose praise to lift the weight of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). As I thank you for creating me wonderfully and filling my life with good things, I feel lighter within. You renew my strength like an eagle’s wings, and even exercise feels rewarding!
Help me focus on thanking You for this amazing body you’ve given me. Guide me to make wise food choices for energy, strength, and clear thinking. Remind me to come to You during emotional times, trusting You with my emotions. You’re with me every step of the way as I make healthy choices, and the credit for any success belongs to You. In Christ Jesus’ name, Amen.“
An Instant Weight Loss Prayer?
Prayers for losing weight is often a request I receive via email. But many years ago, I received a unique request for a supernatural weight loss prayer:
“Could I ask how do I pray an extremely powerful prayer with 100% unwavering faith to ask the “I AM” to have me lose 40 kgs of weight healthy, supernaturally and miraculously?”

I wasn’t sure if I understood the request correctly, so I wrote back:
“It sounds like you are looking for a prayer that will help you lose weight without you having to do or change anything with your eating or exercise. Is that correct?”
“Yes!” He answered.
Here was my response in part and I hope it helps you today:
I applaud you for wanting to achieve a healthy weight. I know how to pray to God for wisdom concerning weight loss, but I do not know a prayer for weight loss without you changing anything. In my own Christian weight loss journey of releasing 85 pounds of excess weight and keeping it off for almost 20 years, the Lord helped me through wisdom to change and gave me strength to follow through on good health habits each day and eliminate any bad habit, which I could not do on my own. The reason I asked for these things is that I knew the same habits that I built to lose weight would be the same ones I needed to keep it off!”
Although the Bible is full of promises about health and wisdom, it does not address losing weight in its pages.
Because God does make promises concerning daily life, including for health, wisdom, and strength, a faith-filled weight loss prayer must focus on factors that agree with God’s word.
That is why you can have confidence that the answer to the prayer below is “yes” and “amen” because it is based upon God’s word about health and wisdom!
In this article, we will cover:
Prayers for Losing Weight: Health and Wisdom |
Praying Powerful, Faith-filled Prayers |
Heeding God’s Answer on your Weight Loss Journey |
Prayers for Losing Weight: Health and Wisdom
Gracious Heavenly Father,
You said in your word that if anyone lacks wisdom, they can ask You and You will give them wisdom liberally and without reproach (James 1:5). I come to you in the name of Jesus asking for wisdom.
My desire is to care for my body as Your temple so that I may glorify you in my body and my spirit (1 Corinthians 6:20). My goal is to be about my Father’s business each day, following the example of my Lord and Savior, Jesus (Luke 2:49).
According to your Word in Psalm 107:20, You sent Your word to heal me, and deliver me from destruction. Your Word brings health and healing and reveals to me the abundance of peace and truth (Jeremiah 33:6).
Give me the desire to make food choices that bring life, energy, and vitality to my body and clarity to my mind. Help me to judge wisely and focus on proper nutrition and healthy eating each day that benefits my body’s form and function.
Out of Your goodness, you have given me many foods to enjoy. Give me a heart and mind to choose those foods that taste good to me and are good for me.
Give me strength to heed the wisdom in your word: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any (1 Corinthians 6:12).”
I realize that some foods, particularly junk food, are not helpful to me. They hijack my brain so that I lose self control, making me feel like a slave to food at times. However, I realize that self-control is a fruit of Your Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Like fruit cannot grow unless it is connected to the vine, so I cannot grow in self-control without connection with You.
As such, my path to freedom is to walk in the Holy Spirit to yield the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). I present my body to You Lord as a living sacrifice each day, holy, acceptable and pleasing to you, which is my reasonable service. I renew my mind according to Your word and I am transformed (Romans 12:1-2)!
Thank you, Lord that You have created my body fearfully and wonderfully (Psalm 139:14). My body is a walking miracle. Give me enthusiasm to exercise so that I may strengthen my body and have the energy to do the things you call me to do.
Most of all, Lord, give me wisdom to put You first in my life because You have said that if I seek first Your kingdom and its righteousness, all things will be added to me. Thank you, Father, for giving me the gift of abundant wisdom today. In Jesus name, Amen.
The Key to a Powerful Daily Prayer for Weight Loss
Powerful, faith-filled prayers are not based on emotion nor our circumstances, but knowing God’s will for your life.
Here is one of the verses that gives us confidence the Lord answers prayers:
Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”
– 1 John 5:13-15
What an amazing promise, one that we can apply to a healthy lifestyle.
God cannot lie; He does not make a promise that He does not keep:
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
– Numbers 23:19
I recommend studying each of the scriptures in the prayer above. Meditate on them until they sink into your Spirit. You want to know these scriptures so well that they become part of you.
You will know that they have become part of you when they renew your mind and manifest in the wise choices you make in your weight loss program.
Care for your physical body then becomes an honor and blessing, not a burden.

Heeding God’s Answer on your Weight Loss Journey
Even if you lost weight miraculously, you will still need wisdom to maintain healthy habits, especially if emotional eating and poor health habits caused the weight gain in the first place.
Prayer is a two-way communication street; not only do you ask for the Lord’s wisdom but you listen as He speaks to you. Consider the wisdom that God has already given you.
Here is a scripture to ponder:
Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”
– James 4:17
Consider these questions:
- What good things do you already know to do that will help you obtain a health weight?
- What wisdom was already revealed to you about what is standing in the way of releasing extra weight?
- How can you set up your environment to make it easier to practice healthy eating habits
According to this scripture, you have a responsibility to do what you know is good.
Write down all the wisdom that you already have about health. Then ask God daily to give you strength to put it into action – starting today.
Do not ever give up striving to be healthy and honor your healthy body as God’s temple each day.
My prayer for you today is that you put your faith into action every day on your weight loss journey. According to scripture, you will inherit the promises of God with faith and patience!
Updated: January 18, 2024
Be Blessed with Health, Healing, and Wholeness,
Kimberly Taylor
Author/Christian Life Coach of the Take Back Your Temple Weight Loss Community
P.S. Do you struggle with overeating sugar? If so, you are not alone!
Overcoming sugar addiction was a key factor on my weight loss journey; I lost 85 pounds and dropped from a size 22 to an 8.
In our 14-day Sugar Detox Challenge online course (inside the Take Back Your Temple Community), you’ll get the same success strategies and support to gain peace in your eating habits and achieve lasting weight loss.
Click here to learn more about the Take Back Your Temple Christian Weight Loss Community.
Thank you for this. I’m in menopause and have picked up so much weight in the last year. I have felt so lost and that was why I was looking for a strong prayer to help me not only overcome this weight loss journey but to be able to overcome everything menopause is causing in my life and my body. Thank you
You are welcome, Johanna – take it one day at a time. The Lord is walking with and ask Him the next step to take with His help. He will supply!
What is “The Take Back Your Temple Program”
Hi Jacquetta – thanks for asking about our Take Back Your Temple program. You can learn more about it here:
May the Lord bless you on your wellness journey!
Thank you for always knowing the right things to say. I got on the internet earlier to find a prayer for weight loss to pray before I eat and wound up coming away with a prayer to say before exercising as well. Have a blessed day Sister and thank you again
You are welcome, Jan – God is good!
I am so glad God direct me to this page. Because i need help in losing weight. I realize i can’t do it along i need supernatural blessings.
I praise the Lord for leading you here, Jeanette! May the Lord bless you as you walk out this wellness journey, step by step, day by day, with the Lord help!
I love this information I going to follow it.
Awesome, Beatrice! You’ll find it’s well worth it!
Ann – I want to lose 25 lbs soon ………………………….
I suffer with the feeling of mind hunger. I recognize this , but cant seem to help my self. I am a Christian woman and today Im enlisting prayer and scripture to assist in my weight loss journey. I was 130lbs. I want to go back down but only to 135 lbs.
Thnk you very encouraging
Praising God for that, Tania!
Please pray for me that I can get on the right plan for me I need to lose 150 pounds for my health and for my moving around. I need the Lord’s help.
You have my prayers that the Lord show you the ROOT of the weight issue so that you can pull up the root with God’s wisdom and God’s strength
I am going to do a 90 day raw fruit and veggie cleanse to overall increase my healing, my body transformation, set healthy habits, get closer to God in this journey and lose 90lbs. I am ready to transform and God will see me through my journey. Pray for me I am starting Jan 3rd.
I agree with you in prayer that you prosper in health even as your soul prospers, Tianna
I would like prayer to be able to loose 150 pounds because of my health issue and prayer for this skin condition I have. Prayer for all of these scar
Hi Regina – I join you in prayer that the Lord heal you of what is going on within. You see, our bodies do not view excess weight as a re-decorating issue. Our bodies view excess weight as a SYSTEMS issue. It’s like the difference between re-painting the house verses the house is on fire! So there is something going on with what is being put into your body to which your body is reacting. What is happening within is affecting what you see on the outside. I pray the Lord reveal the truth to you so that the problem is addressed from the inside out.
I weigh 160 lb and I want to lose 50 lb. I need prayer
Hi Diane – I pray that the Lord perfect that which concerns you according to His promise.
Thank you! The Lord has helped me renew my mind from years of depression and anxiety. Now, I’m going to ask for His help with my nighttime eating disorder. I want to live in complete freedom! This is a divine appointment! I’m going to pray this prayer and meditate on the verses. I pray freedom from food issues will be part of my testimony. All the Glory to God!
Amen, Lorena – I agree with you because the Lord wants us free from those issues that bind us more than we want freedom!
I just read your page because I was looking for guidance on how to pray for my grandson who overeats emotionally. He is quite overweight and I worry about him. I do not want to bug him about his weight because that will drive a wedge between us. He also has Aspberger’s Syndrome. Thank you for the prayers and words of wisdom.
I am so glad this was helpful to you, Jean – I pray your grandson do his own research and became a health advocate to help his brain and body function its best.
How do I join the program and I need to lose 25lbs within 2 weeks.
Hi Bettie – I appreciate your question. Based on your statement “I need to lose 25 lbs in 2 weeks”, Take Back Your Temple is not the right program for you at this time because TBYT is about permanent change, not a temporary diet. However when you are ready for permanent change, which starts with the heart and mind, then you can learn more about joining the program as a member here:
I love your prayers .
I am 380 pounds. Please keep me in your thoughts that God may strengthen me to lose the weight.
I pray for the Lord to meet you where you are, Kimberly and give you the wisdom and strength to do as He calls you to do.
I’m hesitant to commit to this program because if I don’t succeed, I’ll feel like I’m letting God down.
Hi PW – To borrow a line from the Skit Guys – you can’t let God down because you are not holding Him up! He holds us up with His righteous right hand: . Do as the Holy Spirit leads you. He will never steer you wrong but please do not allow fear to keep you from living in abundant life.
A friend is considering your program and asked me to assess it. I’m so impressed! Thank you for making this available for women! I appreciate the prominence of Scripture and then the prayers applying those Scriptures. I appreciate the realism (life style change, not a temporary diet), the motivation being to honor God first and foremost (above getting the results I want), the respect for the body now, regardless of it’s shape or size. I appreciate the wisdom and graciousness with which you answer comments. May God continue to use you to help many!
Thank you, SO much for taking the time to share your feedback about the Take Back Your Temple program, Lydia! May you continue to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers!
Thank you Kimberly for the prayers. I need to lose 5 to 10 pounds today miraculously to have my surgery done for my gastric sleeve surgery. I messed up and gained some weight trying to celebrate my birthday earlier with my kids and grandkids, eating things I was not supposed too. My birthday is March 16th and on that day I would be on an all liquid diet. I had already lost 30 pounds on my own but my doctor said I need to loose 5 more pounds. I have to go weigh in on today and I am afraid that he my put off my surgery. I pray that God touch my doctor heart to allow me to do the surgery anyway because I know God is with me.
May the Lord perfect that which concerns you, Erma 🙂
I read a book called “I’m Katie” when I was 11 years old. The story line featured a teenage girl who used binging/purging and starvation as a means to avoid gaining weight. My mind did not comprehend the negative impact an eating disorder had on Katie’s body. I merely saw it as an easy diet plan whereas I could eat whatever I wanted and purge it out of my system. I am now 51 years old and still battle bulimia.
Hi Wendy – that is such an impressionable age. I remember calling myself “fat” when I was only 12 years old and started my first diet. That set off years of losing/gaining weight. It took a while for the Lord to help me to renew my mind to the truth that I was “Accepted in the Beloved” and that the Lord created me on purpose and for purpose.
You may be interested in this article for Christians who struggle with bulimia:
I pray the Lord heal you from the inside out of this issue and that He shows the truth that you are complete in Him, accepted in the Beloved too 🙂
Please pray for me to lose 12kg as now 69 kg as soon as possible by 31 Dec 21 as I’m been upset regards to this as I’m intaking food but it to be wind & water that cause this to my body. I have done a medical report all is good nothing to worry about my internal but I just don’t understand why this is happening to my body as got nice everything except for swallowing arms, thighs & bloated belly that cause my appearance to be out of my shape. I need to fit in my pretty dresses. I read the pray & I believe that God is able to perform a supernatural miracle on my body with join prayer support. My name is Caroline Parthiban.
Hi Caroline – I pray these articles bless you on your healing journey:
Thank you so much for these scriptures. I have tried so many other ways for weight loss and never succeeded. I have faith that with the Lord I can accomplish anything. God bless you
You are welcome – as long as you have breath in your lungs, you have hope. Each day is a fresh opportunity to experience God’s power at work in your life. His way may not always be fast but it is a lasting one.
With God’s help all things are possible! And lose weight and gain strength. The main thing is to believe.
I’m starting my weight loss journey but I am terrified of loose skin. Could God heal my skin as I lose weight to prevent loose skin? Or is it a price one must pay for neglecting or health and body?
I suffer from endometriosis and infertility. Ten years ago we lost our baby, he was stillborn. I had an emergency hysterectomy and wasn’t able to have more children.
That put me in a deep depression and started to gain weight. My husband is a missionary and are serving in Mexico. But I am so ashamed of my weight.
The thought of having loose skin makes me extremely insecure.
Could God grant me this miracle?
Hi Viviana – May the Lord continue to comfort and strength you on this wellness journey! I believe these 2 articles will help you face your fear and appreciate (add value to) your body so you can finish well:
* Your Body, God’s Dwelling Place:
* Restoring God’s Temple:
With that being said, you may consider this workout to address loose skin:
Being terrified of loose skin is not coming from the Lord because He did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The fear is designed to keep you stuck where you are. I pray you focus on health restoration and trust that your body will be the vehicle it needs to be to fulfill your purpose.
Kimberly, I am dealing with shame over my obesity. I am morbidly obese and a Christian. The shame makes me pull away from other Christians, even family. This makes it harder to lose weight because of the negative feelings. How can I overcome my own negative self thoughts. I am praying to take these thoughts captive. I’m just struggling and so mad at myself for ever allowing myself to get here. I’m 57. I was a healthy weight until age 35. After my sixth child was born I began gaining weight and never went down, only up. Now I am struggling to go down at all.
Hi Donna – remember that our Lord loves you and is about restoration, not condemnation. He desires that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. The issue is not about weight but making choices that help you live as a fit and healthy person. It is the enemy that wants you to continue feeling ashamed and guilty. In that way, you remain stuck and under his feet. The key to freedom is to realize that life can only be lived forward and not backward. You can start right now to make small choices that can lead you in the right direction. I hope this can help:
May the Lord bless you as you take care of your temple, which will help to increase your energy to be there for your family, enjoy your life, and make a difference for God’s kingdom. We have treasure in these Earthen vessels – God’s spirit. He gives us wisdom to guide us and the strength to walk it out. Focus more on the treasure within so that you can keep on shining for the Lord!
Dear Mrs. Donna.: Just know that others, such as myself struggle with these same thoughts & Food choices & Depression over the body (The Temple of God): as well.. Praying for you.. Pray for me as well.. In Jesus Holy Name..
Very deep article! I pray to lose weight and have good health, I ask God to help me in this, and I also do a lot for this myself! And it turns out for me, I have almost reached my goal! Pray and don’t stop! Believe and you will succeed!
Amen, Unabis – may the Lord continue to walk with you in this journey of good health!
Thank you . I’m feeling free now and ready for action I pray . Thanks for sharing . Evelyn
You are welcome – God bless you!
The prayer you wrote for the gentleman many years ago regarding weight loss is the most inspiring prayer, using scripture, that I have ever read. I’ve read thru it several times and looked up each referenced scripture.
I am praying that God will give me self control to lose 50 lbs as I seek the kingdom and it’s righteousness.
Thank you Kimberly for all you do.
You are welcome, Pat! Remember that this is a DAILY walk, not a “one-and-done.” You already have the fruit of self-control because it is the fruit of God’s Spirit, It just needs to grow with use and you yield to the Holy Spirit’s yielding. I hope this helps you see what I mean:3 Ways to Grow your Self Control God bless you!
Thank you for these verses of encouragement
Wow!! What amazing insight and wisdom!! Thank you, Kimberly, for sharing!
You are welcome, Jan – I give God all the glory!
Please keep me in pray for overcoming obesity. Thus, far I have lost around 40 lbs by changing diet, and exercise but still have a ways to go. I seem to be at a stand still for the past week but will never give up or got back to way things used to be. I will encourage myself if need be but ask for prays while I continue this endeavor!
Amen, Mr. Jones – will keep you in prayer that you remember that the Lord has promised to complete the work He has begun in you. It is with faith AND patience that we inherit God’s promises 🙂
God can help with weight loss. I prayed to the Lord to help me lose weight and he did – a whole 15 kg. Each day I thanked him for helping me. I had to have the courage and some motivation at first, I started things off. I kept clear of sugar, and ate vegetables and fruit, and not much bread and didn’t do much exercise. I have a sweet tooth so this challenges me a lot. I had a baby and was hungry while feeding bub at night. I would grab a sandwich and put on 20 kg after all that. I have not had the motivation to diet again but I know God will help me. Pray and ask for Gods help. Make an effort to eat right and seek His strength to keep on track and follow through. I do recommend exercise as it keeps us supple and moving freely. I am about ready to try again. Also with me having sweet tooth, getting over the sugar cravings is the worst bit but fortunately it only lasts a couple of days, with me anyway. God is good!!
Please pray for me to do what it takes to get rid of my stress belly.
hai good morning i am pregnant plz me prayer normal delivery ….
am weight gain 109.3 plz me prayer i wanted weight loss 40 kilos life work and wanted body healthy….
I am praying in agreement and believing that the LORD can do all things. I am believing the LORD will, help me to lose 50 lbs and keep it off. in JESUS name.
Amen, Bonnie! I agree the Lord will help you day by day as you trust and rely upon Him. He will help you make for wise choices to care for your body as His temple, whatever your size.
I am struggling so hard to lose weight and have been for about 20 years nothing works. I have tried lots of diets and exercise. I have become so depressed when I step on the scale. I get a feeling of worthlessness. I become withdrawn and I don’t want to speak to anyone In fear I will become angry and say things I don’t mean because of my insecurity and sadness. Please help if you can or direct me to someone who might know how to help me.
Hi Michelle – I am praying for you. Because this is a Christian weight loss blog, my first concern is about your relationship with God, not your weight. You didn’t mention anything about Him, so I would be remiss not to provide a resource about how you can develop a relationship with God. You find your worth in Him, not in the size of your body or number on the scale. After all, when this life is over, your body will return to the Earth. What ultimately matter is how you are USING your body in making a positive difference in this world. Here is a link to that resource: May the Lord bless you on your journey of health, healing and wholeness!
You may also find this resource helpful:
Wow that is just awesome
thank you….please pray for me to lose the necessary weight
Need to finally take care of me
Pray that I can finally move my life in the right directions as I finally care for Me
The prayer was a blessings getting healthier
Awesome, Pamela – one day at a time, one choice at a time 🙂
I am in desperate need to lose weight supernaturally. I have been struggling with my weight my entire life! What I prayed and wished for was that in December 2019 that I will be under 300 lbs but that did not happen because in the end of August I started gaining a lot of weight back. I gained 8 pounds in one week! And I have started gaining a lot of weight back since then! It is October 19, 2019 and I currently weigh nearly 400 lbs! I need supernatural help with losing my weight because I feel cursed!
Uzo, usually, a lot of weight gain in a short amount of time is because of water weight.
I myself spent years not losing weight and giving up in my journey because it took time and felt cursed and felt like it had to be done supernaturally. But, as Kim mentioned (which I had come to learn as part of my weight loss journey also) it’s not about asking God to just get rid of your weight for you (like a student that doesn’t study and ask God to help them pass the test and get disappointed with God when they don’t pass) It’s about asking the Lord to help you make wise choices every single day, to help you run from temptation, don’t fill your fridge with foods that’s not good for you. Don’t keep your money in your bank account if using a debit card is a downfall for you because you know you will order out. You might be too weak to participate in birthday parties, etc…you might have to isolate from social gatherings for now. Eat the word of God in regards to self-control before you eat your meals. Get rid of simple carbs abd add more complex carbs. Maybe try doing Healthy Keto diet if sugar is a problem…and it seems like it is because you gain a lot in a short amount of time….whatever the Holy Spirit reveals to you, you have to submit and obey. Rebelling against what God says will keep you in the dark and you will continue to be discouraged as you keep putting on weight as you wait on God to supernaturally melt off your fat. Not that He can’t. But, at the end of the day, it’s about your obedience to Him.
Please stand in agreement with me to loose lose weight. I really struggle
I stand in agreement that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you walk out this journey with Him.
Blessings to you too!
God You are all powerful and all knowing I pray for a solution to my issues I desire to lose 80 pounds of weight and I also pray for those who needs help to lose weight
Let us agree together in prayer.
Jesus your word says that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask it shall be done for them of my Father according to Matthew 18:19
I need your miraculous help for a body transformation weight lost, I say issues because it seems that when it comes to eating i just don’t care enough doe i try therefore Lord i ask you to deliver me from carelessness Lord Your Word says one can chase a thousand and two can put 10 thousand to flight Deuteronomy 32:30 & Leviticus 26:8 five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
God by the power of your Spirit put to flight every demonic spirit and evil influence that is operating against my life and those whom are in prayer agreement for weight lost.
I speak right now to every demonic spirit of infirmity I take authority over you right now and I break your powers and cast you out in the name of Jesus.
Lord obesity has been a long struggle i have lost and regain but have not attain permanent weight lost today I claim the victory for weight lost in Jesus name.
Lord help me to care about how much I eat and what I eat help me to make better choices to have self control and not to use food as a satisfactory aid for emotions or anything that may be bothering me help me not to use food to fill any gap that can only be filled by you through prayer help me to increase in turning to you for help and trusting You when you lead me and correct me about food and eating I love you Father in Jesus name Amen.
My name is Christopher Courtis. Age 36. My wish is to become 69 kilos skinny ripped with zero loose skin. With Jesus every thing is possible. I beg all of you to pray for my weight loss miracle.
Please share and pray for me.
God bless you.
Hi Christopher,
I am curious, after you lose 69 kilos (152lbs) and become skinny with a tight skin covering, then what?
Matthew 6:33 King James Version (KJV) says:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
My prayer to you my brother is based on 3-John 2 New King James Version (NKJV)
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
To God be the Glory!
Mike Taylor
My name is Najae I want to lose 25-30 pounds I need Gods wisdom and help
Thanks, so much i need help with this i don’t fell good.
I really beleave in my god my lord Jesus Christ I know for a fact he’s real
I think that you are somewhat mistaken here. Not that I disagree with you – I totally agree with you that if someone knows to eat right and exercise, or to do something that is healthy instead of unhealthy, they should do it. However, sometimes no matter what one does, they still cannot lose weight.
1) Some people have health issues that prevent them from losing weight, and they need healing. An example would be someone who has had a debilitating injury and cannot exercise. If the injury were healed, they could go to the gym and train, and lose the weight. Same for people who are sick and who cannot train due to a heart or lung problem, etc. They would do it but they cannot.
2) There is a such thing as obesity viruses. (Google it) Adenoviruses 36, 37, and 5 have been identified in medical research, and especially AD36 is very potent at creating fat and preventing it from being burned as energy. People with these viruses often stay obese even despite working out, eating right, and doing everything in their power to lose weight and be healthy. It is an extremely heartbreaking and frustrating thing for them and their loved ones. Please pray for people with these viruses – that the viruses may be killed and removed from their bodies, and that the Holy Spirit of God will do a work in their bodies to repair any damage to the metabolism caused by any of these viruses. I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist as well as a professional in the medical field, and I have seen patients like this. No matter what they do, they cannot lose weight. Or they lose a little and it comes right back on, twice as fast as they lost it. Without supernatural intervention, it is a losing battle.
3) There are people who unfortunately have very poor genetics when it comes to losing weight. Just as there are people who can eat anything and as much as they want and still remain slim and fit looking, there are people who, because of a few bad genes, can eat right and exercise and still not get any (or very little) results. Some people can eat junk food and be sedentary and still look amazing and stay at a good healthy weight. Some people can eat right and exercise all the time and still be fat, just because of the bad luck of having the wrong genes. Google it. This is scientific fact. I believe that in that case, they need a supernatural miracle from the Living God to change / repair their genetics so that weight loss and a good healthy weight and fit appearance is possible. And they may need this to even be able to receive any tangible benefit from a healthy diet and exercise routine, as some people just have bad genes that will not allow them to lose any fat no matter what they do. My heart really goes out to people like this, as it is not their fault and they need a miracle.
I agree to disagree…because I’ve felt the same way. However sometimes we eat & don’t realize jusy how much we are snacking & eating. Ever said “I haven’t eaten a thing ALL day “…
Then when you back up in your mind, you visualize that handful of dry cereal you scooped up, & the swig of o.j. from the fridge…& the couple cinnamon candies, & the piece of cheese & pepperoni at the office meeting, etc & realize your entire calorie / carb count was spent& you didn’t think you’d eaten!……we all are guilty
Good Luck as you revise your thought & habit & prayer train & thank you for the great advice K . Taylor
Derek, there’s always a root cause to all problems. What you have described are root causes that might make a person unable to lose weight. When we pray, God would heal the root cause or teach about what to do to get rid of the root problem, but he’s not going to supernaturally melt the fat/weight. Not that He can’t.
But, honestly, most of these problems exists mostly in America.
I think it’s because the soil is extremely depleted…Food is always the cause….if not the type of food that’s causing it, it must be the poor quality.
At the end of the day, God made good food with all its nutrients. Why do we need supplements? The key is about asking the Lord for wisdom as every person (and their situation) is unique
just what I needed during my weight loss journey-thanks
Pray for ability to get heAlthy
Frank – I pray that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers! Ask the Lord in prayer for wisdom, “What is the first step you can take to stay healthy?”
thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer may GOD bless you amen.
Please pray for me, I need to loose 85 lbs for my health problems fast thank you and God bless you.
I pray that all who prayed on this site receive the answer yes! and amen! Instantly! Please pray the same for me for my weight loss an financial health. Love to all
Please pray for me as I will for all also. I pray for the wisdom, strength, courage, peace, ambition and motivation to guide me in your path of life for me. Help me to overcome my health and weight issues, insecurity, self love, how I treat others, anxiety and depression issues. Help me love myself to help do your work. Guide me in all aspects of my life and my family to be the best Christian, mother, daughter, sister, friend, companion and person you would like me to be. Please have mercy on me and help me climb, leap, break, destroy any mountain or barrier that gets in my way and for others whom need your mercy and guidance. Father in the name of Jesus take over my mind and body to be a happier, wiser, nicer, stronger person each day. I pray with every fiber of my being that each day gets better and I pray for my family that they receive your mercy you hear all of our cries for help and guide us all on our journeys. I pray for all those in need for health, wealth and happiness for all. Help me to always allow you to guide me and that you give me wisdom to hear you as you lead me. Help me in all aspects of life and also hear and answer my/Our silent prayers!!!! We cannot do it without you! With you all is possible!! Help us to remember this as we try and hold the weight of the world on our shoulders as it will defeat us because we have to give it up to you and have faith and patience as we are human and this may only be defeated and resolved by you merciful father!!! I beg and pray for your mercy for us all!!! Help us to help ourselves so we may always help others in your name. Please guide me, my children, family and friends and my fellow brothers and sisters with wisdom, faith and love to accomplish a blessed and happier life each day. Even though I am angry and upset at what I look like and let myself become I thank you for the many blessings you bring me and my family everyday. I may not see them or feel they are not what I need at the time but help me to see and be guided by your light as you know what is best. Help me to help you guide me even when it feels or when I think things are wrong as you have already written my path so help me to allow myself to let you even if it seems wrong to me at that time. You made us all in your image and you don’t make mistakes!! Help me to always remember this! please allow me more miracles for my health, family and finances so I may share with others. Help me to love and bring love in all aspects of my life. Heavenly father I beg and pray for this in Jesus name. Amen!!!! Thank you Lord!!!!
Beautiful prayer, Your Child!
God bless you. What a wonderful prayer, hold on to your faith, God is so good. I too am on a quest to get in shape and lose weight and I am looking to God for the strength to do so. Thank you for this Prayer .
Praying to lose weight. I need to lose 75 pounds would love to lose 21 every month. I as soliciting all prayers that mean me well, I will be praying for each and everyone of you. Thank you in advance.
Only you have journeyed closely beside me though my life,
seeing the heartache I have felt as I have battled daily with my weight.
As I come before you now, please touch my body and correct the metabolism rate. Bring restoration to my whole being, bringing new balance and well being.
Cover me with love as I seek to cope with a poor self image. Help me to love myself. Bring wisdom and truth to my mind, and help me to plan my daily food and to enjoy it. Give me energy as I exercise more and become more fit,
And bless my efforts with sustainable weight loss. Father, I long to be free of this difficulty in my life,I look to you, you are my supporter, my comforter and my helper. Thank you Lord for your constant love. Amen.
Please pray for my wait I am 112 kg I want to become to 70
Same things plus addiction to smoking cig.
Please add me to the list and pray for me as I’m believing God that I loose this weight.
please I need your weight is too much and I am not up to 19 years..since last 2months I fill like killing myself to end it all..but I still believe that God will hear my cry one day
Hi Mathew – I am praying for you. Memorize this quote: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Just because you are going through a tough time now does not mean it will always be so. Do not allow the enemy to rob you of God’s future and hope for you. I suggest reading this article to help yourself regain perspective:
We are praying for you Anna. We will pray the Word of God over you. May you receive the Wholeness of God’s Word to heal every inner hurt to bring out the confidence that the Holy Spirit places within each of us that Jesus is Lord!
I am 25 years old and i weight 163 pounds. And I have always been confident about my body until recently when everyone has started me to lose weight . I did gain about 10 pounds in the last few months and maybe they worry about me. I have started feeling low now and i really don’t know what to do. I feel sad, ashamed, disgusted. I want the lord to help me become fit and i want to stop feeling so bad about myself. Please do remember me in your prayers.
Let god course through you and take over. Just remember he is always watching you and he is your number 1 fan who wants best with you.
God is great! God is good! Everything can be accomplished through him, even the most difficult of weight loss transformations
Amen my brothers and sisters
I pray for a supernatural intervention in my life I declare with the grace and power of the almighty that I will lose this weight I will conquer my struggles and I will over come it and lose this 120 pound in the name of God our savour I believe it and I shall receive it in the name of the lord.i pray for every woman and man struggling with there weight I pray when this weight is gone it will be my testimony
I agree with you. According to your faith, let it be unto you!
Psalm 19 kjv
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Add a blessing to his words may it continued to be in our hearts and mind.
According to your faith, let it be unto you!
The devil is a LIAR! 😉 You’ve come to the right place, where you are not judged by the scale, on a scale from 1-10 you’re a 10+. Jesus sets you free here in Jesus Christ mighty name! Amen & Amen! I have yet to reach my own goal, but, this information and prayers are really helping me. Only Jesus can heal us, HE LOVES YOU & I am happy you left this note, I will pray for you! Amen!
I want to loose weight. I am 86kilos. My age is 28. I go to depression when I see myself in mirror. I cry a lot coz of my weight. Please help and pray for me. I just started hating myself. Am married. No kids.
The bible says therefor there is NO condemnation to those who are In Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1 also see verse 2
Keep in mind how precious and valuable you are to the Father God. He sent JESUS to the cross to purchase you with His own blood. You are all together lovely. Open your heart to accept the gift of your salvation and see yourself as God sees you.
I pray that God will open your eyes and reveal the lies of the enemy. May you walk in Truth and power.
Sherry is right, Mishal! Heed this wise woman’s advice. We are praying for you.
This really touched my heart!I believe its possible to improve weight loss course by regular prayer. because it can make your mind strong & who doesn’t know that mind is the source of all the external power.
Quite right, James. I used prayer myself on my weight loss journey. It did not happen instantly, but my results were real nonetheless. I could not have done it without the grace of God!
I pray that by the Grace of God we will all lose our desired weight and maintain it after our weight lose. God is good and his word does not come back to him void I truely believe He will bless us with our weight lost as we will give Him the glory
Debra D
I agree with you. According to your faith, let it be unto you!
Hi Kim!
I too heard from God on the same day as you, 12/11/2003 (could this be a sign of something good – I believe it is). That day was the day my high school sweetheart, the love of my life, 24 years of an amazing marriage, father of our two beautiful sons, my husband – passed away. When the doctor and hospital clergy came to me in the hospital waiting room and shared that he passed on, I wanted just to fall on the floor and just cry out. But in a small still voice, The Lord said to me, ” stay with me, and I will stay with you”. And that’s exactly what I did. I went through a journey with The Lord as I had been overweight for most of my marriage. After my loss, I lost a lot of weight (50 lbs.), has since gained some back, and am in prayer once again because I recently suffered with some medical issues…but God is faithful! I built an alter in my home and prayed daily…prayer changes things…I’m excited and am hopeful…I have been down that road and know just what to do do…I will trust in Him – I will not lean on my own understanding…and will always seek Him First and His Kingdom…
Thanks for all that you Kim…praise God!
All glory to God, Deb. May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers!
I need prayers for my daughter who need to loose weight. which she needs to take control of her health.i also know that she has other problems in her life.but with gods help and prayers jesus heal my child
I am praying for her Filomena. When she is ready to change, please send her this website link also. I have many resources available to help.
I pray that I will lose 20 lbs by the first of July.i also pray that my invention become successful.
According to your faith, let it be unto you!
Send me more prayer
Prayers are offered up every day for those who visit this website, Juanita. You are covered!
I think you make good points and I believe God would want to do things to maintain a healthy body and weight like eating properly and exercising. But what if the person does everything right and is still obese? Also, Jesus said ANYTHING is possible for him who believes and say to this mountain… With this in mind, it IS possible to command your ideal weight because again ANYTHING is possible. Just a thought… Of course, I know this has been done too.
You are right, Greg – with God, all things are possible!
I have been stuggling on and off with my weigt for many years. I’m the bigget I have ever been, a 5’9 female, weighting 280 pounds. In fact, I know what to do, but don’t do it. Thank you for sharing James4:17 that has touched my heart. I didn’t realize I was in sin. Howeve,I repent this day and will go fourth doing all the things I know to do to be healty and drop the pounds. May god continue to bless you and yours. In Jesus Name.
Amen, Tammie!
I quite understand why someone would ask for a prayer to help them lose weight. I struggled with being overweight for quite a long time. I was 89kg and exercised and tried many diets. Life is also very spiritual. Whilst the faith may be present our flesh definitely fights the will of the spirit. My advice to those who genuinely want to lose weight and have been doing all the right things to no avail; is to add fasting to the prayer so that you may be able to kill the flesh. What causes defeat in weight loss is not killing the flesh. As long as a believer has not made effort to crucify their flesh this task will be like a vicious cycle of weight loss then weight gain and so on. Permanent victory is gained by living in teh spirit always and ensuring that the flesh is subject to the spirit. I hope this makes sense. I am now weighing 79kg, meaning that I lost 10 kg so far. This was through crucifying the flesh. I still haven’t met my target of 70kg, but now that my flesh is tamed I know that it is possible!
All the best.
This was helpful. A confirmation to what I was thinking about. Thanks Judith for sharing this information.
Great point, Judith. Some things can only lose their power over us by fasting and prayer!
Thankyou for that prayer i struggled whether i should ask for his help because it sounded to me as selfish. But through the scripture and this article i remembered that i can ask him for anything and he will listen and i’am called as one of god’s children to look after myself.
god bless you kimberly
I agree with you. According to your faith, let it be unto you!
Hi. I did say the prayer from above to overcome obesity. I have been struggling with my weight since I was a teenager.
My goal is to lose about 50 lbs. That would put me at 145.
I would love for everyone to be an agreement with me in the same prayer……Amen
Wonderful father, I come to you now in the name of Jesus, asking you to help be overcome obesity. Show me what I need to do in order to defeat this adversary in my life. Thank you for the stripes of Jesus which are being healing to me as I pray. Heal my soul and my body of all causes and effects of obesity. You are the Lord that heals me. I will sing to you as long as I live. I will sing praise to you while I have my being. My meditation of you shall be sweet, and I shall be glad in you. Fill me afresh with the Holy Spirit, that I may experience His quickening power within me. It is my earnest desire, dear God, to walk after the spirit and not after the flesh. Therefore I ask you to help me control my appetite at all times. Let the fruit of the spirit, especially self-control, guide my every choice. Help me to resist and endure temptation. Thank you so much for your wonderful promise that you will be faithful to me and will provide a way for me to escape from temptation and his affliction. Through your grace I know both how to be abased, and I know how to be abound. Everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to be abound and to suffer need. Thank you for your instruction in my life, and thank you for your promise to meet my every need in Christ Jesus. I rejoice in his promise that I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. I now clam that promise. Father, thank you for the gift of Joy. I realize that your joy is my strength in this battle against obesity. I now know that I am on the pathway to full recovery from obesity. Thank you again almighty father, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
I agree with you in prayer – what a wonderful prayer, full of faith and grounded in the word. Since it is grounded in God’s word and His word is His will, then I know the answer to your prayer is “Yes” and “Amen”. Now, you have to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit every day as He shows you how to bring the answer to your prayer from the Spiritual realm into reality. God bless you on this journey!
i hope my post won’t be misunderstood. “faith without works is dead” is a dangerous statement taken out of context. especially when the bible is full of miraculous healings of people who had no work to do or lifestyle changes to make to obtain it. they just had to have faith. there are such things as dead works. if works isn’t the result of the holy spirit working through you as a result of faith then our initiatives and lifestyle changes (work) are useless no matter how much you pray (just temporal successes that eventually lead to failure, hence yoyos). what the man needs to do is listen to what the spirit says alone. and the commend can be “don’t do anything and just have faith, ill heal you”, i’ve seen a woman on tv over ten years ago who was obese and lost weight supernaturally through prayer alone in a few days or weeks. she just melted away, no lifestyle changes needed. now it doesn’t mean eating junk food is right, im not condoining it because then you’re actively “killing yourself”, but all im saying is we don’t know what this man’s problem is, maybe it’s an illness, hormonal issues, maybe it’s stress, maybe its depression, maybe food is part of the problem or the entire problem but then again maybe not at all. in that case change or work will not do anything for him. there are ppl who eat healthy and are obese, people who eat junk food and are slim (they more likely have or will have other illnesses caused by the junk they eat). it’s important not to have that legalistic mindset, which is a mistake we all tend to make. all of us!! im not condemning the author, i think you do a great job spending so much time helping others and sharing the wisdom God has given you, and i understand where you’re coming from since you’ve never heard of or seen those miraculous weightlosses, but i just had to say this because i’ve made the mistake of being legalistic sometimes, and realized that what works for me won’t work for everyone, that’s why what this man is asking isn’t unrealistic. some people really have nothing to do to be freed from obesity or other things, instant healing is a reality. that’s what the miracles of the bible are all about. sometimes it doesn’t happen because that’s not God’s plan for us in a particular area of our lives (example : the author’s weightloss success was done gradually), but other times it’s only because we think of it as unrealistic (i.e. lack faith) and don’t ask it when it’s actually part of God’s plan for us in a particular area. God bless
I receive that, Elle. Thank you!
I think we also need to remember what Jesus said about the blind man, that this was done to show God’s glory. Did any of us ever consider that we are being used to show God’s glory? What good is our lives if we can’t be happy with God and our selves if we’re fat? Does being thin really mean so much to us that we feel it is such a stumbling block to success?
I am very happy in my walk with God, no matter what I look like. I know God has changed me from the inside out. If God never lets me lose one pound I will wait for the day that I get my new body in heaven. And I will still be happy. My joy or self worth does not come from what size clothes I wear, but what my Jesus did for me and that He chose me to be with Him eternally. To me, that goes deeper than anything.
If we really think about it. We are unsatisfied with what God has made us to be. Not everyone struggles with their weight. But we do. God chose us to bear this burden. Now it’s up to us to decide what we will do about it. Will we waste our prayer time begging God to instantly make us thin? Or will we pray as Jesus did, not My will, but Your will be done Father.
I have stuggled with the weight for most of my life, nothing has changed the way I look. And I think I know why. Because I am not showing God’s glory by being so dissatisfied with myself. God doesn’t want that for me. Jesus didn’t die for me to look in the mirror and be dissapointed with what I see. I think it really started turning around for me on day one of the 31 small steps plan when Kim suggested that we hug ourselves and state that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. That has changed my whole outlook on my body image. Now, whenever I feel down about myself, I do just that. I hold myself and look right at myself in the mirror and state, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Just the way I am.
Thank you Father for teachine me such a valuable lesson. I no longer hate what I am and how I look. I now love myself and through that I am able to love You and my neighbor. I can see how satan has used this as a weapon against me and I have allowed it. NO LONGER! I trust You God and I know that Your will and plan is better than mine could ever be. I surrender my life to you, including my desires. Let Your Will Be Done. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Andrea – WOW. I could not have said this better myself. I would like to post this in my Facebook group page too because this is a message that none of us can hear often enough! Thank you.
Thank you Andrea, I see this as wisdom from God spoken through you. It is an answer to my prayer. Glory to God is not self-centered, wanting to be thin and looking good in our clothes we wear. Wearing the Armour of God should be our focus so we cam keep claiming the Victory over Satan and sin. Satin is so deceiving, so we need not to let down our guard. “Be joyful always, pray continuously, and be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus”(1Thess. 5:16).
Your response was a very good one, however, I have heard of people miraculously losing 30+ pounds at an alter call. I’ve heard of hundreds of people being instantly delivered from drugs, alcohol and nicotine. They did not need to have the knowledge before hand of a 12 step program or selecting a better lifestyle, although, that certainly followed (the better life style). I think it is important to know that according to scripture that ALL things are possible. I absolutely believe that the Holy Spirit can accomplish any miracle in a person’s life to the Glory of God!
Hi April and Sandela5 – I appreciate your responses. To clarify the article, I didn’t say there isn’t a supernatural weight loss prayer or that supernatural weight loss isn’t possible; I just said I personally don’t know of a supernatural weight loss prayer in which weight is lost without the person doing anything. In my own weight loss success story, God healed the issues that were causing me to eat excessively. As a result of that and a change in my eating, exercise habits I lost weight. With His help, I was able to do what I could not do on my own. During that process, I learned how to trust God and develop a closer relationship with Him. Based on that benefit alone, losing weight the old fashioned way was worth it.
I am a living testimony of what God can do “miraculously”. I was instantly delivered from a 25 year meth addiction.. just like that it was gone. 524 days later I am still sober. I give all the glory to God.
I do think that you can supernaturally lose weight… and have to disafree. I think that faith is more important and believing. Anyhow… I ask all that see this to pray for me!
So here is what is going on with me. I was a constant 110 lb( a health and
exercise nut) until I gained 20 pounds in a matter of a week, back in 2005, then
gained 20 more while trying to lose the other 20. I went to the doctor and she
thought I had a thyroid problem but everything tested ok. I could not loss it,
no matter what I did.Then I married my husband and had Isabelle. I broke my leg
8 months pregnant and was in a full leg cast, then a half cast, then a boot,
then physical therapy for a very long time. The dr said I would walk with a limp
the rest of my life and I have osteoporosis and arthritis in my leg. Which
complicated working out. I was 180 when I had Isabelle and then got to a
constant 196 after her. Then surprise, I had a bad flair up and ended up in the
hospital. Turns out that I had Multiple Sclerosis, which explained so much…
plus the sudden weight gain in 2005. I tried everything to lose it and the had
minor successes but nothing miraculous.
Then in the mist of a fianancal crisis, I get a letter from the insurance
company. It states that I have to have a waist line of 35in or below by Feb 29th
or I am considered to be a hidden health risk and our health insurance goes up
$100/mo. We are barely able to afford groceries right now and can not afford to
lose our 100/mo discount on insurance. It was great motivation… I developed a
eating plan, work out routine and I stuck with it. This is what I have been
doing: *exercise 20 min a day (alternative between walking and a specific band
exercises for target problem areas), * Drink 8 glasses of water a day, *Eat 1200
or less calories a day, *Eat less than 20 carbs a day, * No salt/sodium added to
meal. I had my short term goal of a 35 in waist by Feb 20th for thr dr appt with
ins. Then long term goal that allowed for slower weigh loss ck in dates 4/1,
with a reward for Isabelle’s birthday cake and then again on 7/1.
I was on target. Last Tuesday I measured 38 1/2 inches in the waist. I had
lost about 19 inches all over body (I keep a log of what I eat, weekly
measurements), I was down to 177 lbs, and praising God for my succeess. I just
knew that I was going to lose the last 3 inches and everything was perfect. This
past Saturday, I was at a stand still with the 39 in waist. Then Sunday I woke
up and could not wear the pants that I had “gotten into again”. I felt “blah”
and relaxed all day. Monday morning. I had gained it ALL back! I had my double
chin again, the fat around my elbows, that was gone, back now, my wedding ring
that I was able to wear again-once again doesnt fit, my thighs are touching
again, and my stomach is measuring 44 inches. Now I have 9 inches to lose in a
week!!! I was so close to my goal. I didnt do anything wrong. I donn’t
understand. I have cried for 2 days. Hestitated to post about prayers but God
seemed to want me to do it. I felt compelled to ask for help?!?! I want to speak
faith over my “mountains” as Joel Osteen put it, but right now I am in a bad
place. I was but no avail. GOd knows the desires of our hearts and he will grant
them to his children according to his will…. I just cant image that it is
God’s will for me to be miserable and struggling.
Pray Matthew
18:19 with me!
Matt 18:19
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for,
it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Wonderful father, I come to you now in the name of Jesus, asking you to help
be overcome obesity. Show me what I need to do in order to defeat this adversary
in my life. Thank you for the stripes of Jesus which are being healing to me as
I pray. Heal my soul and my body of all causes and effects of obesity. You are
the Lord that heals me.
I will sing to you as long as I live. I will sing praise to you while I have
my being. My meditation of you shall be sweet, and I shall be glad in you. Fill
me afresh with the Holy Spirit, that I may experience His quickening power
within me.
It is my earnest desire, dear God, to walk after the spirit and not after the
flesh. Therefore I ask you to help me control my appetite at all times. Let the
fruit of the spirit, especially self-control, guide my every choice.
Help me to resist and endure temptation. Thank you so much for your wonderful
promise that you will be faithful to me and will provide a way for me to escape
from temptation and his affliction. Through your grace I know both how to be
abased, and I know how to be abound. Everywhere and in all things I am
instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to be abound and to suffer
Thank you for your instruction in my life, and thank you for your promise to
meet my every need in Christ Jesus. I rejoice in his promise that I can do all
things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. I now clam that promise.
Father, thank you for the gift of Joy. I realize that your joy is my strength
in this battle against obesity. I now know that I am on the pathway to full
recovery from obesity. Thank you again almighty father, in Jesus name I pray.
If you prayed this prayer or have other prayers
like this to share then comment here! Now that you have said
your prayer… out your name on the list for others to pray for you and pray for
them as well.
Comment to this with your name and goal. I will update the list, here, for
easy access for members. Also feel free to make your own personal post with a
poll to track how many people are praying for you. Recruit more prayer by
including a link to your post in a journal here and/or other places online.
Father in Heaven,
Forgive me of my sins and hear me now. I come to you to lift up these people
that are needing your devine intervention. I know that you are the almighty
physician and I know that you are the powerful miracle worker. I have seen your
work and I am now putting my faith in agreeance with all of these other women to
bring healing and health to everyone on this list. I know that you will show
your power and mercy in the lives of everyone that I am going to name. I know
God that you are going to my myself and this women thin and beautiful. You know
that it is the desire of our heart and we will show your work and miracle to
Please lord grant…..
* April
Young-Hendrickson– a true miraculously healing to further this
ministry. Bring her weight loss in the form of about 15 lbs per month
#478 – Mountain Moving Faith (Joel Osteen) 8/7/2011 12:00:00 AM
Jesus said in Mark 11: “Whoever says to this mountain, be removed, and does
not doubt in his heart, he will have whatever he says.” What does this mean?
People of faith speak to their obstacles. There is incredible power released by
God when we speak to our mountains. A mountain is a situation in your life that
seems permanent and impossible. It may be a mountain in your marriage; you don’t
see how you’ll stay together. A mountain in your finances; it doesn’t look like
you’ll ever get out of debt or ever accomplish your dreams. Maybe it’s a
mountain in your health. The experts have said that you’re never going to get
well. It’s good to pray. It’s good to believe. It’s good to quote scriptures.
But the mountains move when we speak to them in Jesus’ powerful name. Learn to
say each day, “I speak favor over my finances. I speak health to my body. I
speak peace into my family. I speak blessings into my future.” God wants you to
be bold, and in faith, speak to your mountains! It’s time to say, “Mountain, be
removed! You will not defeat me in Jesus’ name.
I will pray for everyone in need. God Bless you all! Prayer for myself as well. Thank you Lord!
I to have had a weight problem all my life. I now weigh 213 lbs and 5ft 5in tall. I have been praying for God to help me lose weight for years but I must not be praying the right words.
I have been having a horrible couple of weeks. I have so sad about my weight that I can’t seem to think about anything else. I know God loves me and wants the best for me. I would appreciate it if you would pray for me. I will be praying for all of you as well. I need to lose at least 15 pounds before July 1. Any advice would be greatly appreciate.
You have my prayers along with the advice I gave 🙂
Hi Elaine,
You sound discouraged. Here is something to keep in mind about prayer: Answered prayers are not about using the “right words.” God responds to our faith, not need alone. The best definition I’ve heard of faith is “Full Assurance in the Heart.” Are you fully assured in your heart that God has power to help you with this issue in your life? What word from the Lord are you basing your prayers on?
One other point. Prayer is not one-way communication. It is two-way communication. Not only do you speak to God, but you listen to what He speaks to you. Then you obey what He tells you to do to receive your healing. If any of these elements are missing, then that may be why you aren’t seeing change.
Finally, it takes faith AND patience to inherit God’s promises. Sometimes God heals instantaneously but other times He heals by process. He healed me by process, which took time. That is typically why many don’t receive their healing…because they don’t want to go through the process to change (which can be challenging) and aren’t willing to give it the time it needs to complete. Anyway, those are some things to think about.
Amen Kimberly
Words of wisdom! I keep struggling with 5-10 lbs I believe! it is about confessing the wrong and following through with what the Holy Spirit leads us to do! Trusting Yeshua! for healing!
Come in Agreement and continue to pray with me to overcome obesity, and to exercise faithfully to give me strength. I also pray that I will not struggle in my assignments on PowerPoint presentations, essays and all that is set before me while I earn my Bachelor and Master Degrees. Thank you Sister. God bless you.
I come and stand in agreement with you
Please pray for my weight loss and add me to your list. Thank you!
I am tying to lose more weight and get to my ideal goal weight. I go to Weight Watchers and go to a Fitness Center and have already lost a lot of weight, but back in November 2014, I hit a Plateau, and my weight loss has come to a stop 🙁 Almost two months ago my doctor changed my thyroid medication to a slightly stronger dose. I just had my blood work done today (April 16, 2015) and see my doctor on Wednesday. I am praying he gives me good test results and we begin to see more weight loss. It’s been a real struggle for me. Many times I get down in the dumps and want to give up any more hope, but I keep fighting with the devil to “GET BEHIND ME!!” And to keep my faith that God will give me answered prayers for complete and successful weight loss for all of my continued efforts at Weight Watchers, at the fitness center and riding my bike. (WITHOUT DRUGS) I do try!!!
Praying God blesses me for my efforts, that he blesses you for the prayers you say and share with me, and all others as well. Amen
Please pray for my weight loss and add me to your list. Thank you!
I am tying to lose more weight and get to my ideal goal weight. I go to Weight Watchers and go to a Fitness Center and have already lost a lot of weight, but back in November 2014, I hit a Plateau, and my weight loss has come to a stop 🙁 Almost two months ago my doctor changed my thyroid medication to a slightly stronger dose. I just had my blood work done today (April 16, 2015) and see my doctor on Wednesday. I am praying he gives me good test results and we begin to see more weight loss. It’s been a real struggle for me. Many times I get down in the dumps and want to give up any more hope, but I keep fighting with the devil to “GET BEHIND ME!!” And to keep my faith that God will give me answered prayers for complete and successful weight loss for all of my continued efforts at Weight Watchers, at the fitness center and riding my bike. (WITHOUT DRUGS) I do try!!!
Praying God blesses me for my efforts, that he blesses you for the prayers you say and share with me, and all others as well. Amen
I will pray for you I also have thyroid issue and understand your feelings. Talk to your thyroid and tell it to heal and give it love and also keep up the prayers don’t give up you will succeed
Thank you for that heartfelt prayer. Praying for weight loss was not as serious as other prayers, however God is concerned about this temple because He instructs us to care for it. My goal is to lose 50 pounds., Please continue praying for me and I too will continue praying as well. God bless you Elizabeth.
I was so blessed by your post!!! I do believe we have to do our part but sometimes our bodies need healing and we or doctors may not know the problem. I have been praying God would remove anything unseen from my body standing in the way of weight loss. Lord give me wisdom, self control and a healing.
I am in agreement with you and pray this prayer with you and for myself in Jesus name, amen
According to your faith, let it be unto you all!
I thank you for this prayer that I very much needed today. I feel at a breaking point with this obesity battle. I lack energy, confidence, feel I am an embarrassment to my kid and husband and also feels my husband is no longer attracted to me. I have lost and regained so much, only God can fix this. I have prayed this prayer for you and myself and I am believing in God to work this miracle. Amen and thanks again.
I am also struggling with obesity. My problem is mostly my belly that seems it is just growing and growing. It makes it very difficult to dress and feel beautiful. I do not want to be in public as I feel ashamed of my body. I hope that you will include me in your prayers and I believe and I receive today my deliverance from obesity and healing in faith in Jesus Name! Amen
I have struggled my entire life with my weight. No matter what I do i reach a certain weight and can never lose more. It has been frustrating. I eat healthy and exercise often. But nothing nothing will help. It’s a constant battle in my mind and causes a deep depression and I have prayed about it but still struggle with it every day. I have gone to the doctor and they have run test and can find nothing wrong with me. I have absolutely zero health issues. The doctor got to the point and said on the bright side you are healthy other than the number on the scale. I do what I can do but I am so overwhelmed. I am grateful that I am healthy but I struggle with the self loathing part of it. Can you please pray for me.
Wow! Pray for me…. I never had a serious weight problem, but with weight gain comes fear, sadness, more anxiety, you don’t want to get dress and even go to church- which you know is your answer. Weight does bring loniness! We are taught, ohhh its flesh, think of the soul first! Amen. We are flesh, but when that flesh becomes sinful, rebellious in spirit , knowingly we continue to gorge Bc ” I am lonely , my self esteem is shot, in my late 40’s and all is changing” I believe if I had the energy, the will to get up & spend 1 hour on myself a day in my health all things would change in Jesus holy name! I was a nurse 22 years, became injuried, odd I became more thinner Bc I walked through the pain, depression hit me Bc I lost my identity which was nursing, helping others and making money- which we all know gives you a power! Well, I am over this stay in the house, hide, rebellious spirit! I go no where! I received a wonderful healing from neck surgery 5 weeks ago, Dr said ” 2 miles a day & just relax, enjoy no pain & here I am moaning & upset I made every excuse not to just move” god told me to move in his healing, I am starting to walk more, but the pounds & fluid are still here, it is unbearable.
I need your prayer to move my mountain to rebuke satan off of my situation, a marriage in trouble, kids upset, Bc they see a mother not moving Its gods will to speak my healing. I have 8 lb restrictions, no work & lifting, but in Jesus name I can walk, amen… I do know how you &others feel, either with hunger cravings, to medical issues, to just not having energy to get up & make it happen! You look around & everyone is skinny! I have let myself go, truly Bc of loneliness in my marriage, not able to work due to restrictions & just not choising Jesus will for my life! Pray I go get clothes to fit, go to church, receive my Christ in communion & fellowship, Bc my kids need a mother, my husband needs a wife & all the other stuff works out if you are righteous to the lord and what he commands to do with our lives.
I pray today for all those sweet souls struggling to MOVE IN CHRIST, DEFEAT THE ENEMY,BC truthfully” we hold the key to success just by saying No to satan! He loves us defeated, down, upset, in a roar over anything that brings pleasure to us & glory to our LORD!!!!! Pray, I get wisdom, strength, knowledge to MOVE AS MUCH AS POSIBBLE & think more about ” what God has in store for me” I am missing life , why????? Because I am embarrassed. That’s silly to many, but to us that are struggling it is a mountain to climb, thru Gods grace love & compassion I appreciate you & all being so TRUTHFUL… Your not alone, I am praying today you get your miracle, pray I get mine, Bc my children love me & my husband & I know I am suppose to love myself first & take care of my body god gave me. In Jesus name I claim victory over this situation, and my mountain will be not far off to climb daily with his wonderful grace. Amen. I am going to walk now Bc I believe in us both praying together. I will pray for you while I walk, that we both conquer this situation. Life is short, we need prayer, we are one in our situation & I believe with two or more agreeing in Jesus , our weight loss will bring us to a place of peace & happier fuller & life!!! I pray in Jesus holy name today our cravings will subside, our will to move, even if it hurts & our love for Jesus will to confess we are human and rely on his love & mercy. God bless. B.
I am severely obese, I need to lose 200lbs . Please Pray for me. I start today.
Hi Eva, I am so excited for you starting your weight loss journey. Just take one step at a time and most of all, hold on to God. And allow Him to walk with you through your weight loss journey. Take care and I know you will do well! Nekiea
I believe that you will be able to lose weight and cope with obesity!
Amen powerful prayers
Pray for me Alicia Rodriguez in Jesus name I speak health and healing to my weight loss my family in unity in Jesus name my marriage healed in Jesus name : I declare victory
Pls pray for peace of mind for our family and for my weight problem!Glory to God!
Hi Dolly – I do pray for peace of mind for your family as well as wisdom to change any habits that may have led to your weight problem. All glory to God indeed!
My 16 year old daughter is struggling with weight gain. She has gained 35 pounds this past year or so and the Drs have run all sorts of tests and cant figure out why. Please pray that God will heal her of this weight gain and also give her the motivation to excercise and eat healthier. The Drs believe that it is more than just eating habits that have caused her to gain so much weight but they cant figure out what it is. She is very depressed and crys to me about it all the time. She also struggles with depression and anxiety and she has a condition where her heart just starts racing for long periods of time called SVT. She needs prayer. Her name is Ally. Thank you to those who are praying for her and God bless you.
Octavia W.: Struggling with obesity and in need of a supernatural healing right now in the name of Jesus, mountains be moved. Goal is to be 165 from 213.
Pray that I supernaturally lose weight to 50kg healthy and wholeness.
i love the music. my face was feeling tensed and stress that is gone i can breath. i am not anger. my children bring me joy
Thanks for your comment, Catherine! Worship or classical music is my favorite to help me relieve stress and put things in proper perspective. God bless you!